Banner announces Trivia Trap' winner Several UNCA students correctly answered last week’s three Banner Trivia Trap questions* The winner^ the first to turn m the right answers to The Bim Banner office^ was Lmda Hoffman, a 19'year-old math major from Asheville* She won $5 and a chance to, win $50 more in the up-commg play-offs. Answers to last week^s questions are: 1) Calcium and phosphorous; 2) The Great Cat$by‘, and 3) Five. This week’s $5 winner will be drawn from among all corrcct student answers to the following trivial questions^ deposited at The Blue Banner office by noon Monday. 1. If an unfair coin is Bipped and the prohability of bea{is is ,7 (7/10)^ what is the probability of getting two heads in two flips of the coin I 2* Name the language of the Aryan people who in vaded India some3000 years ago. 3, Who were CurrerfBUis, and Acton Beil^ USGQ^ H»THAN, 19 year old UNCA. Bath Bajor, was the first person to cor rectly ansper last week's three Trivia Trap ques- tloos. Hoffaan won $5 and a chance to cGBfiete for $50 in the Blue Bai^r Trivia Trap playoffs. I Serving the students of the University of North Carolina Asheville since 1982 Volume VI, Number VI Thursday, February 28, 1985 False alarms disturb Highrise Firebug strikes dorm KEITH HEGE, gives hinself last lieek's Hi^irlse fire. a pat for putting out Staff photo by Cathy James By Jennifer Heglar A prankster most likely started the Feb. 21 trash can fire in a Highrise elevator, according to Malinda Graves^ senior resident assistant (RA). More than 30 false fire alarms have disturbed Highrise residents at all times of the day and night this school year, said Graves• Graves said someone ap parently deliberately set the trash can afire on the seventh floor, then put the can on the elevator, which automatically goes GE debate burning again By Chris Streppa It’s highly likely by fall of 1986 incoming UNCA students will be subject to new general education requirements, those cours** es all students must take before graduating. The Faculty Senate met Saturday to begin deliber ating the individual re quirements that will com prise the general educa tion curriculum. They focused on the nat- 'ural sciences component• While Chairman Alan Comer says the "new requirement was adopted almost unani mously," dissatisfaction and division persists a- mong the science faculty. All students must now pass a two-course sequence in one of the "fundamental sciences" in order to gra duate: six credits in bio logy (which does not in clude a lab), eight cre dits in chemistry, or eight credits in physics. The new natural sciences requirement adopted by the Faculty Senate consists of two parts. Students will be able to choose from biology, chem istry or physics to ful fill a five credit-hour segment of the new re quirement. An additional three cre- dit-hour interdisciplinary course will complete the requirement. Portrait of a Gay Student seepages Comer says classes will combine laboratory exper ience with lectures that "will cover interdiscip linary connections when ever feasible, and empha size the historical de velopment of the dis cipline." Comer points out exist ing courses like atmos pheric and environmental sciences will fulfill this part of the requirement. "They are interdisci plinary by their very-na ture because they combine elements of biology, chem istry, and physics." He also anticipates the various science depart ments will soon be design ing more new courses for the requirement. But Dr. Ed Brotak, as sociate professor of at mospheric sciences, argues that "many people in the building [Rhoades Science continued on page 8 to first floor when the alarm sounds. There, according to Keith Hege, ^irst floor fire marshall, is where he found the fire. "When I first heard the alarm, I thought, *Dum, we’ve got to go outside again,*" he said, "but then I went out into the hall and saw smoke coming out of the elevator." Hege said he then grabb ed the trashcan and threw it outside. Both Housing and UNCA Department of Security and Services are investigating the incident. However, ac cording to Graves, neither has any substantial leads as to who started the fire. continued on page 8 SUSAN MASSEY and Saa take advantage of the week's warn weather • staff photo by Sylviu Hawkins

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