01 April 19,2001 The Blue Banner Page 9 Opinions Letters tffthe Editor We £J1 Have a Right to Our Opinions’ Dear Editor: In response to Shaun Cashman’s March 29* Blue Banner column and its’ April 5* Blue Banner re plies; I don’t understand what all the controversy behind Cashman had to say. So, he doesn’t particularly care for gay people. That’s his opinion, and he has a right to it. personally, don’t have much to do with the gay population. But, that is my right as an indi vidual to determine who I will or will not spend my time with. You cannot force me, or shame me, into hanging out with gay people just because that’s the po litically correct thing to do. We all have a right to our opin ions, and mine happens to be that homosexuality is wrong. It is my firm belief, and I am entitled to it even in this age of ultra, politically-correct censor ship. Stephen Aho Freshman, Computer Science Disturbed by Headwaters Decision Dear Editor: As a member of the Headwaters staff, I am disturbed by the deci sions of the staff regarding pieces to be published in the upcoming edi tion. The staff of Headwaters has deter mined that no prose works will appear in this year’s magazine. Headwaters is a “creative arts magazine” that serves the arts com munity at UNCA. Its sole purpose is to provide rep resentation for the creativity of all printable genres of both students and faculty. Not every submission will be ac cepted for publication. However, Headwaters is respon sible for representing every medium from which worthwhile pieces are submitted. When confronted with my disap proval, David Mahaffey, Headwater’s editor, stated, and I quote: “Please understand that the opin ions of Headwaters staff members are just that: opinions. We are a student organization.. .and what happened this year is simply that the work submitted did not appeal to this staff” This statement does not portray an atmosphere of objectivity within the staff Headwaters is a student organiza tion that receives funding, no mat ter how small the amount, from the university, which obtains money from students’ tuition and tax pay ers’ dollars. The activities and biases of the Headwaters staff clearly contradict the definition and purpose of a liberal arts institution, and any such publication that should arise out of the student population. By refusing representation of all genres, and byjudging submissions on whether the content appeals to the staff, regardless of technical and artistic merit, the staff is severing ties with a large portion of the stu dent population, both those who submit prose and those who enjoy reading it. I am thoroughly disappointed in the actions and agenda of the Head waters staff this semester. It is a pity that an organization with such good potential for repre senting the artistic community should be wasted on a selective group of subjective opinions. Dearborn McHaley Headwaters Reader Junior, Creative Writing Promotion of Diversity and Multiculturalism Dear Editor: The UNCA Minority Affairs Commission would like: to call at tention to its mission, which in cludes the promotion of diversity and multiculturalism. We urge members of the UNCA community to exercise good judg ment as we express different opin ions, especially as we use printed media. We all must understand that use of particularly provocative language or rash images has the potential of placing those at who these slurs are aimed in great emotional stress, if not in physical danger. UNCA offers all of us the oppor tunity to choose our words and deeds wisely, in ways that convey the spirit of our meaning without necessarily promoting hatred or hu miliation. It is our sincere hope that we can continue healthy dialogue on these sometimes awkward topics associ ated with diversity in the spirit of scholarship and camaraderie. UNCA Minority Affairs Commission Staff Made‘the Right Decisions’ Dear Editor: Headwaters has no prejudice against fiction, essays or any other form of creative writing. Prose works by students and fac ulty appeared in our last three edi tions. I encourage any prose writer at this university to submit new works for next year’s publication. Each year, Headwaters and the UNCA Literature Club sponsor the Thomas Wolfe Award for fiction and the Wilma Dykeman Award for non-fiction. We will announce this year’s win ning entries (and the accompany ing $100 each) at our reception in Laurel Forum April 26th at 6:30 p.m. I have edited Headwaters for three years now. In that time, I have, with the aid of a highly capable staff, eliminated from our editorial process the very kind of prejudice Dearborn McHaley has accused our publica tion of endorsing. If a particular work was not given a fair chance, I would have inter ceded. The Headwaters evaluation sys tem is democratic. Writers’ identities are not revealed to the staff until all editorial deci sions have been finalized. Each member of the staff inde pendently critiques each submis sion in our first round of evalua tion. I tally their votes and eliminate any submission that is not sup ported by the majority of the staff The staff then discusses each sub mission as a group in a second round and votes again. The quality of prose submissions this year was not consistent with what we have received in the past. We make every effort to ensure that the decisions made are fair and reflective of the opinions held by the staffas a whole, while maintain ing our high literary and artistic standards. The staff, itself, is comprised of graduating literature and creative writing majors, adjunct faculty members and a mix of other stu dents representing a considerable range of literary tastes. I am satisfied that this staff made the right decisions. David E. Mahaffey Headwaters Editor Senior, Creative Writing Tuition Increase Questions Dear Editor: I have a few questions about the tuition increase: 1. What is the actual amount of the tuition increase? 2. Is that increase amount for just a semester or for an entire year? 3. What will be the final tuition amount after the increase is over? 4. Is UNCA prepared to help stu dents who won’t be able to afford the increase? 5. Why is the Student Govern ment Association so excited to raise the amount of tuition when the majority of students don’t want to pay more for their college educa tion, especially a UNCA educa tion? 6. Is SGA supposed to be the representative of the students of this college? 7. If so, why is it being the repre sentative of the administration, in stead? Both the administration and SGA should answer these questions through the Banner. Keep it simple and accurate. Don’t be political. Remember, the increase will af fect both current and future stu dents. They deserve to know ex actly how much more they are go ing to have to pay. Thomas Armstrong Senior, History Good Coverage Of Philosophy Conference Dear Editor: In response to an April 12th Blue Banner news article, “Students Present Philosophy Papers”: 1 would like to commend Thad Eckard for his coverage of the Fourth Annual Southern Appala chian Undergraduate Philosophy Conference at UNCA. This conference, from its incep tion, has been initiated, organized ind run by UNCA’s student Philo sophical Society, whose faculty moderator is Melissa Burchard, as sistant professor of philosophy. For the past four years, the confer ence has given students the oppor tunity to exchange their ideas in an academic setting and to make con tact with professors from neighbor ing universities with Ph.D. pro grams. As a result of this year’s confer ence, Michael Sullivan of Emory University invited participants to “think of Emory when applying to graduate school.” Alan Perreiah of the University of Kentucky wrote; “The papers were really impressive and speak clearly ‘for the benefits of dedicated under graduate teaching programs. UNCA’s students excelled in the liberal arts. This seems the kind of article most appropriate for a student newspa per at a liberal arts university. The BannervidiS there and reported it. Kudos. Gordon Wilson Chair of Philosophy Column has Wrong Definition Of Free Speech Dear Editor: This is a response to Melissa Burchard’s April 5* Blue Banner column: Actually, the right to free speech does mean you can say anything you want under the protection of the first amendment, which is why we have no anti-hate speech laws on the books. Maybe you should actually know what you’re talking about before you write about it and look like an idiot. Just a thought. Robert Johans Junior, Recording Arts Submissions for Blue Banner Letters to the Editor The Blue Bannerwelcomes submissions ofletters and articles for publication. All submissions are subject to editing for clarity, content and length, and are considered on the basis of interest, space, taste and timeliness. Letters should be typed, single-spaced, and should not exceed 300 words. Letters for publication should also contain the author’s signature, classification, major or other relationship with UNCA. The deadline for letters is noon on Tuesday. If you have a submission, e-mail banher@unca.edu. Timber-Sale Teach-In Workshop American Lands and the Southern Appalachian Biodiversity Project will hold a “Timber- Sale Teach-In” April 24 to educate mem bers of Congress and the community about problems with the federal timbe^- sale program. For more informa tion, contact Lyndy Worsham at (828) 251-9500 or Marty Bergoffen at (828) 258-2667. The Blue Banner Staff Editorial Board Sarah Wilkins Lena Burns Kathryn Krouse Luke Knox Kathryn Krouse Justin Meckes Rachel Grumpier Matt Hunt Sarah Lacy Editor-in-Chief News Editor Features Editor Sports Editor Photo Editor Asst. Photo Editor Copy Editor Co-Online Editor Co-Online Editor Staff Amanda Anderson, Angela Brock, Keith Cromwell, Rachel Crumpler, Mason Currey, Justus D’Addario, Deleon Dendy, Thad Eckard, CJ. Eland, Walter Fyler, Anthony Greco, Claire O’Brien, Eric Price, Gabriel Rexrode, Orin Shepherd, Jessica Welch Managers Cate Bergman Advertising Manager Emily Schell Asst. Advertising Manager Matt Deal Circulation Manager Breandan Dezendorf Computer Consultant Columnists Shaun Cashman, Eric Winters Mark West, Faculty Advisor The Blue Banner is the student newspaper of the University of North Carolina at Asheville. We publish each Thursday except during sum - mer sessions, final exam weeks and holiday breaks. Our offices are located in Karpen Hall, room 244. Our telephone number is (828) 251-6586. Our campus e-mail address is banner@unca.edu. An onhne version of The Blue Banner is also available at http:// www.unca.edu/banner>. Nothing in our editorial or opinions sections necessarily reflects the opinion of the entire Blue Banner staff, the faculty advisor, or the university faculty, administration or staff Unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of a majority of The Blue Banner editorial board. Letters,columns,cartoons and reviews repre sent only the opinions of their respective au thors. The Blue Banner reserves the right to reject any advertisement on the basis of content or space availability. Advertisements represent only the interests of the paying contributors. The Blue Banner welcomes submissions of letters and articles for publication. All sub missions are subject to editing for clarity, con tent and length, and are considered on the basis of interest, space, taste and timeliness. Letters should be typed, single-spaced, and should not exceed 300 words. Letters for pub lication should also contain the author’s sig- nature,classification,major or other relation ship with UNCA. The deadline for letters is noon on Tuesday. If you have a submission, you can send it to The Blue Banner, Karpen 244, One University Heights, Asheville N.C. 28804. The deadline for display ads and the FYI calendar is Monday at 2 p.m. Classified ads are due at 5 p.m. on Monday.