There’s no fool like an APRIL FOOL! lanon APRIL FOOL ISSUE THE STUEGECF-SAIMCN OF-FISH-IAL WEAKLY Vol. XIII Brevard College, Brevf rd, ^'orth Caiolina, April 1, 1937. No. PLEASE Brevard College Receives. Million-Dollar Endowment News In Brief By Ima LI A U BILL EDWARDS IS NOW RADIO STAR Word has just b ’en r iceiv 'C that Bill Edwards, r-'cent grad uate of Brevard Colltg-, has joined the Bnar-Hopptr bo\s a station WBT, Charlotte, N. C. Bill has for quite a waile shown interest in this field of rk. Wt wish him great succt-ss. OPERATIC CONCI Rr OF MISS KAHIKIAN Thoroughly enjoyable in every raspict was the operatic concert given by Miss Satenik Nahikian ill chapel last Tue-iday morning. Miss Nahikian has been study ing voi;e£or ten years under Madam See Flat. She is a very talented and capable young singer. X SIT-DOWN STRIKE ON OUR CAMPUS Glenn Schuler has recently gone on a sit-down strike and has steadfastly refused to study anymore until Mr. Buckner agrees to give him his cuts so that he may go home for the April Fool dance. POWELL WILL ORGANIZE TAP-DANCING SCHOOL John James Powell will or ganize a tap-dancing school in Taylor Hall. Instructor Powell wishes to announce that classes will be held on the second Tues day of each week, and that the price for instruction will b e nominal. OPEN HOUSE AT BIDDIE COOP Open house will be held i n West Hall every night next week from 9 till 2. In the absence of Misses Smith and Hayes, Isabel Cline and Frank Ausband will act as chaperones. T^e ftbove pho'^o is that of Eddie Carlisle, former president of the Student Council, i n a characteristic pose. Eddie has recently been made President of Brevard College by the Beard of Trustfes. Sr>peches w re made for Mr. Carlis)-* bv Alvin Porter, Chfirles Woodson, and Ralph Oehman. COLLEGE STUDENT IS UNDER ARREST We regret to announce that one of our students, Miss Mar garet Wilson, an eminent sopho- iSee column 3 Student Council Will Give Dance By Ella Phant The outstanding social event of the season will be a dance, sponsored by the Student Council of Brevard College, at the Bre vard Coiintry Club on the even ing of April 4. Music will be furnished by Blend Bray’s famous Lazy Coma orchestra and Renny Mudman's Quartet. Golly Brawn, Ring Clausby, Dennie Sargintskivitch, and Pee Wee Huntski will do the vocal numbers. Dead A. Stare will act as master of ceremonies. The dance will be from ten until two. Admission is twenty- five cents a couple. (Tax includ ed.) A section'will be reserved for colored spectators; the admission to this section will be ten cents (Yes, I said ten cents.) College students who do not wish to dance may sit in this section. Mildred Cogdill “Yellow Sheet^^ Of Taylor Hall Is Exposed By Professor Fowlervich Detective Onion W. Bandrew, former nursemaid and bodyguard for the late Oscar Zilch, stumbled upon a dirty news sheet in the wine cellar of Taylor Hall. For years a paper filled with insults and accusations has caused much consternation in this vicinity. Details of the raid could not be gotten from the snooper-sleuth, as he was in somewhat feeble minded condition after the ter rific ordeal. He just stood against the wall and muttered over and over, “I unlocked the door and got ’em. Chief.” When asked to what he attrib uted his success, he tearfully cried out, "My crepe-soled shoes and black slouch hat.” [Editor’s note- -We think it is his keen key-hole insight.] mora, was arrested last even ing up street for loud and riot ous conduct. Upon investiga tion Mr. Paul Westbrook learned that she may be bailed out for $2.50. Brother, can you s>are a dime? College Gets Large Sum In Will of Klotz By Iona Ford In a will made public yester day, March 30, Brevard College was name i principal beneficiary in the will of the late Mr. Horse- I'ace Klotz, retired millionaire blacksmith of Detroit, Michigan. Mr. Klotz, who before his death was a noted philanthro pist, has before given large sums •f money to colleges and other asylums. Probably the best known o f Mr. Klotz’ philanthropic acts was the donation of six carloads of cough-drops to be sent to Al pine yodelers in Switzerland. Mr. Klotz is survived by his widow, nine sons, a daughter, and thi’ee Scotty dogs. West Hall Girls Are Mucli Worried A sincere attempt is being made by all the occupants of West Hall to, enliven the Palmer twins. These girls have been listless and dull for nearly six months, and all are dreadfully concerned. Anyone having any remedies please divulge them immediately. New Fad Begun By Barbers Here Professors Ward Everhardski and F r a n k o Ausbandskivitch, graduates of Keeley Institute and Slice University, are now offer ing “No Rinctum Haircuts,” for vien only, at the nominal charge of ten cents, cash- - -and they carry you out. The professors have exhibited their tonsorial excellence upon such notables as Gene Wilson, Jack Erwin, Yours Truly, and others. S a i d Professor Everhardski, when asked how his patients liked thair trims, “They laughed Continued on page 4