Weekend Weather. Partly cloudy and dry with highs from 70-75 and lows 55-60. AIDS program tonight ^ Student adventures in Arizona 7 Rafting the French Broad 6 The Blue BANNER Technkal team wms compel p. 10 Volume 25, Number 2 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT ASHEVILLE September 12, 1996 CHANGES IN PARKING LEAVE MANY CONFUSED, TICKETED I Home page construction work shops will be held in Robinson Hall 223 from 6 to 7 p.m. on Thursday, September 12 and from 3 to 4 p.m. on Monday, September 16. The workshops are sponsored by CHIPS, UNCA’s Computer Hardware and Information Pro cessing Society. If you have any questions, call the Computer Cen ter at 251-6445. B The Players will be presenting Tennessee Williams “A Streetcar Named Desire” at 8 p.m. on Thurs day, September 12, through Satur day, September 14 in Lipinsky Au ditorium. There will also be a mati nee on Sunday, September 15 at 2 p.m. Tickets are available at the door and are $8 for adults, $5 for children, seniors, and students. I On Friday, September 13, the women’s soccer team will be play ing Radford University at 2 p.m. at Greenwood Field. The game is free to all UNCA students, faculty, and staff with ID. H The men’s soccer team will be hosting Georgia Southern at 2 p.m. on Saturday, September 14. The game is at Greenwood Field and is free to all students, faculty and staff with ID. I Classic blues and rock gui tarist Lewis McGehee will perform a concert at 9 p.m. on Friday, Sep tember 20, in Dante’s at the Highsmith Center. McGehee has toured with acts such as Ry Cooder, Talking Heads, and Christine McVie from Fleetwood Mac. The concert is free to UNCA students, faculty, and staff. All others are $4 at the door. ■ I The Humanities 124 lecture entitled “The Early Greeks and Modern Archaeology,” will be given by Jeanne Marty in the Humani ties Lecture Hall at 11 a.m. on Monday, September 16. The Hu manities 224 lecture, entitled “Di vine and Human Love,” will be given by Cynthia Ho at 11 a.m. in Lipinsky Auditorium. The lectures are free and open to the public. John Hodges Staff Writer Because of problems last year, university au thorities have made changes in campus parking that will affect students, according to Eric lovacchini, the vice chancellor of student affairs. He said that the changes were made to better the parking situation for both students and faculty. “We are currently building a parking lot down below the dining hall that is going to add a little more than a hundred new spaces,” said lovacchini. “We had hoped that the new lot would be finished by the start of school. There have been some problems, and we are now hoping the lot will be done in about four to six weeks.” Sorne returning resident students were upset to find that the parking lot in front of Mills Hall is now designated as a faculty/staff parking lot when they arrived back on campus August 19. “We thought that because the new lot was going to add about a hundred or so spaces for students, that we should take the thirty-three spaces in front of Mills and make them for the faculty and staff,” said lovacchini. “Obviously, the new lot is not ready, so we have decided to keep those spaces in front of Mills Hall as resident student parking.” Many residents living in Southridge Hall said that they were irri tated because no parking had been added anywhere near their dormi tory. “The parking situation could be a lot better than what it is.” said Andrea Logan, sopho more accounting major. “We thought that be cause we made comments on the surveys we re "We thought that because we made com ments on the surveys . . . we would see better results. Obviously not." ceived at the end of last spring semester, we would see better results. Obviously not. “The lots that we can park in are too far away from the dorms,” said Logan. “I have parked in the lot below Southridge, but I don’t think that it is lit very well and there have been several thefts down there.” Other students on campus have said that parking is not a problem at all. Some of them feel that students need to worry more about their studies than parking close to the buildings. “Parking here at UNCA is not bad at all,” said Ty Elliott, sophomore. “Just think, if you were at a larger school, you would have to pay a few hundred dollars for a parking space that is about a mile away from your dorm. “Freshmen and sophomores should be happy be cause many schools don’t even allow them to have cars on campus,” said Elliott. “Students have blown the parking situation way out of proportion.” Several parking spaces have also been taken away from commuter students and converted to resident PARKING cont. on pg.8 Despite threats, UNCA professor speaks out, wins award Aimee Campbell Staff Writer UNCA professorCharlotte Goedsche was among three recipients of an award given to Western North Carolinians who have endangered themselves in order to exercise the right to free speech, according to a press release. Goedsche, a German professor, received the Dr. Marketta Laurila Free Speech Award jointly with Cynthia Janes, the Family Medicine Research Director at Mountain Area Health Education Center, for their outspokenness on gay rights issues. “We’re going to start killing you f— ing faggots,” said the message found on Goedsche’s answering machine in 1992. “We’re going to start killing you. You want to march, so we’ll kill » you. “Cynthia and I received a death threat on our answering machine in 1992,” said Goedsche. “Both she and I have been really outspoken in Asheville about gay issues, specifically equal rights, and about how homophobia hurts gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and also straight people.” The award has been given annually since 1988 to celebrate the First Amendment right of free speech and recognize those in Western North Carolina who stand up for the right of free speech in ways that promote so cial justice, racial harmony, commu nity betterment, and self-determina- tion. Goedsche and Janes have been ac tive in the local gay rights movement for almost a decade. “Cynthia and I began getting active in the gay community in Asheville in 1987,” said Goedsche. “We’ve spo ken out in the media about gay issues and have been very active in various organizations in town.” Janes founded ‘Community Con nections,’ a monthly newspaper for western North Carolina’s gay and les bian community. “At UNCA, I have spoken to vari ous classes about gay concerns and spearheaded the movement to add sexual orientation to the anti-discrimi nation policy,” said Goedsche. Goedsche believes UNCA has been behind her in her efforts to make changes to university policy. “I have found UNCA to be a very supportive place,” said Goedsche. “I think, in general, Cynthia and I exer cising our free speech in the cause of more understanding of gays, lesbians, and bisexuals is respected on cam- pus. Goedsche and Janes’ efforts have also received recognition from th I- ^ I \ Plwto courtesy d Charlotte Goedsche Asheville community for their public professor Charlotte Goedsche and her fwrtner, Cynthia Janes, jointly received the Dr. Marketta Laurila Free Speech Award. The award is given annually to celebrate tne First Amendment riqht of free AWARD cont. on pg. 10 speech. Nine new professors, four visiting instructors begin first year at UNCA Alex Self Staff Writer The number of new faculty members was down from last year, when 25 joined UNCA’s staff, according to the Academic Affairs office. Most of those hired were replacements for per manent professors that were either on leave or had resigned. The addition of thirteen new professors to the faculty this fall was “nothing unusual,” said a representative of the Academic Affairs office. Four of the new professors were hired with a temporary contract as visiting instructors. UNCA added nine professors this fall, in addi tion to the four visiting instructors. One of these was Dr. Jeffrey M. Konz, a professor of economics. “So far, everything is working out great,” said Konz. “I really appreciate the support the de partment has given me.” Konz received an undergraduate degree from Iowa State University in political science, a master’s degree from the University of Ken tucky in international studies, and a Ph.D. fromUNC-Chapel Hill in economics. After teaching two years at Washington and Lee University, a private liberal arts college in Virginia, Konz said that his first priority was to find a job in the liberal arts environment. “I applied to jobs only at liberal arts colleges,” said Konz. “That was the first screening for me.” “The private liberal arts colleges fulfill a mis sion to a particular part of the population that is not complete,” said Konz. “The public liberal arts college provides some access to those who would not otherwise get exposure to that kind of education.” Public liberal arts universities, such as UNCA, experience “complications” because they are constrained by their own community service mission, according to Konz. “The mission of UNCA is not just to provide a liberal arts education,” Konz said. “We have a community service component, too. “We are under a kind of restraint from the community in the kinds of things that we can do, and the kinds of things that we can’t do,” said Konz. “It’s a much broader sort of educa tional mission than a private institution like Davidson.” Konz said one of the things he likes about UNCA is its diverse student body, as opposed to other campuses he has been on. “There’s a much greater diversity of students here, which I appreciate, in terms of life experi ences, backgrounds, and so on,” said Konz. “That makes for a more interesting class.” “Most of them were private because there are very few that would qualify as public liberal arts colleges,” Konz said. “I’m attracted to the no tion, although it’s not exactly clear what we mean by it, of a public liberal arts university because, in a way, that’s very attractive.” I intended originally to go to law school, and decided against it along the way. There really was never a rational decision to do economics,” said Konz. “I didn’t just wake up in the morn ing, and say, ‘You know, I think I’ll be an economist. “That sort of thing doesn’t happen,” Konz said. “I guess late in political science and in the international studies program, the things that became interesting to me were those related to economics.” Konz said his main area of expertise is in macro-economics, but he tries to incorporate different fields of study in his teaching. “I try to integrate history and the development of economic thought and the institutions into the classes I teach,” said Konz. “My real spe cialty, I guess, is macro-economics and the monetary economy and international, all of which have a strong policy component.” One of these visiting professors, Ms. Catherine Whitlock, was added to the Mathematics de partment this semester, according to a Aca demic Affairs’ report. Whitlock received her master’s degree in ap plied math two years ago from North Carolina State University, and worked part-time at UNCA and Asheville-Buncombe Tech last year. Whitlock was hired for a year by UNCA until the math department finds a permanent re placement for Jack Wilson,, who retired last spring, said Whitlock. Before getting her master’s degree, Whitlock taught math at a junior high school, and de cided it was not what she wanted to do with her PROFESSORS cont. on pg.8