J 8 I The Blue Banner I 223.200. Bulldog hot on Natalie Pearson NGPEARSO@UNCA.EDU SPORTS EDITOR The IJNC .Asheville men’s soccer team consists of eight forwards, eight midfield ers, six defenders, one substitute goalkeeper and one YouTube sensation Lassi Hurskainen, a Junior who also doubles as the team's starting keeper, exploded into the world of social media a week and a half ago His video, a 3:45 mon tage of soccer tricks, ball skills and spon taneous dance moves, has since amassed more than 2 million views, “I knew it would be pcfiular, but 1 didn’t think it was going to be this popular,” Ken ny Paradiso, Hurskainen’s friend and video collaborator, said "Any athlete in college is going to receive attention for a trick shot video, but this is huge." The video was in response to the Univer sity of Connecticut’s quarterback Johnny M^Entee, who uploaded a similar video showcasing his football talents jast days be fore. Paradiso saw the 'Trick Shot Quarter back” and began to formulate a plan “I saw it and shared it with l^si and I knew how talented he was and I was like, ‘Lassi you could do some of these tricks,”' Paradiso, a senior multimedia arts and sci ences student, said. ‘The idea wasn’t to film it at first, but I knew how much lassi likes to make videos and stuff so I said we should just do a video of our own and he svas really stoked.” The pair went to the drawing board to brainstorm ideas and possible tricks They then enlisted the help of Jesse Tanas, a bi ology student, to assist in filming. Tanas. 22, said he received a lot of atten tion for his part in the prcwcs.s. ‘‘A lot of random people come up to me at schcx>l and say, ‘Hey are you Jesse? Did you film that video? I got to know if it’s real,’ and I’ll tell them it is real," he said. 'I'he video was filmed in six evenings and in .small increments “We all had a lot of classe.s so we had to film it in the dark and turn on the lights,” Hurskainen said, ‘The tapes were only one hour so each session wa,s one hour long. ” Hurskainen then employed the skills he learned as a mass communication student to edit and produce the film at home, He up loaded it on YouTube in the small hours of V^atentinc’s Day morning “We were all taking bets of how many views it would have the next morning and I said 3(X) views," Hurskainen said “’fhere w'ere 100,000." Aside from racking up an incredible audi ence size, the video made an impact on a global stage. ‘‘It’s received attention from around the w'orld,” Hurskainen said ‘‘Japan, Mexico, : France, it’s all over the news It's reached every single country in the world” Hurskainen and his comrades have also garnered attention on the Internet and in na tional and local media ‘‘I had 2.50 friend requests in two days and three fan pages made about me,” Hurskain- en said, ‘The video has been on the Huff- ington Post, W1X)S and ESPN has asked me for permission to use it on any of their shows ” With attention comes criticism, and Hur skainen’s video has bea)roe victim to claims his tricks are fake, that the ball disappears and he employs the use of electronic devic es How'ever, Hurskainen brushes them off with a modest air ‘‘I don’t want to say anything bad,” he said “I think everyone a>uld do this video if they just had the effort and the lime ” .Although the team's endeavor thrust them into the limelight, Ptiradiso insists notoriety was not their intention "We weren't trying to make l-assi fa mous, we just put it out there because he likes making videos and it's really axil," he .said. After (he success of Hurskainen's first video, the group said they might make a se quel, but not immediately Instead, the pos- , sibility of acoHaboration with senior men's basketball player and slam-dnnk artist, Check out more from Lassi's photoshoot at TheBlueBanner.net' ,Iohn Williams, may be on the table "1 want to see John do well and he’d like to make a video," Paradiso said ‘‘If he wanted to fd be ready and w'iliing ” Williams, who has already shot into sUir- dom this year by making SportCcntcr’s Top 10 with a dunk against Big South Confer ence rival Liberty, said a video may be on the horizon. "Kenny mentioned doing a collabo with I-assi like where he kicks the hall up and 1 dunk it somewhere crazy,” Williams stiid “1 ; said.‘Yeah, ni do it '” : ; With Hurskainen’s video accumulating j views and spinoff versions conshintly, it ; would be easy to think one could get lost in ■ the spotlight. Luckily, UNCA’s men's soc- ' cer head axteh. Matt Kern, gave Hurskain- ; en a few words of advice t "Coach Kern told me you have to enjoy % it, but at the same time there’s going to bs a;; lot of people crilid/ing you,” he said "Lfc :: told me ni,>t to let thi.« distrtict you because it % could be quite interesting ” Photo by Ian Shannon - Contributing Photographer Photo by Megan Dombroski - Campus Voice Editor Photo by Megan Dombroski - Campus Voice Editor 'i