The Blue Banner Volume IX, Number 6 Proudly serving the GISCA community since 1982 October 9, 1986 Asheville gets a chance to meet state officials By David Proffitt I tor Asheville residents had two chances recently to person ally observe their state gov ernment at work without trav eling to Raleigh. In the most recent session, the state allocated $100,000 to begin developing a plan to determine the site selection criteria for a low-level nuc lear waste dump in North Car olina. The two executive commit tees, the State Advisory Bud get Commission last Thursday and the Council of State on Tuesday, held their formal meetings at UNCA. It was the first time the Council cf State had ever met in Ashe ville . "We operate quite a lot like any county, board of com missioners or city council," said N.C. Gov. Jim Martin in opening remarks at the Coun cil of State meeting in the Please turn to page 16 Staff photo-Lizzy Love Cone crazy Students and faculty have enjoyed a never ending summer complete with Ice cream recently. Donna Smith seems delIghted with her favorite flavor from the Ice cream bar In the cafeteria. Staff photo-Casey Baluss Outnumbered? N.C. Gov. Jim Martin, a Republican, listened Tuesday to members of the Council of State, composed of Democrats elected to their posit Ions. State Superintendent of Schools (L) Craig Phillips looked on. The meeting In Owen Conference was the first time the council met In AshevIIle. Campus Commission allocates funds By Libby Ramsey Staff Writer The Campus Commission re cently awarded $14,775 to 26 UNCA organizations which had submitted requests totalling more than $36,000, according to Vivienne Lackey, Commis sion business manager. Lackey said that "two major considerations were looked for in each request; 1) Will this activity benefit the largest nximber of students possible; and 2) Are there funds from another source which would serve this need?" Funds disbursed by the Com mission originate from the $27 student fee which is part of every student's tuition. The total amount available is based on the number of FTE's (full-time equivalents) at UNCA. There were 2,193 FTE's this semester, bringing in $59,211. The majority of the student fee funds are distributed to various, larger organizations which submitted budget re quests last spring. The Busi ness Office, under the direc tion of William Pott, then conservatively projects how much the spring enrollment will generate, and after al lowing for about a $20,000 Please turn to page 16