THE HOUR IS HERE The Clarion STUDY MUST VOLUME XXVII BREVARD COLLEGE, JANUARY 15, 1960 NTJMBER S Spring Semester Begins On January 25 Pre-registration Procedure Starts New '60 Schedule “WE JUST CAN’T SEEM TO GET INTO A POSITION TO STUDY FOR EXAMS!” This seems to be the problem of John Beal, Chuck Metcalf, Jim West, and Gary Blake; and friend “Vootie,” who is the only intellectual-looking on© in the bunch. Vootie’s sole comment; “Exams will be held!” Put up your towel; stock up on coffee; and prepare to hit the books. Tonight exams begin—yes, quiet hours reign supreme, and sleep slips out of the picture for the next two weeks. Grades for the fall semester will be posted on January 25, prior to registration. Those students On pro bation who have to appeal will be notified on Friday, January 22. Ap peals will be made to the Academic Standards Committee. The spring semester will begin on Monday with registration pro cedure. Sophomores will register first beginning at 8 a.m., with freshman registration following. In addition to the regular semes ter courses, there will be several new night courses—^English 15 (public speaking), office machines, and descriptive geometry on Mon day evenings; and a refresher-type course in typing and shorthand on Tuesday nights. The refresher class in typing and shorthand is for those who have had the course and the instruction will be geared to the individual level of performance. Mrs. Barbara 1 Hardesty will be the instructor. I —Turn to Pag** Three MSF Begins A Busy New Year Methodist Student Fellowship has been busy for the past weeks. Last week the memibers were in charge of the vesper program. Those taking parts on the program were Helen Johnson, Joan Allison and Manuel Wortman, who gave a very inspiring talk on “The Life of One Man.” Mr. Reed was guest speaker at the regular M.S.F. meeting Sunday night, January 10. His topic was “The United States—A Land of Promise.” Plans for attendance to the North Carolina Methodist Students Conference to be held January 29- 31, 1960 were discussed. Host for the Conference will be West Mar ket Street Methodist Church and Bennett College in Greensiboro. Dr. Joseph Matthews from Austin, Texas, will be the main speaker, and the theme of the Conference will be “God’s Truth in a Changing BJC Librarian Receives Honor j Mrs. Elizaibeth J. Holder, head librarian at Brevard College, had recently been appointed to the Edi torial Board of North Carolina Libraries, the official publication of the North Carolina Library As sociation. Mrs. Holder has also 'been, during the past year, a mem ber of the Advisory Board of the School of Library Science at Uni versity of North Carolina. This information, released by the Public Relations Department of Brevard College, is another ex ample of the many fine accomp lishments earned by our excellent faculty. Dimension.” Registration will be $5.00 and should be in to the Conference by January 22, to guarantee housing and meals. All the Methodist students are urged to attend. Those interested should contact Dean Plant, Joe Saunders, or Helen Johnson as soon as possible. PHI THEA KAPPA FETES AT SUPPER PHI THETA KAPPA has been active on campus this year. Before the Christmas holidays, the girls, Judy McManus, Betty Hornaday, Dee Carden, and Celia Hooper pre pared a Southern style fried chick en supper for the advisor, Dr. Burt Loomis and the following mem bers; Joe Litaker, Elmer Norwood, Choo Kim, Joe Harris, Max Walser, Sherrill Michael. Mr. Karl Harrell was guest speaker at the last meeting Friday, January 8. He presented solilo- quiet from Shakespeare and mono logues from Edgar L. Masters Spoon River Anthology. Plans were discussed for the tap ping of new members. This cere mony will take place during an as sembly program after grades are in, sometime m J^eo- ruary. CUPID CUTS CAPERS According to the girls, Cupid was busy during the Christmas holi days Terry Brittain, a day student, was married to Thomas Corn on December 20; and Jerry Whitmire another day student, was marned to Carolyn Fray Williams. Recital At Brevard College On January 25 To Feature Piano And Violin Selections A lyceum program will be held on January 28, Registration Day at 8:15 p.m., in the Sims Campus Cen- ,ter Building Auditorium. This will be a concert by two artist members of the Department of Music of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill: Edgar Alden, violinist, and William S. Newman, pianist. Their announced renditions will in clude works by Handel, Devorak, and Vaughn Williams. Dr. Newman is not unknown to Brevard, for he appeared here in a concert several years ago and is one concerto was accompanied by our own Mrs. Louise Miller. Attendance is required and tick ets will be placed in students mail boxes on January 28. Each student is requested to sign his name as it appears in the school records on the right ticket so there will be no chance of an error in checking at tendance. Absence from a lyceum program equals two chapel aib- sences. 4 DR. WILLIAM S. NEWMAN, left, and Dr. Edgar Alden, are the featured artists for the Lyceum program at Brevard college on Monday, January 25th.