Give Student Election and Your Candidate Support. Vote At the PoUs Clarion Watch the Progress of Our New Garden and Pond. See Story Page 5 Volume XVII BREVARD COLLEGE, APRIL 16, 1951 Number 7 Theme Of May Day Is “Robin Hood” itl> TUS THV fm SAT 12 IB 26 “""■^is&ssss 8 ^... «w»«5r •5>r«« fiWrW- CXt?KJaAS:> Sab'l-'Y Centered around the May Day Queen Joan Schaeffer are her Maid of Honor, Martha Bishop^ and her May Day Court. On the top row, from left to right, are Betty Lineberry, Miss Bishop, Nonna Jean Williams, and Martha Gibbs. Middle row: Peggy Waller, Miss Schaeffer and Annie Lewis. Bot tom row: Ellen Faulkner. Carol Carter, and Jean Arledge. Rehearsals Begun For Play With Cast Of Fourteen Rehearsals have begun for the three act comedy, “Everybody’s Crazy,” which is to be given here later this term by the Brevard Col lege Dramatics club. Mr. Francis B. Price, faculty ad viser for the dramatics club, is directing the play but has not set a date for the per formance. “Everybody’s Crazy” is a farce in three acts by Jay Tobias. The play takes place in the lobby of the ‘ghost” hotel that three col lege boys have bought. The boys purchased the hotel with the in tention of making money in order to splurge during their last year in college. Members of the cast include Larry Poteat, Wayne Umphlett, Reid Gilbert, James Smith, Dot Dellinger, Betty Shepherd, Doro thy Gay Rockwood, Tom Roberts, Helen Hayes, Betty Huff, Clinton Tutterow, Jewell Sentelle, Lura Cole and Mack Lassiter. HONORARY FRATERNITY HAS TAPPING SERVICE The Phi Theta Kappa held its tapping ceremony in chapel Fri day. Those tapped into the chapter were Mary Dean, Lawson Bing ham, Bernie Welch, Carol Carter, Richard Hodson and Alice Leg gett.- - .- Students To Vote For Student Government Officers April 19 April 19 and 20 will be red-letter days on the college calendar. Student body elections will take place on the 19, and the results will be announced on April 20. Student Body President Bernie Welch announced in chapel on April 5 that the new procedures for announcing candidacy and for voting will go into effect in this year’s elections. To be an eligible candidate, a student must have declared his intention in a written petition signed by 18 students. These pe titions were turned in to Mary Alice Hollifield, secretary-treas- urer of the student body, by Fri day, April 13. In a call meeting, the student council will approve such candidates as meet the re quirements stated in the constitu tion. A list of candidates will be pre sented to the student body over the week end. The officers to be elected are a president, a vice president, and a secretary-treasur- er of the student goverimient; a social chairman, who will be in charge of the social calendar; an editor and a business manager of the PERTELOTE; and an editor and a business manager of the CLARION. Voting will take place in one of the basement rooms in Taylor Hall. Members of the student coimcil will be on duty at the polls and at entrance and exit doors of the doi:- mitory . at all times on tlje djay of election. Winners will be an nounced within a 24-hour period after the polls close. The new voting procedure in which voters state first, second, end third choices prevents the need for a run-off in case of a tie. College Choir Has Successful Tour Jody Schaeffer Is Elected Queen Bernie Welch, president of the student government of Brevard college has issued the statistics of the recent May Queen election. Welch stated that the voting in the election was so close that had it not been for the majority dause in the new constitution, the voting would have been held again, be cause there was a difference of only two or three votes for all can didates. Out of five candidates for May Queen, Miss Joann' Schaeffer re ceived the highest niunber of votes. Miss Martha Bishop re ceived the second highest num ber, which, according to the con stitution, placed her as Maid-of- Honor. After the announcement of the winner, Welch asked that the inemoers of each class meet sepa rately lor the purpose of electing ireir representatives as attena- ants in tne May Court. Out of the iresnman class Betty Lineberry, jeeggy Waller, Ellen Faulkner, ana Carol Carter were elected as auenctants. From the sophomore class Anne Lewis, Marty Gibbs, Jean Arledge, and Norma Jean Williams were elected. Tne May Day program, under the airecuon ot Miss Louise Mos ley, IS basea on the story of Robin Hooa. Alice Leggect will have the part of Robin Hood, and Betty Jean Evans will take the part of ot the Maid Marion. The mem bers of tne girls physical educa tion Classes will participate in tbe dances planned lor the program. Tne costumes are now being made xor tne program and are to be in gieen and yellow. The Brevard College choir, un der the direction of Bruce A. Liv- engood, recently completed its spring tour. The choir was com posed of 33 selected voices with Francis Price, instructor in voice, and Mary Jane Kornegay featured soloists. Miss Susan Graham, in structor in piano, was accompan ist for the choir. The choir sang in Concord, Charlotte, Wadesboro, and Ruth- ei’fordton. It also performed in several high schools. The highlight of the tour was an appearance at the Dilworth —Turn to Page Five College Mien Urged l o Write To Local Boards For Forms All college men who plan to continue their educations are advised by the adminis tration to write letters imme diately to their draft boards informing the local boards of their intention to con tinue college. Selective Service examin ations which will enable men to continue study will be administered at examina tion centers throughout the country. Tests will be giv en at Brevard college on May 26, June 16, and June 30. When writing the local boards, men should ask to be sent forms SSS No. 106 and SSS No. 107. Ac cording to recent radio and press announcements these forms are not ready for distribution; how ever, notifying the boards of the desire to take such an examina tion is necessary at once, the ad ministration has announced. Miss Josephine Linn, former di* etician of the Brevard college caf eteria, writes that she is now feeding five thoiisand men at Fort Jackson, South Carolina.