/\pril 7, 2005 Life style Cocktail of the week: The Passionatini n lances pie. sreal- Center ;ucha I well iveui mces) ’ said K my ;tpeo- e kids home MYRA HESTER/staff photographer jcey Haslam, junior art student, imbibes in the creative force mown as the Passionatini. '^Iso try: ■ Gimlet ■ Madras ■ Carol! ■ Idonis *Alcohol should not be consumed by those under 21. Drink responsibly, and don’t do it in the dorms! by Myra Hester Staff Reporter Every artist needs a proper muse, someone or something capable of inspiring passion from deep within the soul. Passion is the lifeblood of many brilliant artists. Vincent van Gogh, a Dutch impressionist painter, said in a letter writ ten to Theo van Gogh in July 1880, “I have more or less an in'esistible passion.” Unfortunately, Vincent’s muse disappeared and so did his sanity. Van Gogh’s left ear paid the ultimate price. The rest is art-history legend. Fortunately, such drastic displays of passion are not always necessary. This refreshing, muse-worthy cocktail gets the creative juices flowing and promises not to let you down. The Passionatini’s tropical flavors are guaranteed to stimulate the right side of your brain. The coral-tinted con coction combines the perfect proportion of tart and sweet. The lingering citrus flavor excites the palate. “The taste reminds me of the islands,” said Lacey Haslam, 22, junior art student. “It has that exotic feel. The flower looks too pretty to eat, but maybe I’ll try a little bite.” Try using the Van Gogh brand vodka if you’re feeling especially tor tured. Most flowers are poisonous. Go to http://whatscookingamerica.net for an extensive list of edible flowers. Ingredients 2 ounces vodka 1/4 ounce passion fruit juice 1/4 ounce blood orange juice splash of Midori liquor or simple syrup slice of lime or orange edible flower to garnish Instructions Mix all liquids together with ice in a shaker. Strain and pour into a mar tini glass. Garnish with a slice of lime or orange and a flower. Create immediately. fuppets continued from page 8 Photo of the Week mo.. Its can be good, but if I ad to go watch puppets for a 11 day, I wouldn’t be too keen ; a'that,” said Busbin. However, Sturz sees the event s|a valuable opportunity for isheville’s community and one Bt may surprise people unfa- iiar with puppetry. We’re so involved on a ational level, and, really, on an itemational level, with pup- 5fry, we are aware of some of B|best puppetry that exists that eople wouldn’t even think of,” ad Sturz. lakinj lid he Udis. natei when fou’re lyM small E9 Quilts y ts anJ greet ) foil iwn. bom liscov- it was nade* shorn unee- continued from page 8 ding lessons.” So, I took ding lessons, and I just fell in with quilting. il finished my first quilt in ^81, and ve been doing it ever de. I started out doing tradi- i®al quilting patterns, and it ^ fun, but, once I discovered I *ld do applique and make my wti pictures, then I never did Wither traditional quilt. I made *^res on my quilts instead. I ' [nly do wall hangings. ^0 you still paint or draw, or ^ Quilting it for you? I^till draw, but I sketch for my I’ll draw animals I see or Recreate pictures. ' right after you left UNCA, ^hai did you do? , J^aught art at the art museum ®ia while before I started look- ■' og for a job as an art teacher, ®1 what I discovered in those Wys Was that very few schools aught art. Pthci s had their own art teach- ^hvho weren’t giving up their There were no jobs avail- ‘We. so I got a job teaching art in ‘wycare center for a year. SEAN ROBINSON/ campus editor ‘Hair in the Sink with Scissors” HARVEST RECORDS New and used Cd’s/Vinyl 415 b Haywood Road t-828-258-2999 f-828-258-2003 harvestrecords @ mail.com owners: Mark Capon Matt Schnable CoUgraMatfous Seniors/ Ma^ your personalizedi graduation gifts here/ Half-price s’&idio fee __ vith s'Ment U. call for dSails I Fired Up/ creative lounge. Paint-You rOwnPottery 26 Wall Street^ Downtown .4*hcv!lle 828-253-8I8I i 1 Want your ad in the Blue Banner^ Call us for our rates 251-6586. mm a games mmai m ASTROLOGY Solar Eclipse, Mercury direct by Sara House So, kids, it’s time to get your brain wrapped around the changes you need for future manifestation. A wonderous event involving the Sun and the Moon, known as a solar eclipse, will take place April 8, at 1:32 p.m. This eclipse will occur at 20 degrees Aries meaning that we will all open new ways to express personal uniqueness. We are encouraged to block out the business of life and concentrate on our deepest desires that will later manifest during the next solar eclipse in October. This Aries influence calls for courage to pioneer new paths and stamina to hold on to personal ideals. The eclipse will be most visible over South America and only par tially visible from the southeastern portion of North America. Though we may not experience the visual beauty of a full solar eclipse, the astral effects will resound deeply within the desires of each individ ual. This will be compounded by Mercury’s tyrannical retrograde coming to an end April 12. As Mercury goes direct, attention to detail is highlighted and a gen eral impulsiveness will get us all moving a hit more. This redirection will follow a Taurus Moon this weekend that will sponsor sensual pleasure and creative productivity. So, how’s that for an interesting week? Aries (March 21-April 19) V There couldn’t be a better time for you. Your Sun sign is * I dancing center stage and you couldn’t be happier. Keep your head up and bellow through. Whatever you do, don’t fear your own success. If you do, failure may indeed follow. Taurus (April 20- May 20) £ I You have always held a deep need to protect yourself from the uncertainty in the world. This has hindered you from being able to find the comfort in knowing you are free. You should meditate on the concept of walking without defense. Gemini (May 21- June 21) ) \ To understand the travesty of war, you need not look any ^ ^"1 further than your own streets. You are encouraged to reflect on the idea of suffering and what part you want to play in the cycle of suffering. Cancer (June 22- July 22) rn Although you are a creature of hahit, new experience jtiL I calls to you. You are best suited now to quell your internal ized cravings for change. You can change your habitual patterns of existence if only you let go. Leo (July 23- Aug. 23) If you can separate yourself from the dilemma you are vv I currently in, you will surely find resolve. Although it is always your instinct to clean up the mess for others, this time you need to wash your hands of that which is not yours to fix. «|ry^ Virgo (Aug. 24- Sept. 22) 11 b You are the most tenacious and persistent explorer on a w grand journey into the depths of your personal jungle. Gear up for what promises to be an interesting tour of the inner you in the coming week. Libra (Sept. 23- Oct. 22) You long to experience relief from your love travails. 11 Every action you take is threaded with your intense desire for harmony at all costs. There is a harmony in disharmony now. To relieve yourself, simply open your hands. Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 21) j! IH If you misstep now, you risk losing something you long to have. However, you are not prone to overzealousness. Tap into your Pluto-given ability to be elusive and intentional. Keep your eye on the prize, but don’t pounce. / Sagittarius (Nov. 22- Dec. 21) Who are you? I’m not asking, but someone is. The answers to this open-ended question lie in the future. Sorry, but now you have to be patient with your own ambivalence. A clear er picture will be procured only with patience and observation. Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20) You love a truly difficult challenge. You grin from ear to I ear at the chance to prove yourself It gives you chills of excitement knowing that you will produce excellent results from your iron resolve and steely will. Aquarius (Jan. 21-Feb. 18) Do not jump too quickly to change. The dust of your intentions settles, and you will find that the change you seek is coming after this period of intiation. Do not form definite conclu sions as they will form for you if left alone. X Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20) Start a collection of the pieces of the puzzle you have been collecting. They will come in handy soon. Although, the whole picture is not clear yet, an idea is forming. Be patient, the bigger picture will reveal Itself in due time.