he at lie page page 4 The Volume XI. Number 6 Proudly serying the VNCA community since 1982 October S. IQtH: Burglary suspect arrested By Sarah Allison Staff Writer A UNCA student-security guard helped apprehend one of three males who allegedly broke into Gardner Dorm around midnight Friday, ac cording to campus police officer Larry L. Layman. Police charged Darrell Ervin Potts, 22, of Hillcrest Apartments in Ashe ville with second degree burglary. Security apprehended Potts as he was crawling out of the window but was unable to capture two other males who fled from the scene. Student security officer, John Cla- bough, spotted someone crawling out of the bottom window of Gardner Dorm, said Layman. It is possible that two other males fled in a Chevrolet truck which was reported stolen from behind the dorms, according to Layman. The truck was parked in the same lo cation where police later found some of the stolen goods. The stolen truck was later found in the parking lot at Montford Gro cery store on Montford Avenue. Police charged Potts with the theft of several items worth around $1,400 from the dorm. Of those goods, $1,250 were recovered, said Layman. According to the Asheville City Police, Potts is under a $5,000 se cured bond. In addition to the burglary, nine automobile break-ins have occurred on campus between Sept. 27 and Oct. 2. The break-ins are not related to Please see ARREST page 16 1 Faces of Fall Staff Photo—Rudi Schwab These pumpkins seem tempted to munch on the apples placed above them ™s fall display is located at Ed’s Produce on Lexington Avenue. ^roauce on Career Center faces problems By Fat Foyles Staff Writer A lack of student interest makes the career center’s job an uphill battle, said David Johnston, director of Career Planning and Placement Center. "When students do not respond to the ads we run about companies coming on campus, we have to call those companies and cancel their scheduled dates to be here," said Johnston. "We have not had any response to the Miliken Company’s ad," added Johnston. 'We hope students will respond so we don’t have to cancel out on this company. 'When we cancel on a company, it makes it hard to get them to come back on campus," pointed out Johns ton. Companies do not want to set up times to come and then have them cancelled at the last minute. To get good companies to come, the center needs to build student participation, said Johnston. It takes time to do that and to build up the volume of companies coming on campus. "The career center has only been going for a year, and it will take a while for us to have the amount of Please see CAREER page 16