Volume XI, Number 4 Proudly serving the UNCA community since 1982 September 24, 1987 runoff scheduled By Maria Horton* Staff Writer Ten candidates vied for three va cant freshman senator seats in stu dent government elections earlier this week. Although there were more . can didates than in previous years, voter turnout was about average, accord ing to Geoff Cabe, Student Govern ment Association elections commis sioner. The election did not give any of the candidate^ the votes necessary to win a seat. This year’s candidates included: Andrew Pooser, Rick Beinke, Cassie Burrell, Corrine Valentine, Rob Yoimg, Rich Wessling, Valeria Sin clair, Wendi McDevitt, James Miller and Patrick Gorman. The votes were split five ways with Pooser . receiving 68, Sinclair 63, Burrell 62, Young 58 and Beinke 58 votes. A nmoff is scheduled for next Tuesday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Highsmith Center. Student Government by-laws req uire a student to receive a majority of the votes to be declared a win ner, according to Cabe. A majority of the votes in this election would have been 72. "Voting is usually poor in this type of election because of student apathy and lack of communication on campus," he said. The increase in students willing to campaign for student senate could be an indication that more students are beginning to get involved, Cabe said. 'WeVe had runoffs before, and this one was to be expected becausej we had so many candidates, and they all campaigned effectively,'] Cabe said. The old and the new modem sculpture at City/County Plaza shows off Asheville’s cultural diversity and interest in the arts. Staff Photo—Rudi Schwab It provides an interesting contrast with the background architecture, a reminder of Asheville’s past.