Here’s To Success This Semester c Miss Elizabeth Ann Clapp Route 6, Box 465 Greensboro, N. C, IdLrXUII 7^1U:\F0:.TACT; to ^rsd.ooPL Students Volume XVIII BREVARD COLLEGE, FEBRUARY 9, 1952 Number 5 The Board Of Trustees Elects Acting President OPEN LETTER TO COLLEGE ALUMNI Dear Fellow-Alumni: Through Brevard college, the Methodist church has made a great contribution to your life and mine. When we consider the influence that this institution has had upon our lives, we immediately recog nize our indebtedness to others. Their investment in Christian high er education has made life differ ent for us. My thoughts frequently, and quite naturally, turn to Brevard college and I have been thinking recently of the college as it now is—its lim ited facilities, its underpaid facul ty, its hundreds of alumni, its in adequate support, its smaller-than- usual student body. One is not made jubilant by such thoughts, we must confess. Nevertheless, we rejoice in the vision and consecration of those persons who have helped Brevard college render the service that it has during its brief history. Then, I have other thoughts — thoughts that lead me to dream of the Brevard college that might be — ■with improved facilities, with a larger enrollment'of students, with' a better-paid faculty, with alumni v/hose interest in the school is gen uine and whose concern is expressed by vital influence and through tan gible gifts. On behalf of our Alumni associa tion, I would like to challenge you to join me in doing the following two things for Brevard college within the next few months: (1) It is imperative that the col lege have more students next year. Trustees and officials cite this as being one of the pressing needs at the present moment. You can help at this point by influencing high school seniors in your community to consider Brevard and by send ing their names to the college for follow-up purposes. Please be on the alert to lend your assistance in this connection. (2) The college needs whatever gifts we might be able to share— $1, $5, $10, $25, $50, $100. This is a constant need! We have received much. Surely loyal alumni can and will give something! I hope that many of you will be able to send immediate gifts, however great or small, and thereby express your love for the college and our faith in its future. Make your check pay able to Brevard college and mail it to Miss Lois Frazer at the college. May this New Year of 1952 bring to all of us an ever-growing sense of appreciation for the contribu tion which our Alma Mater has made to our lives! Very sincerely yours, R. DELBERT BYRUM, President, Brevard College Alumni Association College BSU Joins State-Wide Campaign James W. Ray, North Carolina Baptist Student union director, has announced two projects which Brevard college B. S. U. members will join hands in sponsoring with other North Carolina campuses. “The drive for this year will be a combined one,” explained Mr. Ray when on campus at Brevard last week for conferences with Baptist students. Some 30 organized student un ions and other school groups have launched a $1,500 campaign for helping send a North Carolinian to Hawaii for internship, missionary work with adults, and for aiding a foreign student to continue minis terial education. Qualifications for the state-awarded honor are that the recipient be an upperclassman or graduate of a four-year N. C. college, a mission volunteer, and that he have endorsement of his lo cal student group. . The North Carolina Baptist Stu dent union’s award to a foreign stu- WALTER FULLBRANDl dent has been granted to Walter Fullbrandt, a 23-year-old, Weener, Germany-born Baptist seminary student. Fullbrandt’s mother died when he was five; his father was a Baptist minister at Eilenburg, near Leipseig, Germany. During World War II, the young boy and his fath er lost their belongings, and their home was completely destroyed. Now Walter’s father is pastor of the Baptist church at Pforzhein, ir. Southern Germany. Said yoxmg Fullbrandt in his let ter of thanks directed to Mr. Ray: “Please let me thank you and also the students of the Baptist Student Unions of North Carolina very much for the great contribution you have made to my education as a fu ture minister. . . r Dean J. J. Stevenson has been appointed by the board of trus tees as acting president of the college until a president can be selected. Jones Visits Campus; Speaks To Students John E. Jones, promotional direc- •tor-for tfeg-AaheviHe-Oitig&n-Ti company, visited the Brevard col lege campus on Wednesday, Jan uary 9, in connection with promo tional work which is being done by the Asheville newspapers in the colleges and schools in the moun tain area of Western North Caro lina. The Citizen-Times company, ac cording to Mr. Jones, has begun a project to stimulate reading habits among students in this area. This project consists of supplying free copies of the Citizen to students one day each week for a period of six weeks. At Brevard, which was the first college to receive newspa pers in the project, the newspapers were distributed in history classes with the cooperation of Dr. A. L. Bramlett, head of the history de partment. Mr. Jones, a veteran of twenty- eight years’ experience in the field of journalism, spoke to history stu dents of journalistic experiences. At the chapel period on the morn ing of his visit to the college, Mr. Jones spoke to the assembled stu dent body and showed a movie about the making of a newspaper. DR. EDDY SPEAKS HERE Dr. Sherwood Eddy, well-known author, lecturer and social worker, lectured at Brevard college on world conditions last Wednesday in the college auditorium at regular chapel period. His wife spoke Tues day evening on “The Orient” at the college. Both Dr. and Mrs. Eddy have been prominent in YMCA-YWCA work. Dean Appointed To Actingr Presidency The Brevard college board of trustees announced that, in absence of a chief admin istrator, Dean J. J. Steven son, Jr., has been appointed acting president of the col lege. The college board met January 25 at Dilworth Methodist church, and an nouncement of its decision was made to the faculty re cently by Dr. B. Joseph Mar tin. Roy Heads Admissions Along with the appointment of Dean Stevenson as acting president came the official appointment of Prof. C. Edward Roy, head of the college department of religion, as Director of Admissions, according to Dr. Martin. President Stevenson received his A. B. from the University of South Carolina, his B. D. from Emory university, and his M. A. from: the University of South Carolina. He has been a member of the college ac-iltx sinqe 19^^^ ^ The Rev. Mr. Roy received his A. B. from Piedmont college, his B. D. from Emory imiversity and his M. A. frx>m George Peabody college for Teachers. He was ap pointed to the faculty in 1944. Euterpeans Sponsor St. Valentine Dance Martha Washam, president of the Euterpean society, has announced plans for an informal Valentine dance which the society will spon sor on Saturday, February 16. The dance, which will feature the Val entine motif, wiU be held in the col lege cafeteria follovnng a basket ball game with North Greenville junior college. The entertainment for the dance wiU consist of square dances and ballroom dances, according to the chairman of the entertainment com mittee, June Craft. Plans of the decoration committee, headed by Gloria Starnes, and the refresh ment committee, under the direc tion of Melba Eller, have not been disclosed. FRY IS MEMBER OF PLAY CAST Mr. Ray Fry, of Brevard college, librarian at the James A. Jones library, will be a member of the cast when the Brevard Little The ater presents a three-act murder mystery, “The Ninth Guest,” in the American Legion building. The play is scheduled for production on February 12 and 13 at 8:30 p. m. Several members of the college drama dub will serve as ushers for the play.