The Brevard College Weekly Vol. I Methodist Students Go to Conference The Fourth Annual State - wide Methodist Student Conference came to a very successful conclusion last Sunday morning when the delegations from the various colleges together with the membership of College Place Methodist Church heaid Dr. Marvin Culbreth deliver the conference ser mon. Following the theme of the conference, Dr. Culbreth chose as his topic, “Facing Life with a Conquer or.” The conference was the the largest yet held. One hundred fifty delegates attended. Miss Louise Goodman pre sided over the only business meeting, which was held Saturday evening im mediately after the devotional meet ing under the direction of the Brevard College delegation. Miss Ruth Kiker from Eastern Carolina Teachers’ Col lege, was elected president of the con ference for the ensuing year. Miss Kiker served as secretary this year. Special attention was given to the Church-wide Conference which is to be held in Memphis, Dec. 27-31. The conference accepted the invitation of Trinity Methodist Church of Durhim to hold next year’s meeting in Durham, New officers were installed prior to the communion service Sunday morn ing, which was led by the Rev. B. C. Reavis, pastor of the College Park Methodist Church. Brevard College, Brevard, North Carolina, November 15, 1935. Armistice Day Program Monday morning at the assembly period the student body was pre sented a program on “Peace.” The program was made up and present ed by the members of the Internat ional Relations Club with Charlotte Patton, the president, acting as leader on this occasion. The main features of the program were a talk by Norman Plott and a decla mation by Richard Queen, both of which dealt with universal peace. The stage was attractively decorat ed in white and green. The following program was pre sented; Hymn, “Peace, Perfect Peace" Scripture, Thirteenth Chapter of I Corinthians Mr. Trowbridge Prayer Declamation, “Sacrifice of Faith” Richard Queen Poem, “In Flanders Field,” Ruth Sylvester Talk, “What Does Armistice Mean to Us,” Norman Plott View of Brevard College Barn and Farm Brevard College Farm Since June 10, 1935, Brevard Col lege Farm has been operated by students who wish to earn their expenses and who wish to learn more about scientific farming. From this time until the beginning of the school year on September 23, fifteen boys worked on the farm and grounds a total of 3,816 hours, to earn $623.19. At the beginning only men and hoes were used; but on August 10 John and Haley, a team of mules, came to the fields. Following their debut a new wagon, a mowing ma chine, and a grain drill were seen making their tracks on the Brevard College landscape. After weeding their way slowly and steadily through the corn and potato fields, several farmers welcomed the com ing of the machine era. By this time Dixon Willis had become a full-time foreman, and he laid regular spiral shaped swaths of new mown soybean hay over fif teen acres of fertile soil. Following him were the haulers who trans ferred the cured dairy feed to the mow. Simultaneous with this activity was football practice on the gridiron. A prospective tackle. Barton Farthing, was lifting hand- le-breaking loads of forage and hop ing that he might develop a mus cle culture comparable with that of other teamsters. After several days of expectation, the morning of September 13 greet ed a McCormick-Deering iron horse as it came from McCrary’s garage and solicited the cooperation of an obstinate feed cutter in changing seven acres of tall corn into many tons of aromatic silage. New stu dents came and helped with the preservation of the bairy bovine dessert. As these jobs of feed storage were completed, the stage was set for the arrival of a herd of cows. Before the crowing of the first cock on the morning of October 12, President Coletrane was aroused by a violent disturbance of the tele phone. “The cows are coming,” said Mr. H. J. Julian, former owner of the heard. A Paul Revere turn on the lights in the room of Dick son Willis and Ralph Sheppard in Ross Hall and informed them of their duty as a reception committee to the twelve purebred Holstein- Friesians. For several days Frank Penland’s spotted Poland China pigs thrived on the good milk which all children should have daily. Sad was the day, October 26, when 20 gallons of milk cooled over new equipment in a new milk house were taken a. way from the hungry, youthful porcine creatures and given instead to prospering appetites in West Hall. Such has been the program from that date. The dairymen are now awaiting the arrival of the queen and crpwn prince of the herd which are being donated by an ar dent supporter and trustee of Bre vard College, Mr. R. 0. Lindsay of High Point. It is announced that at the begin ning of the second quarter those young men interested in a study of agriculture may enroll in a class of dairying. “Ouch, mummie, I hurt my toe!’ ’ cried small Janey, who was playing out in the garden. “Which toe, dear?” I enquired, as I examined her foot. “My youngest one,” sob bed Janey.—“Parents Magazine.” Girls’ Literary Societies Meet Mnemosynean The regular meeting of the Mnem osynean Literary Society was held No vember 12 with the president, Edith Beard, in charge. The song, “An E- vening Prayer,” was read by Alice Scott as the devotional and prayer. The matter of designing society pins for the club was discussed, and it was decided that each person with artistic ability design a suitable pin for con sideration. Plans were discussed for a party in the near future. A reading was then given by Ellen Waddell. Happy Johnson and Mary Helen Tea gue rendered a duet. The college or chestra played several selections, which were much enjoyed by the society. A very humorous reading was given by Alice Scott. The enjoyable program concluded with a piano solo by Virgi nia Henderson. Euterpean The Euterpean Literary Society met in the girls’ I'ving room at West Hall on November 12. Sara King had charge of the devotionals. Miss Smith read a delightful story by O. Henry, “The Count and the Wedding Guest.” The business was then discussed. Com mittees were named to plan the social of the Euterpeans and Clios for Satur day night, November 16. Everyone is planning for a great time, since a dating agency has been suggested. The meeting adjourned after the business. Lady Resident in Taylor Hall Bernice Swanbuckle, a new resident of Taylor Hall, is a much talked a- bout young lady. For the last few days she has been staying in room 106 and office. Of course all of the boys have to go around to see her at some time or another. She has all of those slim, graceful, alluring curves that are essential to the girl of today. Those sparkling eyes and that shapely head make most of the boys just stand a round and look while others come up and talk to her. Messers Swan and Hornbuckle first met the young lady at the Camp Carolina golf course last Simday and persuaded her to accompany them home. Of course some of you haven’t seen Bernice, because she has been staying pretty close to her new home. Bernice Swanbuckle is a young garter snake one foot long.