Volume IX, Number 5 Proudly serving the CINCA community since 1982 October 2, 1986 staff photo-Jonna McGrath All drained out Literature Professor Dr. Merritt Moseley donatec/ blood last Thursday when Red Cross nurse Jos lane Seymour and the Bloodmoblle VIsI ted campus. Gender study says women do better Student overflow closes some classes By Libby Ramsey Staff Writer Know anyone who found them selves squeezed out of a class this fall because there wasn't enough room? It's not unusual these days. Due to a record high regi stration this fall, the En rollment Services office had to turn students away from classes, according to Dr. Bill Petz, vice chancellor for enrollment services. Enrollment for the fall semester increased 16 percent over 1985-86, said Petz. The classes were full and there were not enough addi tional instructors or class- Loudonvllle, NY (CPS) Women get higher grades than men, and probably do better in college beqause they mature faster, says a six-year study by a sociology professor at Siena State Col lege in upstate New York. ”Women students consistent ly did better (in college) than did the men students," said Professor Paul Murray. "During their four years at school, women improve their rooms to absorb the overflow, said Dr. Jeff Rackham, vice chancellor for academic af fairs. > Each year the administra tion submits an estimate to the UNC Board of Governors of the number of students ex pected to attend UNCA. The overflow of classrooms and shortage of instructors is a result of underestimating that number, Rackham said. The Enrollment Services office bases their estimates on computerized enrollment patterns and trends. Projections in enrollment increases range from four to five percent, Rackham said. Please turn to page 16 study habits. The men don’t." "It appears," he said., "that sometimes the academic end of college becomes a se condary pursuit for males." Murray, in trying to -figure out why some students got better grades than others, examined students' academic and family backgrounds, liv ing arrangements, extracurri cular activities and study habits before finding that Please turn to page 16 X V ijPr Staff photo-Casey Baluss Women with wits Leslie Shope, Beth McDougald and Jennifer Browning (left to right) study last week In the Carmichael Hall lobby. A recent survey Indicates women do better In college than men.