Page 2 The Blue Banner Sept. 5,2002 Opinions Dear Mr. President Why war with Iraq? Letters to the Editor i|£i Dearborn McQ»r Me Columnist Dear George, George. I Dick is pushingyou to go to war George. It is oil and tu- money, and You have been talking a lot about war with Iraq lately, and frankly, it really worries me. I know you are a sensitive guy, and maybe the peer pressure is too 1—f-r vou. Yoi. m.,.r be under a lot of stress, with all the expectations of your father and his After all, daddy was the one who started the Gulf War. He and his friends are even responsible for allies’ pro- where you are now! Gee, George, did you ever really think you’d be come President of the United States? Much less on your own? Of course not. So, it is only ral that you feel indebted to them. But, isn’t there a better way to coming thank them? Maybe, send them a from Iraq, card, or have them over for dinner at the White House? I don’t think war is the answer, George. As Michael Moore said in his book Stupid White Men, Bill Clinton was the best Republican president the United States has ever had. You should strive to be more like him, George. Fire your speechwriter, and hire Clinton’s old one. Attend speech therapy for help with all those big words you have such a hard time pronouncing. And, most impor tant of all, practice lying. I know you are saying that you do lie, and you do it all the time. But, it’s not very convincing, and people are starting to see through it. You will never be an effective president if you do not have the ability to lie with such complexity and sincerity that the entire country not only believes you, but heralds you as the best president in years before you are even out of office. I know you are asking where all this is going. It is a lot of informa tion and your poor brain must be straining to comprehend, so I will spell it out for you. to the oil industry. Don’t seem to remember all this? Let me refresh your memory, George. Before becoming the “acting president”/vice president, Cheney was the CEO of Halliburton, a billion dollar oil company. He left Halliburton with a $34 million dollar retirement package. If that isn’t enough to make you choke on your pretzels, under Cheney’s direction, Halliburton made $23.8 million dollars worth of contracts with Iraq through two of its subsidiaries in Europe. ''The war on Iraq is to pursue the interests of you and your baron oilfriends. Just remembery George, we are onto you” it s commg from Alaska and the Gulf ofMexico as well, old buddy. All that black gold just sitting there on preserved lands waiting for you and all your buddies to pillage and plun der. You probably want to know how I know this about you, George. mg to a tide sfgb.c Chene France, Italy, Germany and business s rangemen Washington Those arrangements pumped $24 billion of petrol under the U.N.- administered oil-for-food program in in 2000. Assisted by Halliburton, Hussein’s government will earn another $1 Well, frankly, it’s easy. Your family billion by illegally exporting oil from Texas, and oil is their busi- through black-market channels. And, your supporters, both i the election (for a lack of better term) and now, are all BIG busi- Daddy, Dick and you have all sat on the boards of large, multi-mil lion dollar oil companies, raking in the money from your combined exploitations. Even Don Evans, the Secretary of Wow, George! You know how to pick a president. (Excuse me, vice president.) You ask how all this would affect your decision to declare war on Iraq? It’s as simple as greed. U.S. oil companies pumped money into Iraq thus receiving money from Iraq in return. with your “War Commerce, and Gale Norton, the Terrorism” underway, it wouldn’t Secretary of Interior, had direct ties be very “American” to do business with the Arab enemy, now would it? Of course not. So instead, you declare war on Iraq claiming you are “pretty sure” Saddam is close to having nuclear weapons, and then, what happens? Oil prices increase allowing you and your cronies to do what you have wanted to for so long — drill in Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico. And, of course, you would claim all this oil would be harvested in an “eco-friendly” manner and used for the good of American’s oil guzzling SUVs. But, in reality, Americans would never see this oil, would they No, it would be sold primarily to our Asian oil market and all your oil tycoon CEO buddies would get rich. And, we all know what hap pens when a good Republican, Texas boy like you help out your BIG business friends — you get more money and get re-elected. But, it doesn’t end there, does it George? There is one last detail. The fear of terrorism your adminis tration attempts to strike in the hearts of Americans, not to men tion the encroaching anniversary of Sept. 11, will further justify your unilateral attack on Iraq and the secret dirty business you plan to conduct as a result. It all makes sense now, doesn’t it, George? It is not the American people you are looking out for. It is not the fear of biological, nuclear or good, old-fashioned terrorism you are protecting the U.S. from. And, it is definately not the attempt to curtail the human rights violations Iraq committs everyday. The war on Iraq is to pursue the interests of you and your oil barron friends. Just remember, George, we are onto you. We see through your lies more and more everyday. God, help us if you send us into war. I have a feeling the American people won’t forget you, and it won’t be all the good you have done for our coun try that they remember. Your dedicated dissident, Dearborn McCorkle An alternative solution to the budget cut crisis Dear Editor: In times of financial crisis, as we are facing at UNCA, we ask our selves what is truly important. In essence, we make a value judge ment of what is worth continuing to fiind and what is not. As both sides of the spectrum con tinue to fight over the validity of the future six percent budget cut that most departments will have to face, we have to understand that the budget cuts are necessary for the survival of UNCA. However, I would like to submit an alternative solution as opposed to the flat six percent cut. First, the entire arts and ideas de partment should be done away with. In terms of utility and usefulness, the arts and ideas department pro duces very little, but boring and uneventful, lectures pertaining to issues that have minimal relevance to the world we, as UNCA students find ourselves in. Having said that, I want to state clearly that if it were possible, all of the departments at UNCA should remain intact. In other words, I am not anti-arts and ideas; however, I am trying to look at this extremely critical issue with the interests of UNCA as primary. The idea is that wasteful spending of resources must be completely minimized. For instance, the has ended when professors can spend thousands of dollars to hire a lec turer who does nothing, but bore the audience into a death-like s Secondly, I would propose s sort of alternative referendum that would allow for the allocation of the current fijnds from the previous bond referendum to be routed to UNCA’s deficit management, second referendum would be quired, since the first referendum was primarily for the improvement of the grounds and facilities. Third, whatever course the leader ship at UNCA decides to take to weather the massive budget cuts, should support the decision of the chancellor and those who work di rectly for him. I, as a student, trust that the chancellor of UNCA will place the interests of the student and faculty body as first and fore- We are about to face an extremely critical time, and ifwe are not united, our divisiveness will destroy us. I have no doubt that we will persevere and with God-almighty, perhaps, the situation will not be as terrible as the forecasters might predict. Avi Mechanic Senior, economics Students, welcome back, from the vice president of SGA The Blue Bannerwdcomes submissions ofletters andarticles for publication. Letters should not exceed 300 words. Letters for publication should also contain the author s signature, classification, major or other relationship with UNCA. Sorry, we will not accept submissions of anonymous letters to the editor. The deadline for letters is noon on Tuesday If you have a submission, you may send it to The Blue Banner, Karpen 244, One University Heights, Asheville N.C. 28804 or to Please include your name, contact information, classification and major/position. Blue Banner Editorials" JW, The Blue Banner introduces the Fall 2002 editorial board: Rachel Grumpier, Editor-in-Chief Ed Fickle, News Editor Stuart Gaines, Features Editor Hollie Childers, Sports Editor J.R Ammons, Photography Editor Elizabeth Moe, Managing and Advertising Editor Emily Moe, Business Manager G.J. Eland, Online Editor Ben Stewart, Assistant Online Editor Jason McGill Circulation Manager Welcome back, everyone. To all returning students: it is good to see you all again! Some how, the summer slipped by all too fast, and we find ourselves at the start of yet another semester. First and foremost, I would like to thank everyone (individuals, stu dent organizations, faculty and ad ministration) for their actions in reaction to the impending state budget cuts last spring. Many of you became directly in volved in protecting UNCA’s pub lic funding by contacting or peti tioning your state representatives. Many more of you took the initia tive to inform yourselves and others about the possible implications of these budget cuts. However, believe it or not, the state legislature has yet to approve any budget. Please, students, con tinue to stay involved by watching the news for any state legislature developments. This issue is still undecided, and can still impact UNCA dramatically. Second, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of our new students, both freshmen and trans fers. I hope that all of you will enjoy your time here and find your home tUNCA. Once you have settled into your classes and college life, I encourage all of you to become active on cam pus and in the neighboring com munity. College is for learning new things, and Asheville is small enough that it is fairly easy for students to get involved in just about every con ceivable activity. Seasonal intramural teams, varied students organizations and clubs, open drama productions. The Blue Banner, Underdog Productions, Undergraduate Research and our Student Government Association are just a few possible ways to be come involved. Moreover, I en courage every student to find an advisor or mentor on campus to help plan your educational track. I highly recommend everyone participates in study abroad pro grams, work internships and the wide variety of academic courses offered that make this a true liberal arts education. All of these opportunities are open to you here, but you must pursue them actively. This is your educa tion; so take responsibility for it, and take everything you can from what UNCA has to offer. I look forward to seeing each of you around campus in the coming weeks, so feel free to wave hello or swing by the student government offices (DH 211- near the book store) if we can help you in any Brian Cain Student Body Vice President Senior, interdisciplinary studies Nothing in the Opinions section necessarily reflects the opinion of the entire Blue Banner staff, advisor, or the university faculty, ad ministration or staff. Unsigned editorials re flect the opinion of a majority of The Blue Banner editorial board.

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