L4- ^ v-v.... •• h^i'.>.■;;;: VOL. 62, ISSUE 8 I WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 201 5 I THEBLUEBANNER.NET SGA candidates discuss their positions DANIEL HALL dhall@unca.edu - News Staff Writer UNC Asheville’s Student Govern ment Association has a new incom ing administration. Over the course of a hectic week of cam paigning and debates, candidates contended for positions including president, vice presi dent and a number of senatorial seats. Stu dents cast their votes through a website on March 4-5, and so decided on their new student govern ment representatives. Student participa tion in the elections was relatively low. Last year’s elections attracted about 800 voters, while barely a quarter of that num ber participated this time. Leigh Whittak er, senior vice pres ident at the UNC Association of Stu dent Governments, expressed disappoint ment with the turnout. Whittaker said a common opinion among students is the association is not particularly import ant. But she pointed out one of the student government’s greatest areas of influence, by occupying a seat on the Board of Trustees, is in decisions regarding tuition and fees, which students would do well to take an interest in. She said she can understand the per ception, and that it is not unique to UNC A. Elections tend to at tract less voter partici pation as they become more localized, with presidential elections achieving a far greater turnout than municipal elections, and student governments sitting even lower on that to- Photo by Daniel Hall - News Staff Writer Maya Newlin, the SGA president-elect, smiling pretty for the camera. tern pole. Though she noted this pattern does not make a lot of sense under scrutiny, as the more local a gov ernment is, the more likely it is to have an •appreciable effect on the voter’s life. A private inaugura tion will take place at the end of the month, at which point the member-elects will effectively transition to their new. roles. A public event will be held on April 15, open to anyone who wishes to attend. The new presi dent-elect is Maya Newlin, a junior from Winston-Sa lem, North Carolina, studying political sci ence and sociology, who plans to pursue hospital administra tion upon graduating. She is a student am bassador, founder and president of Shades of Color, an online multicultural news letter, and is involved with the Black Stu dent Association. As president, her powers include appointing executives devoted to a number of distinct areas, and serving as a voting member on the Board of Trustees. One of her top prior- SEE SGA ON PAGE 4 Pillar of UNCA community retiring MICHAEL O’HEARN michael. ohearn 19 @gmait. com - Sports Staff Writer After 28 years of service for the ath letics department at UNC Asheville, Mike Gore has announced his retirement. Gore, who acts as associate director of athletics for external affairs as well as an assistant for sports management for the department, will re tire effective April 1. According to Gore, a friend presented to him the position at UNCA a few years af ter he graduated from Appalachian State University in 1984. “Way back in 1986, a friend of mine had this job opportu nity as a sports ad ministrator here and I thought it would be a great opportunity since UNCA was going to be going to the Divi sion I and all,” Gore said. “I was working at the Henderson ville Times-News at the time. It was just a chance I took and I’ve been here ever since.” Janet Cone, who has worked alongside Gore as athletics di rector for 12 years, has known him since her coaching days at Mars Hill in the early 1980s. Cone said Gore is a leader for the univer sity and she has en joyed seeing him at work every day during her tenur^ at UNCA. “Working with a per son who always has a smile on their face when you come in and always asks, one, ‘How are you?’ and, two, ‘What can I do to help you?’ makes him a champion and lead er to this university, the students, coach es and community,” Cone said. “It’s been a joy to work with him. Mike’s a problem solver, a friend and he loves the university. You don’t see the kind of unselfish and loyal person Mike is very Photo by - Michael O’ Hearn Mike Gore warms up for a baseball game. “I wish Gore the best and I hope that he and his wife eet to travel as much as they can stand. Thank you for being a mentor and a friend to bodi Adrian and I in our young lives. As we transitiori into our new lives as a married couple, I can only hope we are as pleasant, friendly and caring as you ^d your wife lisa have been to us. You may not realize it, but you have a major impact on our lives.” - Jeremy Gower often these days, much less someone who has sustained a job for almost 30 years.” Because he felt 30 years as a director is a long time for a career. Gore said that he be lieved that now would be the right time to retire, at age 52. “That had always been the thought in the back of my mind, to retire after 30 years,” Gore said. “This job has been seven days a week doing things like updating the web site and taking care of games and it has been intense, even during the summer time. Beyond that, I really want to spend time with my wife Lisa, who is a pros ecutor, and just slow down for a little bit.” Jeremy Gower, ju nior, commented on what he hopes Gore will take away from being at UNCA, say ing that he has been an inspiration to him and his fiance, Adri an Etheridge, senior. “I wish Gore the best and I hope that he and his wife get to travel as much as they can stand,” Gower said. “Thank you for being a mentor and a friend to both Adrian and I in our young lives. As we transition into our new lives as a married cou ple, I can only hope we are as pleasant, friendly and earing SEE RETIREMENT ON PAGES Students progress with PRO(TECH)T EMMA ALEXANDER nalexand@unca.edu - News Staff Writer After winning the Social Entrepreneurship Conference, Madi son Eddings, junior, and Ben Eisdorf- er, sophomore, used their prize money to move forward with PRO(TECH)T. “We have opened an offieial PRO(TECH) T bank account with the prize money and personal funds,” Ed dings said. “I think it’s going toward mostly prototyping costs.” The invention could have been a complete ly conceptual idea, but the pair decided to move forward us- SEE PRO(TECH)T ON PAGE 7 UNCA student dies in dorm MADDIE STAGNARO mstagnar@unca.edu - Multimedia Editor The Blue Banner staff regrets to an nounce the death of a student and member of our community. Sam Spom, senior and Durham native, was found in his West Ridge Hall room Sunday morning. UNC Asheville Po lice and Asheville Police Department have ruled out foul play but the details of his death have not been released. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Spom’s friends and family. If you or someone you know is in need of counseling, ser vices are available at 828-251-6520. UNCA campus police will provide an on- call counselor if ser vices are needed out side of normal hours.