Who is Gary Larson? 10 Rackham to next vice chancell^ Pa^e 5 Are new laws affecting UNCA? Pa^e 3 VIII, Number 9 Serving the students of the University of North Carolina Asheville since 7 982 'Thursday, April 3, 1986 Hardy wins runoff for SGA president (Photo by Jonna McGrath) ^J^OtlNMREAKING C^fOKItK: Gar- tiates groundbreaking at the Greenwood, former UNCA new baseball and soccer ^^seball player when the iini~ fields* Construction began ^ersity was known as Ashe- Blarch 25# (See related story ^^Ue-BuncOTdbe College, ini- on page 13 •) Gramm-^udman Act having limited effect By Julie Ball «•»•«»»« ktt r^no—thiT*H nhipfiv 'The federal budget cuts ^^sed by the Gramm-Rudman- ollings Act will have little ^Snificant effect on stu- fnts who receive financial gram by one-third, chiefly by requiring students to pay interest while they’re in college. The government now pays the interest until the student starts repaying the loan. • merging work-study and at UNCA, according to • merging work-study and ^^'•olyn McElrath, UNCA dir- supplemental opportunity of financial aid. and giving them $400 , Student aid funding was cut million, which is half the 4.3 percent on March 1. fm^s now spent on them. Fui- , Momrath said she is more >oerned about President Pay-f"ly Sgan's proposed budget cuts dent-s wages, down from 80 ^ the 1987 fiscal year. His percent. ^ 11^ •. eliminating students H t>udget ca whose families earn more than deeper cuts in financial eligibility for McElra"th'said it is impor- '^8lng." sa1d‘’S“thl e nTTaws ‘"‘^^Tar includT must be approv- C • Slashing the cost of the . ed by Congress. '^^nteed Student Loan pro- continued on pa^e 7 By Julie Ball In a close runoff election, UNCA students elected Ken • ' .Hardy as 1986-87 president of the Student Government Asso- ciation by a margin of only X eight votes. The election was held March 26 in the Highsmith Center. SGA Elections Commissioner Jack Gardin called the runoff IS on March 13 after Steve Ma- goon and Hardy were the top two vote-getters in the gen^ ral election. The two failed to receive a maiority of the total vote, which is required by the SGA constitution. According to the results, Hardy received 130 votes while Magoon obtained 122 votes. Upon his victory. Hardy said his primary goal as pre sident is to improve communi cations between commuters and the SGA. He cited the elections as an example of problems in communication. "If they (students) don’t know what’s going on, how can you represent them?," asked Hardy. He said for the next elec tion he hopes there will be more debates between candi dates. He said he wants to "try to make students more aware of candidates goals." Hardy added that he wants .to continue the Guardian Bulldog Escort System and the Designated Drivers program. He is also interested in setting up a Volunteer Action Center. Students would volunteer, and local agencies would have a pool of volunteers to draw from when they needed them. These agencies include Big Brothers and the Red Cross according to Hardy. As president, Hardy must ap point six students to fill the empty senate seats in the SGA. These seats are vacant because not enough candidates ran for the posts. He said he already has se veral candidates in mind. "We’ve got a list of about 12 and we’ve got six seats." said Hardy. The senate must approve the appointments. Gardin said the turnout was ’’real good for a runoff elec tion," although some student said lack of time and limited voting facilities may have contributed to the lack of participation by the majority of students. Weekend Weather „,Mgh near I^«^wing a low to the mid-«s tte:ii^per 70s, . ~ clpudimas with pos^i shDw s. h|^ neiEf ?0-« "I