mmmmm PHOTO BY SOOYEONPYO Ethan Snoreck, otherwise known as Whethan, has risen to recent acclaim in the electronic music world. Whethan brings electronic extravaganza to Orange Peel LARISA KARR Managing Editor Inside The Orange Peel, people linger in a state of permanent sum mer. Bedecked in tube tops, tie-dye dresses and shorts, the young crowd gathers to dance the night of Oct. 19 away to various forms of elec tronic music. Indie electronic group Opia greets the concert-goers with a se rious, undramatic version of “Baby, One More Time” and the crowd re sponds with glee. Right from the start, people are bouncing up and down to the open ers, which is quite uncommon for many concerts. This cheerful tone sets the pace for the whole night. “There were free spirits, free-lov ing people trying to have a good time and people trying to forget the bullshit that goes on in normal life,” said Jade Yolanda Littleton, a 29-year-old electrician from Atlan ta. By the time the second opener Bearson comes on, the crowd is in full-on party mode. As they extend their hands into the air to the booming electronic beats, pink and blue lights swirl around the stage. The Norwegian artist knows how to play to the crowd of early 2000s pseudo-ravers by remixing classic indie anthems like Passion Pit’s “Sleepyhead” and M.I.A.’s “Paper Planes.” He incorporates thoughtful me lodic elements in his DJ mix, in cluding synth-pop, dub-step and Eurodance. The crowd springs to life at this point, still jumping and twirling each other around in merry circles. By the time the headliner ap proaches the stage, the audience is anything but exhausted. Ethan Snoreck, the young pro tege of electronic DJ Skrillex, is ready for his upcoming set. Wearing a grey-and-red-striped shirt, Snoreck, who is known as Whethan, flips his strawber ry-blonde hair as he begins to gid dily play a series of popular pop anthems interspersed with his bom bastic twists, a process which he has spoken about as being very dis tinctive to his artistic style. “The topline is the most import- CONTINUED ON PAGE 19