page 1 SSports iwomen’s tennis I team record is 14-7 overall/ 0-4 I in conference. I See page 6 Volume 31 Issue 9 ^ Banner Features Coco Montoya blues guitarist plays at Be Here See page 4 April 6, 2000 d a progran ork,” whicl o more thai issistance or itheast. :n made of domestic is successfu le victim o 'asker. “Tlia /V' ay speak Wit! ig the phone hat may Invisible Wall' ocus of lecture By Alison Watson staff Writer pagel B. Johnson. In 1997, Blumenthal accepted an invitation from Berhn, Germany to become president and CEO of the Berlin Jewish Museum. Blumenthal currently lives half Michael Blumenthal, former sec- of the year in Princeton, New Jer- retary of treasury in the Carter ad- sey and half the year in Berlin. He ministration, will be speaking at does not normally give talks on his UNCA on April 6. The talk will be book or the museum, according to Ltly published Mark Gibney, Belk professor of book “The Invisible Wall: Germans humanities. ind Jews.” “He is a very busy man. I thought excited to have someone his book was a magnificient piece, ofhis stature speak here,” said Rick and if he had the chance to come Ghess, associate professor of litera- speak, that would be great,” said proposal, :ds total 0 based on his ides renova ience build of a libran ogy, accord smmittee ,e the facili ■ teams wen esen rations :hey believei 'acilities. said Vicki y professoi -. “There a mg nadequatf JNCA Ll this campu Mullen. and director )f Jewish studies. The book exam- Blumenthal’s history and fam ily members in Germany, while trying to explain the German-Jew experience. The Invisible Wall (is) the author’s quest to inderstand the failure of the Ger- L-Jewish rela tionship and to explain the char acter and attitudes if Germany’s as- ilated Jews a 300 year pe riod,” said a Cen- for Jewish Studies flier. Blumenthal was )rn in Germany 1926. He es- iped from the \'azis with his lly in 1939 and lived in Shang- OTth other Jewish refugees. Blumenthal came to the United States when he was 21 years old. He bad $65 upon his arrival and went to attain a Ph.D. He then went work in business, government service and education. Hewaschair- and chief executive officer (CEO) of Bendix Corporation and Burroughs Corporation. Blumenthal was an ambassador and deputy special representative for trade negotiations under presi dents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon PHOTO COURTESY PUBLICATIONS Michael Blumenthal, former secretary of the treasury in the Carter administration, will speak April 6 concerning the relationship of Germans and Jews. Blumenfhal’s teaching assistant during graduate Blumenthal is speaking at UNCA as a part of an annual me morial lecture. The lecture is held by Norman Sollod in memory of his wife Phyllis Freed Sollod, who was an active leader in theAshevilleJew- ish community and president of the Southern Branch of thi'^ Women’s League for Conservative Judaism. “The lecture is ish interest and to the general com munity,” said Chess. The Jewish studies program tries to line up speakers to cover impor tant topics that everyone can at tend, according to Chess. One year, the annual lecture touched on the Dead Sea Scrolls, while another year looked at women and Judaism. The lecture “looked into femi nist issues as well,” said Chess. “It was an interest to people beyond the Jewish community.” Blumenthal will be 1999’s only 'Sollud Annual Memorial lecturer. McDevitt receives award PjAblic OheralArts (University PHOTO BY JASON GRAHAM Governor Jim Hunt makes a speech at the ceremony for Wayne McDevitt, Hunt’s chief of staff and a UNCA alumnus. Chancellor Jim Mullen (middle) awarded the Chancellor’s Medallion to McDevitt on March 31. By Kathryn Krouse staff Writer Wayne McDevitt, chief of staff to Governor Hunt and a UNCA alumnus,fesei«edthe Chancellor’s Medallion on March 31, accord ing to Tom Byers, special assistant to the chancellor. “The Chancellor’s Medallion is the highest award given for service to the university, and is given to those whose efforts have been ex traordinary,” said Byers. The medallion is a replica of the one the chancellor wears on cer emonial occasions, according to Byei:s. “I think he is very deserving of this award,” said Ben Ezell, a jun ior mass communications major and friend of the McDevitt fam- ily. Nicholas McDevitt, a junior his tory and education major and Wayne McDevitt’s son, could not be reached for comment. McDevitt has helped channel the chancellor’s and other campus leaders’ requests for support in the right direction, according to Byers. “Chancellors past and present have called on him for his willing ness to help steer them through the maze of government offices, structure and funding possibili ties to help the university,” said Byers. When the school prepares to ob tain funds, McDevitt has been instrumental in helping them de cide where to look for resources and giving assistance in obtaining appropriations, according to “The university is better off for everything he has done to im prove its standing in the state and community,” said Ezell. The award is not given annually. The first medallion was given in the 1980s, and only 10 have been awarded, three of which were alumni, according to Byers. “McDevitt has previously been awarded for his distinctive achieve ments as an alumnus,” said Byers. “This award recognizes his ongo ing achievements to the univer- McDevitt has always been ex tremely loyal to the university, according to Byers. “I’ve heard the governor com ment about how McDevitt is al ways saying good things about UNCA,” said Byers. “It is a real privilege to give McDevitt an award recognizing (the) extraordinary contributions he has made to N.C.,” said Jim Mullen, UNCA chancellor. Prior to being chief of staff to the governor, he was also N.C.’s sec retary of the department of envi ronment and natural resources, and special assistant to the chan cellor of UNCA, according to Byers. “He was an energetic champion of the environment and had a key role in organizing the governor’s conference on air quality,” said Byers. The style of the award ceremony changes to best suit the needs of the honoree, according to Byers. “McDevitt’s ceremony (was) a little different than those that have been done in the past,” said Byers. The ceremony was held at the N.C. Arboretum in the afternoon so more people could attend, ac cording to Byers. “He is well-known to many people who work at various levels of governmenr and non-profit agencies in the state,” said Byers. One of the reasons the ceremony was held there was because “McDevitt had a big hand in de veloping the arboretum to its present state,” said Byers. His efforts at the arboretum are also reflected in his efforts at UNCA, according to Byers. “I think he brought to bear (at the aboretum) some of the same abilities and knowledge that make him such a valued friend and help at UNCA,” said Byers. Last year, Adelaide Daniels Key, who contributed to the develop ment of the Key Center for Ser vice Learningon campus, received the award, according to Byers. Students emphasize African issues in conference ^ r oDpned mv eves to the extrer By Davon Heath Abunura. students to study the structure of “Africa is striving to solve prob- the OAU while searching for solu- lems with African solutions instead tions to key problemsof the African of Western solutions,” said Carter, nations, according to Abunura. “This is hard when you have the “Through simulation, participants roots ofcolonialism dug so deeply gain a better and clearer under in the politics and education.” standing of the multi-various de- The OAU was formed by the in- terminants, capabilities and con- ' " ■ ■ straints that shape the domestic and • foreign policies of each country,” said Abunura. The conference, held in Washing ton, D.C., is organized on an an nual basis by Howard University, the oldest African-American uni- 1 the United States, ac- i 1 Seven UNCA students had the opportunity to study the Organiza- — r 'r- tion of African Unity (OAU) by dependent countires of Africa ... participating in the National Model 1963 to promote issues, focus on Conference that focused on social, the development of Africa and to economic and political issues fac- unify the countries in the conn ing the African continent, accord- nent, according to Abunura. ing to Elmoiz Abunura, coordina- “It is similiar to the United Na- tor of Africana studies and lecturer tions, said Abunura, of political science At the model conference, students versity "This experience definitely adds engage in discussion and debate, cording to Abunura. my collLe education, because I They follow the formal procedures Approximately 45 universities met other college students from all of the OAU and h^p m drafting participate, over the country who genuinely final resolutions, which are then according to Abu > = share an interesT in AfL ” said presented to the OAU, according ^^Some of *e mam^^ ”,le.3.b„„.h„co.n- ha.l.hc. refugeeprobl.n,., .du- .™sH.abou.,hei..»b,.h. ,,1 wo^n’ ».,d handsonhowpoliticsreallyworks.” debate of voting, said Andrew Carter Students from the Introduction ^ ^ AIDS epidemic, which I combined the Republic of CongO. iESSP- r PHOTO CONTRIBUTED BY TANJA PAGEL Several students attended a National Model Conference in the Washington, D.C. to discuss African issues, representing resolutions and tried to have it pass in a vote by force their ideals for solutions onto the body of representatives,” said the African nations, according to Carter. Garter. The U.S. and other nations try to “This conference especially opened my eyes to the extreme AIDS epidemic that is now sweep ing Africa, (as well as the) idea of prevention in a country where healthcare is already bad, plus the rapid rate it is spreading at,” said Carter. UNCA students went to the ROC embassy in Washington D.C., ac cording to Hainsworth. “To get us in the mindset, we went to the ROC embassy and met their ambassador,” said Carter. “We learned a lot more about the coun try and their political background.” “The best way to learn about a culture is to research it and try to think like them on a daily basis, like we attempted to do in Contempo: rary African Politics,” said Hainsworth. “I believe when you are dealing with different countries and cultures, you have to actually act like the people. Playing that role really made me understand them UNCA’s African studies prograiri is active in promoting the political science history of individuals with See AFRICA page 8

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