Soccer previewed :^'Page J, A visit to Pages 4 and 5 Would-be Victim eludes attacker Page 8 The ^ol IX, Number 1 Thursday, September 4, 1986 RESIDENT STUDENTS RETURNED TO CAMPUS last week for the fall semester. These students are making a long (Photo by Jonna McGrath) journey from the ramp outside of the Highsmith Center to the Village residence halls. Residents overflow campus housing By Robin Sexton Staff writer Fall semester student en rollment is at an all-time high at UNCA and housing woes appear to be high on the list of growing pains. A total of 564 students, including approximately 275 freshmen and transfers, are living on campus and in the Mountain Trace apartment com plex on Edgewood Road, ac cording to Housing Director Pete Williams. Th^re is a waiting list of 20 people unable to get sin gle rooms, but the Housing Office accommodated everyone else, Williams said. UNCA rented seven apart ments in Section A of Moun tain Trace for the first time this semester to handle overflow students. Security at the off-campus site is provided by regular \.campus police patrols and Tammy Graves, resident assis tant at Mountain Trace. Graves said most students in the complex have cars, and she encourages everyone not to walk alone between campus and the apartments. "Security has been very good about working with us," she said. "They provide an escort service anytime we call so nobody has to walk alone." Graves was also given a radio so she can contact cam pus police quickly in an em ergency. . . 11 Of the 27 people originally placed at the new location, four have already moved back into on-campus housing. MThey will be moving back when space becomes available. Possibly with December grad uations, we'll have everybody back on campus," Williams said. The students living in the apartments pay the same fees as other resident students. Please turn to page 8 Police arrest rape suspect By Scott Luckadoo News editor An Asheville man previously convicted of rape has been charged with the rape and the . attempted rape of two UNCA students. Asheville Police Capt. Will R. Annarino said Tuesday that Stanley William Ramsuer, 24, of 474 Broadway was also charged with kidnapping with attempt to commit rape of another Asheville woman. Police arrested Ramsuer about 4:30 p.m. Monday after they spotted a blue car described by each of the victims, according to Annarino. (See related story on page 8.) The car was parked on North Street near Broadway. Ramsuer had previously served a prison sentence for a 1978 rape conviction. He was released in June, police said. Police charged Ramsuer with kidnapping with intent to commit rape and assault with a deadly weapon in Monday's incident. After being identified in photographs by two of the victims, Ramsuer was charged with two counts of first degree rape and common law robbery in the rape of another UNCA student on Aug. 24, Annarino said. This previous attack, occurring about 70 yards from the scene of Monday's incident (which took place near the intersection of Edgewood Road and University Heights), involved a young woman who was dragged into nearby woods and raped twice. Ramsuer was also charged with intent to commit rape of a woman walking along Mount Clare Avenue Friday. Annarino said the suspect may also be ^nked to the rape of a woman at Nu-Way Dry Cleaners on Hendersonville Tuesday. Ramsuer is the Buncombe without bond. "Each of identified the lineup and had seen car," Annarino said. Carreno said the campus police are providing transportation to and from campus for students living in the Mountain Trace apartment complex. Road last being held in County jail the victims suspect in a a blue TAMMY TAYLOR, ANTHONY ANGEL and CHUCK TAFT recently discussed upcoming classes outside Carmichael Hall last week. A record number of students were enrolled in classes that began last Wednesday.