Homecoming festivities Pages 8 and 9 The Volume IX, Number 7 Proudly serving the UNCA community since 1982 October 16, 1986 staff photo-Li zzy Love Win1ess wizard SGA President Ken Hardy escorted Chancel lor David Brawn In Saturday's Homecoming Parade. Brovn lost the honor of Court Wizard, which went to Dr. Alan Comer at the Homecoming Dance. Professors receive promotions, tenure By Angela PI eke IsImer Staff Writer While the administration has promoted some UNCA fa culty members and granted tenure to others this year, many students don't under stand what a teacher's title means or how they attain a higher rank. The university granted ten ure to the following faculty members; Dr. Tim Hollings worth, management; Dr. David Kay, mathematics; Dr. Gary Miller, environmental studies; Brotal( questions liberal arts at GNCA Dr. Edward Brotak, atmospher ic sciences; and Dr. William Haas, sociology. Also, art professor Tucker Cooke and history professor Dr. Milton Ready received full professorships. So what positions do these titles actually describe and how does a faculty member obtain them? • RANK AND QUALIFICATIONS: The administration judges faculty members on their By JuIle BalI Asst. EntertaInment Ed I tor For the second time in as many years, the administra tion is replacing Dr. Edward Brotak as director of atmos pheric sciences. That decision has prompted Brotak to openly question the general themes of a liberal arts college, a question which he says is a concern to other UNCA professors who won't speak publicly. Last spring, university officials agreed to hire Dr. Ray Hoxit as Brotak's replacement, but Hoxit backed out at the last minute after deciding he didn't want the position. In a letter to the editor in the Oct. 9 issue of the "Blue Banner," Brotak said Dr. Jeff Rackham, acting vice chancellor for academic af fairs, told him the admini stration is replacing him because he . cannot get along with his colleagues or su periors . Rackham declined to confirm or deny Brotak's statement. "Dr. Brotak is an excellent instructor and fully commit ted to the success of his program, but after an inde pendent investigation, I feel that the program would be more effectively served with a different director," said Rackham. He would not comment on the specific findings of the "in is "inappropriate for me to reveal confidential personnel information," said Rackham. Brotak's discontent with the current situation in his department has led him to reopen a debate which occu - pied many minds two years ago when the faculty senate changed the general education 'f Please turn to pstge 16 dependent investigation." It Dr. Edvard Brotak requirements. Brotak maintains that UNCA is not heading in the right direction, and that the uni versity is leaning too far toward the liberal arts and neglecting the technical sci ences where he says much of the growth in recent years has occurred. Please turn to page 6