Did Bruce I Proposition 48 Get Gypped? I at GNCA ^ Page 7 1 Page 10 (JNC Graduate Opinion Pol! Page 5 The Vlll, Number 6 Blue Banner Serving the students of the University of North Carolina Asheville since 1982 Thursday, Feb. 27, 1986 ' * ; ^ % S% %NSS>V»\ X X- >0C^ ' A's VX s ^ XS Court impeaches chief justice ^ HffiVIBW OF THNGS TO OOME? Moncrief (L) and Sue ^^eenspan (R) study on the ®teps outside of Ramsey Li- ^ary this week. More stu- (Photo By Casey Baluss) dents may have to study out side the library as Gov. Jim Martin's recent hiring freeze forced the library to drop 11 hours from its weekly opera ting schedule. J^esidents protest to J^OE at local briefing ^ Julie Ball »x ^ public briefing by the j apartment of Energy CDOE) Thiirsflay turned into an *^S^*y protest against the ^Qposed high-level nuclear ^^ste faciliy in ' Western Carolina. The proposed site contains of Buncombe, Madi- and Haywood Counties, earing red ribbons in pro- of the proposed site, ovit 1500 area residents ^ thered in the Thomas Wolfe ^itorium for the briefing. ^ apartment of Energy rep- ®®^titive Ralph Stein said ^ purpose of the briefing was to provide information about the proposed site and to answer any questions. "The confidence of the pub lic is essential to the suc cess of the program," said Stein. Throughout the briefing residents made comments at the DOF officals. One resident said "We don’t want it." In the question and answer portion of the briefing, questions asked included those about possible problems transporting the waste, and the possibility of decreasing property values because of continued on page 12 By Scott Luckadoo and David Proffitt The seven justices of the UNCA student court decided last night to begin impeach ment proceedings against Chief Justice Doug Griffin for "overstepping the bound aries of his duties as chief justice."' According to a source who spoke only on the condition of anonymity, Griffin had re peatedly "tried to be both the prosecution and defense. "He was trying to be the whole court," the source said. Griffin admitted that there had been differences of opin ion among the justices, but added that he felt such dif ferences should not be grounds for his impeachment. "What concerns me is the way they are trying to get rid of me," said Griffin. "If you're going to be censured or charged, there are proce dures such as filing a charge sheet and a pretrial hearing. They (the justices) did none of this," he said. , Griffin said that student advisor Dr. Cissy Petty at tempted to violate his cons titutional rights by first trying to prohibit his taping the proceedings and later confiscating the tape. The atmosphere during the entire meeting was tense, according to the source. Griffin admitted that he had just become "unworkable" with the other justices, and he had known of the conflicts for several months. "But I don’t want to resign because I would like to let the proceedings go on," said Griffin. However, the source said he thought Griffin would resign before the matter goes to the student senate. Should the affair go before the senate, each justice, in cluding Griffin and Petty, will be interviewed individu- Contlnued on page 5 Martin here today N.C. Gov. Jim Martin will he on campus today. While on campus. Martin will meet with Chancellor Brown and SGA of ficials. Afterwards he will attend a downtown ton at the be'^sT*"^ Council Cham- The UNCA information Banner. Thursday: Friday: Saturday; Sunday: Atmospheric Science department provides this to the campus community each week in the Blue Snow flurries in the morning, followed by par- tial clearing: will turn windy and colder. HTgh in the upper 30s. Fair and cold with a low near 20 and a hieh near 40. ® Fair with a low near 20 and a high in the mid 40s • Continued fair, but a little warmer; low in the low 20s, with a high near 50.