The Volume X, Number 8 grant By Julie Ball News Editor UNCA has just received its largest academic grant ever. The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) has given $94,840 to UNCA’s humanities program, ac cording to Dr. Sandra Obergfell, chairman of the humanities program. The university will use the money for a Faculty Development Seminar in humanities and a Faculty Intern ship Program. These programs are designed to increase the coherence of the four humanities courses that all UNCA students must take, ac cording to Obergfell. "The goal of the grant is to foster coherence throughout the curricu lum," said Obergfell. Increased coherence of the pro gram will allow for greater flexibil ity as professors will be able to teach more than just one particular course, according to Obergfell. "I think the faculty is going to have a better and deeper idea of the program," she said. The Faculty Development Seminar frees UNCA faculty members from teaching one course in order to do in-depth study of a reading list con sisting of 12 or 13 works spanning the four courses. Most faculty members are "anxious to get to work on this," according to Obergfell. The Faculty Internship Program will give faculty members experience in a class which they have not taught but intend to teach in the future. "The students need to know that Please see Grant page 16 Proudly serving the UNCA community since 1982 April 2, 1987 UNCA receives Cats Members of UNCA’s Rhapsodies in Blue pose in the costumes for their upcoming show. They will perform pieces by George Gershwin and from the musi^ "Cats" on April 5 at 4 p.m. in the Humanities Lecture Hall. Photo—Clark Bell Members are: (front row, left to right) Sue McVay, Anthony Angel, Chuck Taft, Tracy Fa gan, Linda Bailey (back row, left to right) Nancy Skinner, Greg Miller, Cammie Howell, Brad Summers and Loretta Boone. Wilson named vice chancellor By Leta Parks Staff Writer After over a year of searching, UNCA now has a new vice chan cellor of academic affairs. The UNC Board of Governors has approved the appointment of Dr. Lauren Wilson, from Ohio Wesleyan University, to fill the position va cated by Dr. Laurence Dorr in 1986. Wilson, currently executive assis tant to the president of Ohio Wes leyan, will assume his new position July 1. Wilson gave "the very enthusiastic and positive way the search commit tee dealt with my^ candidacy" as a major reason for taking the position. He also said the students he in terviewed during his visit to UNCA Please see Wilson page 16