Week&id Wealhen Good chance of severe hndersforms. Lows in h 60's, highs /5'80 Maxwel m AC/DC concert review 4 New computer system installed 7 New basketball coach 10 The Blue BANNER Volume 25, Number 1 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT ASHEVILLE September 5, 1996 Student court UNCA preparing for investigation by federal civil rights office replaced with new system Aimee Campbell Staff Writer A committee made up of students and faculty decided last semester to abolish student court in favor of a new system, according to Sue Hintz, As sistant Director of Student Develop ment. The committee is currently setting up a system that will better meet UNCA’s developmental conduct needs. “Basically, the ideals and goals be hind student court were good goals,” said Brian Pittman, a student mem ber of the committee responsible for the decision. “It was just such a bur densome system in the way that it had to be carried out that it just ended up falling apart.” There were different factors that iead up to the decision to get rid of student court. “The main problems were that in developmental conduct, discipline should be addressed within ten days after occurring. It’s supposed to be handled in a relatively quick way,” said Pittman. “We were averaging roughly 45 to 50 days, which was completely unacceptable.” “At times, it was taking us two to three months to get some students into the court,” said Bobby Metz, a former student court justice who is involved with the new system. “It was hard after three months to get wit nesses to say they would be there and to ensure students’ rights to make sure they got a fair trial.” However, there were some positive aspects of student court that the com mittee decided to carry over and inte grate into the new system. “One of the intended goals of stu dent court was that the conduct pro cess should be a student thing, that students be involved in the process from start to finish,” said Pittman. “That is an important goal that we’re trying to meet in this one.” “We are carrying over the positive sanctioning such as community ser vice,” said Hintz. Rather than try to remodel student court, the committee decided that a new system would be best. “They set up a committee to work on some problems, and it became evident that it would probably be best just to start a new system,” said Metz. “Our task mission was adapted not to reorganize student court, but to do away with student court and make a new process,” said Pittman. In some ways the format of the sys tem will drastically change. “I liked the way it mirrored the real world,” said Metz. “But then again, the real world court system doesn’t seem to work too well either.” “ Whatever is best for the students is what we’re aiming for,” said Metz. “It won’t be burdened by a lot of the problems that resulted from being a part of student government,” said Pittman. “It took months to get through the senate process to get staff members replaced. For a student con duct committee, it has to be quick.” Those involved with the system be lieve it should have a positive impact on student life. “It will be positive interaction rather than punitive action,” said Hintz. COURT cont. on pg. 10 Jennifer Thurston Sports Editor In response to an anonymous com plaint filed with the federal Office of Civil Rights (OCR) last spring, the UNCA administration hired an inde pendent consultant to prepare a plan for addressing the university’s gender equity policies within the department of athletics. In the report submitted to the Chancellor, consultant Lamar Daniel, a former OCR investigator, predicted that the university will be found in violation of federal equity laws under the Title IX statutes that have been in effect since 1972. Representatives from the OCR will visit the UNCA campus to conduct their investigation Oct. 9-13. In the report, Daniel stated that “the University does not comply (with Title IX regulations) with respect to the effective accommodation of student interests and abilities.” In order for the university to com ply, it must satisfy one prong in a three-part test. The first part is dem onstration of a continuing practice of program expansion that fulfills the needs of the underrepresented sex, in this case, females. The second part involves maintaining a proportional ity of male and female athletes that reflect the proportionality of the over all student body. The third part re quires that the athletics program ef fectively accommodate the interest of the females within the student body. Chancellor Patsy Reed stated that UNCA would attempt to comply with Title IX by meeting the proportional ity test. The plans are not yet finalized and are subject to further revision when the OCR concludes its investi gation. “We are going to accept the plan that (Daniel) has suggested to us, to work within the sports that we already have in order to achieve proportional ity,” Reed said. In his report, Daniel suggests that the easiest way to achieve proportion ality would be to add at least one more women’s sports team, either softball, swimming, or golf However, another solution is to reduce the number of male athletes at UNCA and increase the number of female atheletes. Currently, the overall UNCA stu dent body is approximately 45% male and 55% female. But 57% ofstudent- athletes are male and 43% are female. By eliminating fifteen male athletes and adding thirty female athletes, UNCA would meet the proportional ity test. The Daniel report recom mends cutting nine baseball players, three male basketball players, and three male track athletes in order to meet the requirement. “Everyone (in the athletics depart ment) understands that gender equity must be achieved,” Reed said, point ing out that the current teams would “fare better” by meeting proportion ality through cutting male athletes EQUITY cont. on pg.8 Delays in gymnasium construction anger students John Hodges Staff Writer Because of initial delays, completion of the addition to the Justice Center gymnasium has been delayed six months, according to UNCA authorities. The finishing date has now been set for the. 1997 spring semester. The project got behind early on when we ran into rock,” said Ron Reagan, the director of facilities planning. “We never really caught back up and that has always been a known element to the school administration and students. Students who were living in Hoey Hall complained about noise and that slowed things as well.” Returning students have complained about the slow construction of the additions. Many of them are upset because they feel the gym should have been completed when they returned for the fall semester. f* Construction crews continue to work on tlie addition to the gymnasium, although they ore six months behind schedule. The construction is to be completed in the spring. PliolobyDelDelonn as UNCA authorities had promised. “I feel disgusted that they could not keep up with their schedule,” said Gene Zaleski, a sophomore meteorology major. “There is no excuse for their slow work. They say that they ran into rock, but don’t you think that should have been expected? We are in the mountains.” Some students said that they had worked con struction jobs this summer, and that some people just do not realize how long the work actually takes. “I worked construction this summer,” said Hooper Turner, sophomore. “The work usually takes a really long time, not because it’s so hard, but be cause the people who do it are really lazy. I know because I was there.” No alternative has been suggested to students who want to use the new addition to the gym. Many students complain that they have nowhere to exercise due to the fact that the sports teams are usually practicing in the old gym. “Where are we supposed to go,” asked sophomore Ty Elliott. “They have scheduled time for student use, but those times are around lunch when we are either eating or in class. All other times, the teams are practicing ^d won’t let anyone else use the gym.” “I pay to use the gym and should be allowed to since the new one isn’t done,” said Elliott. The new addition to the Justice Center is going to offer many new facilities to students once it is completed, according to Reagan. He said that new racquetball, basketball, and indoor tennis courts are just some of the additions that will be offered for student use only, not varsity sports practice. “The new gym will have a weight room, new men’s and women’s locker rooms, three classrooms, seven new offices, and one large multi-purpose gymna sium that will be separated into three sections by curtain dividers,” said Reagan. “There will also be GYMNASIUM cont. on pg. 10 New stop signs on Edgewood attempt to slow down traffic Alex Self Staff Writer The recent addition of two new stop signs on Edgewood Road have forced commuters to make more fre quent stops, but they have not slowed speeders and were a “total waste of money,” according to some UNCA students. “I’ve had some people tell me they could accelerate to 40 between the four-way stop down the hill and the three-way stop,” said sophomore Anna Matteson. Even though a few will persist in driving fast, junior Joseph Crawford said, the new stop signs would help. “Some people are kind of stupid,” said Crawford. “They speed up to stop signs, and then slowdown, slam ming on their brakes. They want to keep paying for new brake pads. “They’re still going to speed when ever they can, but it won’t be so bad,” said Crawford. “It’s annoy ing, but it would make it a little more safe.” The Asheville City Public Works Department said that they didn’t have enough information to deter mine if the stop signs were slowing traffic down. “We need more data to see whether it is working effectively, margin ally, or not at all,” said Susanne Malloy, the assistant director of public works. According to Malloy, the city will monitor Edgewood traffic three times before declaring the signs ef fective or not. The final test will occur after stu dents have had time to get adjusted to the changed traffic patterns, said Malloy. The new signs were an improvement from earlier attempts to stop speed ers, according to Dr. David Peifer, a UNCA math professor. “It’s better than those stupid little bumps that people always went around,” said Peifer. Some students agreed that the stop signs were a necessary safety precau tion. “I feel quite sure the speed limit was abused,” said Matteson. “If people would obey the posted speed limits, they wouldn’t need the stop signs there. “Obviously, there was a problem,” said Matteson. “ It was fairly unsafe for kids and pets.” According to most students, it was not just university traffic that drove too fast on Edgewood. “I don’t think it’s a direct result of student traffic,” Matteson said. “I’m sure everybody sped through there. Students shouldn’t take the new signs personally.” David Whitley, of 210 Edgewood Road, said the Edgewood commu nity did not hold the UNCA stu dents solely responsible for the speed ing problem. “People are not pinpointing college students,” said Whitley. “It’s just people are getting more aggressive in their driving.” Crawford said that since most of EDGEWOOD cont. on pg. 10

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