j^ovember 29,2001 The Blue Banner Page 3 Opinions Letters to the Editor Time to get the lead out Pear Editor: Did you know that you can have j’our drinking water and home tested for possible pollutants by trained laboratory professionals ^ight here on campus for a very low nd affordable price? Do you want to be certain that |rour friends and family are safe from lead, copper, and arsenic? The Environmental Quality In stitute is a laboratory located in loom 209 Rhodes-Robinson Hall on the campus of UNCA, which works to serve the local community through research, public service, education, water quality monitor ing and consumer product testing. The EQI operates not for profit, tut in order to improve under standing and knowledge about en vironmental problems facing citi zens inside and outside of North Carolina. The EQI relies primarily on grants from organizations interested in helping the local community and the environment as a whole. Specifically, the Clean Water Lead T esting Fund of North Caro lina allows all residents of the U.S. (including UNCA students and their parents, guardians, or bene factors) to obtain laboratory grade analysis of lead, copper, and arsenic samples at a very affordable cost to the consumer. It has both nationwide and state wide certification to analyze indi viduals’ water samples for lead, cop per, and arsenic. These three metals can be ex tremely dangerous if present in water resources, especially to chil dren. Possible sources of these pollut ants include: tainted well water, plumbing fixtures and water meters, plastic mini-blinds and paint. In addition to drinking water test ing, the Environmental Quality Institute can also test your house for lead-laden dust, paint and soil. The prices of the analysis along with information about obtaining a sampling kit can be obtained by calling EQI at 828-251-6895 or you can visit us online at www.unca.edu/eqi/. Lots of very useful information can also be obtained from the Clean Water Lead Testing website www.leadtesting.org. Its time to spread the word about a healthy environment, and to Get the Lead Out! Jacob Berkowitz Junior, Environmental Science t>owr\(>reak ^ Mirage Asheville Music Zone 9pm Tuesday December 4th Trash becomes another’s treasure 1 WALTER FYLER/PHOl O EDITOR Dan Millspaugh of the art department demonstrates the separation process of flush valves salvaged from Governor s Village dormatories before its destruction. The valves will be used for future art projects. Response to Rothman’s letter Dear Editor: As is tradition amongst all Jews, first I will greet you David, Shalom Chaver. David, as I read your scathing article in theNov. 15 edition of 7"/!? Blue Banner, I can only wonder if you have ever lived in Israel. David, for numerous years I have feared that the destruction of the Jewish people will not be caused by the Arabs but rather by the ignorance of our people. Mr. Rothman, you fail to under stand that since 1948, 20,000 in nocent Israelis were killed because they were Jews. It is not shameful or wrong to be a proud Jew. First and foremost, I have never suggested that Jewish injustice is worse than Muslim injustice. How ever, the level of injustice in the Islamic World goes far and beyond the injustice committed by Israelis. Israel is not a perfect country, nor is the United States, nevertheless. Mr. Rothman, I urge you to spend one month in the Middle East, first spend two weeks in Israel, then spend two weeks in any Muslim country of your choice. After you have finished your tour, I want you to write another article in The Blue Banner. Furthermore David, if being a Zi onist, being part of Am Yisrael (People of Israel), wanting a uni fied Jewish Jerusalem, and if want ing a strong Israel with secure bor ders is anti-Arab, then I am anti- Arab. Last summer David, I had the honor to meet Druze (Sect of Is lam), soldiers and officers and who have served and continue to serve with dignity and honor in the Israel Defense Forces. As a Jew and as a Zionist, I was proud to have met them and we owe a solemn debt to those Arabs who do serve Israel proudly. Again David, I have to say that you are speaking of ignorance and lack of knowledge. The cycle of violence began with the signing of the Oslo Treaty (great for toilet paper usage) eight years ago when the late Prime Minister and Chief of the IDF General Staff Yitzhak Rabin (may he rest in peace) had the dubious pleasure of shaking the hand of Yasser Arafat, who has the blood of hundreds of Jews on his own hands. You stated David, that the struggle between Israel and the Palestinians is not analogous with each other. Let’s do a compare and contrast between the Sept. 11 attack in New York City and Washington, D.C., and the massacre of 24 children on a Kibbutz in Northern Israel called Ma’alot in 1974. David, correct me or not, but I believe that the people who initi ated these terrorist attacks want the destruction of the U.S. and the State of Israel. Is that not the same? David, your political correctness is exactly what the U.S. does not need, especially Israel. You stated that you are ashamed to be associated with me or with Ariel Sharon. David, we live in a democracy, and you have a right to believe that. Before you call Ariel Sharon a mamze, enlighten yourself and read about how Ariel Sharon has fought and risked his life more times than you have gone to your favorite cof fee house to sip lattes and discuss subjects you know nothing about. I am certain you have already made up your mind on the subject of Sharon, however, I have hope for you David, so I will try to enlighten you. In 1948, Sharon fought with the Palmach which were the first fight ing units of the State of Israel before the creation of the Israel Defense Forces. In 1953, Sharon established unit 101. Unit 101 was an anti-terrorist unit that would go into Jordan or Egypt and do what we should be doing, killing terrorist. In 1956, Sharon, as a Lieutenant Colonel, led unit 101 in a paratroop drop behind Egyptian lines, which allowed for regular units of the Israeli Army to pour into the Sinai and defeat them. In 1967, as a Major-General, he commanded the Southern Com mand, where he destroyed the Egyp tian Army that had boasted it was already in Tel-Aviv, pushing the Jews into the Mediterranean. In 1973, when Egypt and Syria surprise attacked the Jewish People on Yom Kippur, our most holiest of all holidays, Sharon again, as Major General, led a Reserve Ar mored Division into the Sinai. In 1979 and 1981, as Defense Minister he was responsible for throwing out Arafat and destroying his proxy state in South Lebanon. Ariel Sharon is a hero of the Jewish People; I hope you have been en lightened. Finally, David, I will say that you have a right to make every false statement you want as long as no one gets hurt or you are inciting. In the U.S., which I will argue is a world model of how a country should operate and function, you have the right to chastise me or say what you please. Here is something even more ex citing: even in Israel you can say exactly what you want and do what you want. In the Islamic World you cannot. David, please do not misunder stand me. I realize that you come from sheltered academia, and I am impressed with your political sci ence degree, but please spare us your political correctness and go to Israel and meet victims of terror, wake up at 4:30 in the morning to car bombs, listen to Arabs shouting “Death to Jews,” and then we can talk. Shalom AM YISRAEL CHAI Avi Mechanic Junior, Economics In Mechanic’s defense Dear Editor: It is a testimony of praise to The Blue Banner that David Rothman and other alumni keep reading our paper even after years have passed since their graduation. However, Mr. Rothman unfairly portrayed Avi Mechanic as coming off as anti-Arab. Having read most if not all of Mr. Mechanic's articles, I think that Mr. Mechanic is anti terrorist, not anti-Arab. Can we blame Mr. Mechanic for the fact that more than half of the world’s terrorism is commited by Muslims? No we can't. Mr. Mechanic also seems to have a very good grasp on the political situation in the Middle East, al most as if he has spent a substantial amount of time there. I praise Mr. Mechanic for his real istic view that transcends the ivory- tower theories of political science textbooks. Thank you, Mr. Mechanic for standing alone against the mob and bringing balance and a fresh per spective to our campus. Matthew Deal Senior, Classics Asheviile Parks and Recre ation is seeking volunteers to| help with First Night Asheville, a big Nev/ Year's | Party to be held at the Civic j Center. Each volunteer will receive a limited-edition Yea^ 2002 long-sleeve t*shirt and. a complimentary ticket so. they can enjoy the festivities| before or after their shift. Contact Bob Applegate atl Photo contest winner ¥ Congratulations to Jack and Katie Senechal, The Blue Banners photo contest winner for the week of Nov. 29, with their photograph taken in Australia.