ti^"i»am The Parking Ticket Music’s role in society Page 9 Plague tori&rence S-^ 5’ if^ WN^ ' - MIV Page 5 The ^ol- VIII, Number 10 Serving the students of the University of North Carolina Asheville since J 982 Thursday, April 10, 1986 PFM withdraws from food contract ®y Sherry Cathclirt The food service company that runs the cafeteria and snack bar has asked UNCA to Release them from a three- vear contract signed in 1984, sc^rding to Sharyn McDonald, ^ighsmith Cejiter director. 'Tack Merriman, director of food service, declined to Comment on why Professional ^ood Service Mangement (PFM) disked UNCA to terminate their Contract. However, Jerry Clark, di vision manager of PFM in Charlotte said that the com pany was 'Very sad about do- ^^g that (withdrawing their contract)." "We submitted the withdra- for financial reasons, Nothing more," he said. , Clark added that PFM was in second five year contract ''^ith the state. The contract set up to guarantee the ^^st three years with an option for PFM to' remain each the final two years. This is the second year of latest contract, accord- to Clark, said that at any time a Company may notify the uni- ''^cpsity to withdraw services ^t'ter a school year has been completed. He also said that PFM had submitted a bid for the up coming selection, but added "We’re not too confident of being successful." Referring to Merriman’s refusal to comment, Clark said, "I don't blame him—he didn’t want to put himself in a bad position." A Food Service Selection Committee will begin accept ing bids for a new food ser vice company May 8, according McDonald. Possible changes by next fall include offering residents a choice in meal plans and a more nutritional menu. Healthier kinds of foods will be available, she said, "but we’re not eliminating hamburgers and french fries— there will be choices on either side." Because many students are conscious of dieting and high blood pressure, McDonald said the next food service company will have to prepare meals with low salt, sugar and fat. Furthermore, officials would like for the next food service program to offer stu dents at least two different meal plans next fall. continued on page 12 mm iiXi* M5C MEMBER Tana Atkins takes his turn in the second annual "Bowl for Kids* Sake" fund raising drive organized by Big Brothers/Big Sisters. Five UNCA groups partkapat- (Photo by Jonna McGrath) eA: the Hud 500 Qub. Theta Chi. Alpha XI Delta, Delta Beta and several eoonomics professors. Unofficially. Theta Chi has raised the moet money for Big Brothers. Side Door policies enforced after party Weekend Weather J'he UNCA .Atmospheric Science department ^o^mation to the campus community each week in the Blue banner. Jhursday; Mostly sunny with a high in the , ^**iday: Fair with a low near 32 and a high in 1^‘turday: Suw with a low near 35 and near 60. ^'^iiday: ^ Vair and warmer with a low in the upper 30s . and a high in the mid 60fe* By Julie Ball The adminstration will be gin enforcing stricter rules at the Side Door because of "flagrant abuses" at Theta Chi's Thursday Night Drinking Club (TNDC) and ’’a heightened awareness of new alcohol laws," according to John Quigley, program coordinator. The new enforcement follows Theta Chi’s March 13 party in the Side Door. "Up until that time (March 13), Theta Chi and others who used the Side Door were not blatantly abusing the privil ege," said Quigley. The Side Door is an area in the basement of the Highsmith Center that students may use for parties and other events. Quigley would not comment on the specific abuses, but Robert Chason, a member of Theta Chi, said Quigley told him "some girls had been seen that looked as if they had too much to drink." But Aaron Clark., president o Theta Chi, said there was ”no one major incident. I wasn't told of one." According to Chason, Quig ley also told him someone who had attended the party re ceived a DWI on campus. Dr. Cissy Petty, assistant to the vice chancellor for student affairs. said she thinks the new enforcement of the rules stems from the increase in the drinking age and an increase in the awareness of the university’s liability in case of an accident. The stricter enforcement requires that the group using the Side Door have their ad visor present during the event, or they must pay a se curity guard to monitor the event. Referring to Theta Chi. Quigley said, "In essence continued on page 12