I Serving the students of the University of North Carolina Asheville since 1982 Vol. VII, Numbers Thursday, Sept. 26, 1985 ‘Benign neglect’ a major cause By Phil Ross study cites flaws in security service An unotticial study of the UNCA Department ot Security and S«'rvicos conducted last sprinj^ a N.C. assistant attorney ^^eneral citec] officers' "role identity crises" and the admini- •‘^trat ion’s policy of "beni^;n neglect" as major causes of problems within the dej>artmt'nt. Otlier problems specified by Robert K. CJansler in the AA-paj^e report include equijiinent:, short- a lack , ol a sot'cific >«cK of a procedures and yxilicies manual, and sub standard salaries and classifi cations for the positions of director and assistant director of tlK^ (iepartment. Dr. h'ric Tovacchini, vice chancellor for student affairs, saifi Tuesday that the admini stration has alloted SWOO to tt)e department for equijment as a short-term fix. Onsler, as an unofficial con sultant, f'xamined the UNO\ l)e- f)ar,tment of Security and Servi ces in an extracurricular study at the request of the admini stration. The department is composed of a director, an assistant direc tor, and six officers. Cansler found that much confu- sion exists within the d(‘part- ment as to whether the officers are police officers or security {guards. North Carolina law draws a very distinct line be tween security ^uiards, who have no law ('nforcement powers, and police with lull power of arrest. continued on pg. 12 ' V X, V’ '','r ...V- i '.'3 Photo by Anne May Sewage found in creek near UNCA By Scott Luckadoo The creek flowing throu^rh and the University Botanical . rrfens has contained raw sewage in recent months, accordinjj to Karen Morgan, the state Stream ^tch captain who keeps tabs on the creek. fhe state Stream Watch program a volunteer organization, cal individual communities adopt a nearby stream for obser vation and performing special projects. Reed Creek flows from above iMurdock Avenue through Weaver Park, Asheville city property, UNCA, the University Botanical Gardens and into the French Broad River. Morgan, a Murdock Avenue re sident, said she noticed sewage in the creek this summer from a- bout June 20 until Aug. 15. A.Ithough Morgan said the city cooperated fully in isolating and repairing the problem, some people believe that such minor occurences Indicate a larger problem. Cam Metcalf, adjunct professor of environmental studies at UNCA, said that sewage leaks and other forms of water pollution are problems that need further consideration. NEAL WAGONER sits watching his fellow soccer players practice Wednesday afternoon. An inlury temporarily sidelined him. We are exposing children to a medium that carries diseases. That's what sewage systems are for," Metcalf said. The city plans to use the French Broad for drinking water in the future, according to Met calf, If we have this problem in a creek in the middle of Ashe ville, we can't tell about non point sources of pollution like pesticides, animal waste, soil continued on pg. 12 Vice chancellor resigns The UNCA vice chancellor for academic affairs announced his resignation Tuesday at a meeting of departm(?nt chairmen. Dr. Laurence Dorr, who has held his 'position for eight years, will remain in office through spring, 1^6. He will assume a position in the UNCA philosophy department as a full-time professor in fall, 1986, "I've been at this job (ad ministrative positions) for making a CHOICE: Chris Keith Jennifer Hard cast their ballots for homecoming queen in front of the library Wednesday. Photo by Jonna McGrath L about 20 years now," said Dorr. I've been solving other peo ple's problems, and now I'd like to be a part of the problem," he laughed. I wanted to stay on till the new chancellor settled in, and he's starting his second year now," said Dorr. I thought of resigning at this time last year, btit we were missing four administrators, and that would have been a bad time. "Now just seemed like a good time to go," he said. Dorr s salary will decrease, but he said he doesn't know yet exactly how much it will drop. There'll be some kind of cut, he said. "Let's just hope they're generous."

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