Obama visits V Jackie Starkey jstarkey@unca.edu - News Editor Following his State of the Union ad dress, President Barack Obama vis ited Asheville last Wednesday to reit erate plans to raise the minimum wage and make manufacturing a priority in western North Carolina and beyond. “Our job as Americans is to restore the basic bargain that says if you work hard, if you are willing to meet your responsibilities, you can get ahead,” Obama said in his address at Linaraar manufacturing plant. The president’s visit fell a day after he announced his plans to see the rrtini- mum wage increased nationally to $9, up from North Carolina’s $7.25, which is on par with the national average ac cording to the U.S. Department of La bor. “That’s what we should be focused on,” Obama said on Wednesday. “How do we make sure that people who are willing to work hard can make a decent living and look after their family?” Obama said the effort to provide for middle class families and improve the nation’s economy starts with the aggre gation of home-grown industry. “There are three things we should be asking. Number one - how do we bring more jobs to America? Number two - how do we equip people with the skills they need to do those jobs? And number three - how do we make sure that once they have a job, it leads to a decent living?” Obama said. The president said while corpoi America experiences great finam growth, an increase in the minim wage would lessen the socio-econoi divide and provide some relief to sure provision for the middle class. “I believe we reward effort and dei mination with wages that allow wo ing families to raise their kids and ahead,” Obama said. “It’s time for increase in the minimum wage, beca if you work full-time, you shouldn’t in poverty.” The president proposed to enact wage increase by 2015, providin; better minimum income for more tl 15 million Americans, according to Obama Administration. Republicans previously oppo minimum wage reform on the b that companies will no longer seek hire candidates with lower skill set.' less educational experience. Oba first proposed a minimum wage crease in 2008, hoping to see work making $9.50 an hour by 2011. Obama said better opportunities American laborers will be a top prio in Washington, D.C., for the durat of his presidency. “The true engine of America’s e nomic growth has always been middle class,” Obama said. “( middle class when it’s growing, w] it’s thriving, when there are ladders opportunity for people to do a little better each year and then make s