THE CLARION VOL. X OCTOBER 15, 1942 No.. 2 Homecoming Day Is Saturday, October 31 J^r New Members Are Added To College Faculty This Year Director Brief Biographies Given Complete List Of Faculty Is Also Announced Four new members have J)een added to the Brevard College fac ulty for the year of 1942-43. Mr. Humphrey A. Olsen holds the-position of dean of men and teacher in the commercial depart ment. Mr. Olsen’s home is at Bat tle Creek, Michigan. He received his A. B. Degree from the Uni versity of Michigan in 1931 .and his A.. M. in Education from the University of Kentucky in 1941. He also holds certificates from the University of Wisconsin Library school, in 1934, and from Argu- bright Business college, Battle Creek, Michigan, 1942. Mr. Harold Hancock of Dover, Delaware, is teacher of history and government. He received his A B. Degree in 1936 from Wesleyan University and later his A. M. de gree from Harvard. He taught in a Delaware high school for two years, and last year was head of the social science department at Louisburg college in N. C. He is the author of the book, “The Dela ware Loyalists." He is a Phi Beta Kappa man. Miss Lillie A.' Brown, of High Point, is teacher of piano, voice, and theory. She is also director of the choir and glee club. She . re- ceived her B. M. Degree from Greensboro College in 1940,' and has had two years of successful teaching experience. Mr. Bruce Richardson, of Simp- ; sohville; South Carolina, is the in structor in biology. He is a grad uate of Furman - University, and (holds an M, A. Degree from the University of Chicago. In addition he has completed the residence re quirements for his Ph. D. from the University of Chicago and expects to complete his dissertation in the summer of 1943. Mr. Richardson has had successful teacliing exper ience in the Charleston College of Turn To Page Four State Fire Marshal Speaks At Assembly On Thursday afternoon, October 10, Mr. Sherwood Brockwell, dep uty insurance commissioner and fire marshal for North Carolina, spoke at a call assembly about fire and the war. “We are in an all-out war,” said Mr. Brockwell. “ You are one of the most potential audiences on' the face of the -earth. Until recently America has been privileged to en joy luxuries no other race of peo- ;ple ever enjoyed. Buildings can- hot be rebuilt until after we have won this war. Fire will be aiding and abetting the enemy. Sabotage and carelessness are the same—the results are the same.” Mr. Brockwell was accompanied by Mr. John Smith, fire chief of Brevard, and Mr. Ralph Fisher, chief air raid warden for Transyl. yania county. Initiation Is Held By Societies at BC Lcfst week the Delphian Literary Society held its annual initiation for all new members. The initia tion started on Tuesday night. At this time the new members were given a few “love” licks and their instructions for the week. The members were required; to wear ail of their clothes backwards, to .wear a red -D on their foreheads, to bow down to the senior mem bers; to remain standing in class rooms, chapel, and the dining hall until all senior members were seat ed, and to refuse to speak to any girl. The initiation ended at a meeting one week later, at which those being initiated were punish ed for violations of any law. The Cliosophic Literary Society is holding its initiation during this week. The requirements for their new members are as follows; Sa lute all old members with Clioso phic salute; get twenty Up prints on paper with each one signed by the giver. Wednesday—Roll up left pants leg and wear red sock on that foot. Wear tie with collar turned up. Thursday—Wear lip stick and bow in hair and march into dining hall in double file after all others are seated. Friday— Wear a shirt with tail out, also wear a tie, and carry books in a waste basket. Saturday — Wear mus tache. Wear “C” on one cheek, “L” on forehead, “S” on other cheek, and “V” on chin. The initiation ends Saturday at 1;30 p. m. ,At this time all mem bers will meet on the steps of West •Hall to have a picture taken. The Cliosophic motto is: “It is a .pleasure to have remembered this.” Something New Has Been Added To the Euterpean and Mnemosy- nean Literary Society, (and I do mean new members. But oh! what they went through to get their names on those two famous roll- Tum To Page Three CHEERLEADERS ELECTED On Tuesday, October 6, at the chapel hour, the cheerleaders for this yeitr were elected. Pat Brink ley, head cheerleader, was auto matically elected, because of her splendid work last year. The other candidates were Elsie Barnhill, Gwen Buckner, Eleanor Pettit, and Bob Hauss. After their introduction, the candidates gave several yells with the co-operation qf the student body. This was to determine the ability of the candidates. After the yells, David Franklin, president, took charge and held the election. Bob Hauss was elected unanimous ly by the student body. Close vot ing followed for the three remain ing candidates. Coming through with flying colors was Eleanor Pet tit, a day student. Shown above is Miss Nancy Blanton, director of physical edu cation here at Brevard College. Miss Blanton will have charge of the - Homecoming Day pro gram to be held at the college on October 31. 3tudent & Faculty ■ Conferences Began At the invitation of President Coltrane and David Franklin, stu dent council president, several members of the sophomore class gathered early on the campus for a series of student-faculty confer ences. The first meeting was held at two o’clock on Saturday after noon, September 19. David Frank lin, president of the student coun cil, presided, and aims for the year were stated and discussed. Five phases of campus life were pre sented arid ways to improve them were discussed. Cathrine Edge- worth presented improvements for the organizations, Corinne Puitt for scholarship, Wayne ,Simpson for athletics, Mary Dunkley for soc ial activities, and Gil^ath Adams for religious activities. The second conference was call ed for the following afternoon. Committees were appointed to dis cuss the five phases o;f college life presented at the first conference. Each committee met with its facul ty adviser and discussed the aims that each wished to carry out for the coming school year. At four o’clock the group again convened and the chairman of each com mittee presented the aims of his group to the entire conference. Be fore the conference adjourned plans were discussed to welcome the new students. David Franklin called another meeting for September 27, and fin al aims for the year were present ed, Those attending the retreat were Frances Pace, Miss Mabel Cherry, Louise Burnette, Virginia Dalton, Corinne Puitt, Julia Owen, Miss Dulcie Hayes, Humphrey Ol sen, Miss Grace Jackson, Harold Hancock, Miss Della Shore, Cath rine Edgeworth, Jo Doris Johnson, Hubert Owen, Bob Gash, Wayne Simpson, Bill Rush, Mary Dunkley, Bette Cheadle, Dr. Burt W. Loom is, Dr. E. J. Coltrane, Miss Lucile Turn To Page Two Football Game And Party Are Planned Brevard College is planning to celebrate Homecoming day this year on Saturday, October 31. All graduates and former students have been invited to return to the campus. President Coltrane states he expects around six hundred for mer and present students to at tend. The activities will get under way with a football game in the after, noon between Brevard College eleven and Western Carolina Teachers College. The two teams have met once before, in 1939, when they played to a scoreless tie, and all signs point to an interest ing contest. The game will give Brevard fans their only chance to see a college football game on the local ground since Brevard Col lege abandoned its regular football schedule two years ago. That night a Hallowe’en party and square dance will be held in the college gym. It will be a mas querade affair and the general public will be invited. The com mittee for the party is composed of Dr. Burt Loomis and Miss Nancy Blanton, of the faculty, and Miss Mary Dunkley of the student body. Each society and club at the col lege will have a booth at the dance and sell cold drinks, candy, and other refreshments. The highlights of the Hallowe’en party will be the crowning of the harvest king and queen. They will be elected by the student body by secret hallot in the next two weeks. Former students who are now in the armed services will be sent special invitations and it is hoped many of them will be able to at tend. MOST HANDSOME At the Baptist church party last Thursday evening. Prof. Harold Hancock was elected the most handsome man there. And they say that the most handsome boys of the college were there. New Pipe Smokers Club Formed At BC The pipe smokers club of" Bre vard College was formed solely for the purpose of creating a deep er interest and keener spirit among the boys at Brevard College. The club intends to attain a high er fellowship between the stu dents, faculty, and citizens of Bre vard. Humphrey Olsen, dean of men, is in full accord with the estab lishment of this club, attending regularly and supervising the meetings. Being a new club, it hasn’t had any high success as yet, although its members have high ideals and intehd to establish a great record as a club at Brevard College. Tlie club intends to have special entertainments soon. Its meetings are held every Wed nesday night at seven o’clock. The officers are Dean Olsen, sponsor, Joe Dean, president; Al bert Hand, vice president; Andy Wyatt, secretary; J. Q, Anders, treasurer.

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