The Brevard College Weekly Vol. I Brevard College, Brevard, North~Garolina, November 22, 1935. No. 9 Dr. Smart Sunday evening, November 17, Dr. W. A. Smart from Emory Uni versity was the speaker at vesper service. His talk centered around our childhood beliefs and the chang ing of those beliefs. Most students, he said, had been more or less “tied to their mothers’ apron strings.” Our first and second years away from home are of much' help, in that we begin choosing for our selves between right and wrong. Does our religion play a part in our beliefs, he asked, or could we dis tinguish between right and wrong if we had no religion? Again Monday morning at the assembly period Dr, Smart talked to the student body, this time about religion in relation to our social problems. In his talk he stressed the fact that our social contacts need religion and our religious life needs concern with social better ment. We are all born with tlis capacity for living a worthwhile life, he observed, a capacity for fastening our hearts to others and to the world around us. Life is not a thing to be found in a test tube, nor religion a thing to be ar gued about. If we will only re alize that we are all children of God, then our lives will become worthwhile. While Dr. Smart was in Brevard the students had two other oppor tunities of hearing him-Sunday morning and Sunday night at the local Methodist Church. Sunday night immediately after the church service he had a conference with all young people who are planning for I a life of Christian work. At the conference he emphasized the very great need of trained religious leaders. His private conferences with interested students held on Monday morning were of great val ue to those attending. Thanksgiving Time in the Country Class Meetings Freshmen At the regular chapel period on Wednesday, the freshman class held its regular bi-monthly meeting in the auditorium with James Rog ers presiding. The meeting was opened with de- votionals by Mitchell Faulkner, a member of the Ministerial Band. The devotional period preceded the reading of the minutes by the class secretary. Beginning the business, Ed Pow ell, the class treasurer, gave a re port concerning the dues that had been received and disbursements that had been made. Later in the meeting the class voted on its mot to, colors, and flower for the year, which are as follows: Motto - To Live and Help Others To Live Flowers Red Rose and White Rose Colors Red and White Sophomores Wednesday morning, November 20, at tha assembly period the sophomores met in Room 222 with Lloyd Parks, the president, in charge. The purpose of this meeting was to select motto, flower, and colors for the class. The various commit tees which were appointed a few weeks ago for this work gave their suggestions, and the class chose from them. For the motto, “Wish not to live long as to live well” was chosen. Pink rose bud for the flower and green and white for the colors were chosen. After this there was a general discussion of Homecoming on Thanksgiving Day and the possibility of a banquet that night. Societies Have Social Last Saturday night the Cliosophic and Euterpean literary sof'ieties had their first social of the year in the form of the initial opening of a theatre, with various members of ;,hi3 tw societies performing. This entertainment was held in the library. It opetied with a grand march, which ended with the group in their seats for the show. “Slim” Young o pened the big show with a word of welcome; he then introduced the per formers of the evening as they appear ed on the program. The ladies wore evening gowns and the men wore full dress suits. Follow ing the stage program, which is listed below, the group had five minute dates until refreshments were served. Recitation Geraldine DeVier Popular Songs Jack Armstrong and Frank Graver Piano Solo Margaret Wilson Popular Songs Ruth Sylvester Recitation Ellen L„ Gidney . Raymond Bin- ford Speaks at Assembly Tuesday morning, November 16, the student body enjoyed hearing Mrs. Raymond Binford, wife of the former president of Guilford College and sis- trc-in-law of Miss Myra Binford, speak at the assembly period. Mrs. Binford used as her topic “Ad venture” and stated that adventures were things that happened to us when we were not expecting them. In her talk she brought out several factors which contribute to our preparation to receive adventures and thrills. Among these she mentioned curiosity, know ledge of what goes on around us, enthu siasm, and courage or willingness to enter into new fields. She also stress ed the fact that there are many worth while adventures here in our own state and vicinity, and that it is not neces sary to go great distances to find thrills. Mrs. Binford illustrated her talk by telling of various adventures that she has had in h»r travels. She also ex hibited sevf'ral ti’inkets tliat she had gathered. Home-Coming At a recent meeting of the Student Council it was decided that they would sponsor home coming day on Thanksgiving. All alumni and parents of present students have been sent a personal in vitation to be the guests of the school and council during the entire day. There with be a meeting in the chapel at eleven o’clock, at which time there will be ashort devotional period and talks by old students. The Tornado-Mars Hill game will be the climax of the day; there will, however, be a social of some nature that night, perhaps a banquet. Elab orate plans have been made for a big time at the game. Operetta Presented by Glee Clubs “Lelawala, or the maid of Ni agara,” an Indian operetta by Charles Cadman has been cast for production by the joint glee clubs of Brevard College. The operetta is under the direction of Miss Char lotte Hatcher, the new music in structor .The Glee Clubs have been holding regular practises for about four weeks, and the performance will take place in the near future. The operetta is to be given on the stage of Brevard High School, and the plans now are to give the per formance for two successive nights. The principal characters are as fol- ows: Lelawala Ruth Sylvester Sowanis Russell Andrews Khalwar Leighton Presson Napanee Evelyn Cordell Hintole Mary Evelyn Smith ^[arpeetopah Robert Dixon Wanyeca Eugenia Coltrane Sergeant Bilks Frances Craver Lord Tatler Jack Armstrong Eager Eye JosephA. Goodin Shungela James Rogers Clarenda Annie Ruth Cali Wokomis Marshall Houtz Margaret Slagle and Mary Alice Bristol spent the week-end at their aome in Andrews. NO PAPER Because of the Thanksgiving Holiday The Clarion will not be published next week.