2/The Blue Banner/Thursday, April 17, 1986 Cheers: To Reagan’s administration for try ing to make an example out of Khadafy and show the world that callous acts of terror ism accomplish nothing and only lead to fur ther bloodshed. Jeers: To the transfer trucks parked in the Highrise parking lot that block students’ cars. Cheers: To the workers involved in the reg istration process. The organization made the procedure less painful. Jeers: To the illegal giant bonfire on the construction site behind the track during a statewide burning ban. Why didn’t they advertise the available wood and give people a few days to cut it up and haul it off? They might even have made a few dollars. Cheers: To the men’s tennis team for a great season and finishing top in the conference. First-year coach Doug Maynard has started a tradition UNCA’s tennis program could get used to. Jeers: To the oversight of not holding a post-season tournament for the women’s ten nis team. Cheers: To the athletic department for fi nally planning to resurface the track in the process of building the new complex. Not many high schools have a track in such dire need of repair as UNCA’s. Jeers: To the fuzzbuster thief who has sto len two fuzzbusters in the last few weeks in broad daylight. Any good citizens reporting the crimes would be appreciated. Security? Cheers: To the construction of the kitchen downstairs in Vance Hall. The Village People are certainly moving up. Jeers: To the creation of specialized halls for next year’s dorm students. Part of the "college experience’’ should involve interac tion with students of different backgrounds, not a cloning environment. What a ridiculous idea! The Blue Banner Editor Joan Sterk News Editor David Proffitt Assistant News Editor Scott Luckadoo Sports Editor Chris Allison Entertainment Editor Michele Samuel Photography Editor ~ jonna McGrath Business Manager Jolene Moody Circulation Manager Michele Samuel GregLisby STAFF Philip Alexander Paul Brock Leslie McCullough ' Don Hardin Monica Bonikowski Pat Cabe Tracy Moore Kenneth Hardy Sfierry Cathcart Angela Pickelsimer Chris Deyton Casey Baluss John Coutlakis Margaret Powell John Leon The BLUE BANNER is the University of North Carolina at Asheville student newspaper. We publish each Thursday S, Nothing jl^^itorial or opinion sections necessarily represents the position of the entire BANNER staff, the staff advisor, or UN^ . Sti^ent Government Association, administration or faculty. Editorials represent the opinion of a iTOiority ^theedit^ialb^rd. Letters, columns, cartoons ond reviews represent only the views of their authors. The ^° Public forum for The BANNER welcomes letters to the editor and articles, and considers them for publication on the basis of interest s^ce, tastefdnMS and timeliness. L^ers and articles should be typed double-spaced, or printed legibly. They should I followed by year in school, major, or other relationship to UNC. Please include a TeiefM>one number to aid ip verification. Letters Editor, the Blue Banner, estimated 50 cords of wood were burned at a construction site on UNCA campus on Friday, April 11. The Ecology Club and environmentalists Forestry Service and the fire department didn’t show up- and WLOS didnt feel it was newsworthy. No one protested that a winter’s ^ more houses was being wasted; that the air was beif’l polluted; or that a ban on burning was being violated. This disinterest in our environment could be interpreted as an invitation to locate a nuclear waste dump here. Why not? No one really csirss • Barbara CIO UNCA studeJi' contacted Assistant Fire Marshall John Queen*' sheville Fire Department, which came to investigate the April 11 fire- Grading company workers lit the fire to burn trees felled in order to deaf the site of the new athletic fields. Queen said a worker on the construction site had a burning permit from the Air Pollution Control Boar^' The worker also told the city firemen that the site is out of city limits, K "O authority _to operate out of their jurisdiction. The statewide burning ban had been reinstated at 10 a.m. April 11, but the city fire department could not act. of the N.C. Forest Service said the burning was illegal bec^^' the ban was in effect, but he found no fault with the action of the city Tire department. ^ Editor, The Blue Banner, Lately I’ve been doing a lot of reading about education and the way / trends are going. Many educators, such as Dr. Walter Kaufmann of Princet^f Philosophv Department and Dr. Alexander Heard, ex-chancellor of VandertJ^^ University believe that the future of education lies in the study of ’’the humanities” which, they believe, are drifting away. Moveover. it seems that according to the aforementioned educators and others, unless the humanities are reinstituted into the curricular of American liberal arts colleges and universities, humanity itself will drift away. I think I’ll go back to college and study only the humanities because j seems that this age of educational specialization is making conversation of I anything other than the weather and football scores almost impossible. Marilyn B. Pow^ UNCA Student