tomorrow is MAY DAY The Clarion MAY THE FLOODS DEPART! VOLUME XXVII BREVARD COLlfEGE, MAY 6, 1960 NUMBER II Chris Olsen Will Reign As May Queen K % m M. f * Introducing the 1960-61 May Court!! Miss Chris Olsen will reign as May Queen, with Miss Brenda Edison as her maid of honor. Included in the court are Miss Carole Mappus, Miss Jeanne Morris, Miss Anita Smith, Miss Betty Sutherland, Miss Maxie Callisher, Miss Joyce Free man, and Miss Sandra Smith. Absent when the picture was taken was Miss Dianne Nesbitt. (Photo by Pat Austin) WORTMAN, MAYHEW WILL LEAD STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION IN 1960-61 Manuel Wortman, a freshman from Lawndale will lead the Stu dent Government Association as its president in 1960-61. Manuel ran unopposed for the office in the April 30 election. Completing the slate for the com ing year Don Mayhew from Moores- vllle, vice president; Barbara Parks from Lexington, secretary-treasurer; and Maxie Callisher from' Greens boro, social chairman. Vandalyn Brown, from Marion, will edit the CLARION, with Becky Sigmon from Conover, as business manager. Editor of the PERTE- LOTE will be Patsy Green of Thomasville, with Jim Wilson of Germanton, as business manager. Chosen from the student body in a general election, the officers will be installed during an assembly period before the end of the year. The presidents of the Men’s and Men s House Council Will Hold Picnic At Deerwoode Saturday, May 14, is the date for the annual Men’s House Council Picnic to be held at Camp Deer woode. The entire student body is invited to the affair which will begin shortly after noon. Swimming Kappa Spring Chi Holds Retreat Kappa Chi, the religious fra ternity of Brevard College, held its spring retreat in Pisgah National Forest the weekend of April 30 and May 1. Although it rained the en tire time, good fellowship and fun was enjoyed by all. A serious discussion was held evaluating the year’s work of the organization. Also, plans for next year’s activities were made. ^^een people attended. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Roy are the sponsors for Kappa Chi. will be permitted for both men and women in the afternoon. Supper will be served for everyone, and dancing will fill the bill for the rest of the evening. In the past, everyone has exipressed extreme en joyment for this affair, and we hope that this year will be no exception. Committee heads are as follows. Box Gladden, refreshments; Don Mayhew, lifeguards; Max Walser, entertainment; Bruce Taylor, clean ing; and Paul Davenport, transpor- tation. j. n-L, Francis Guffey is president at tne MHC, with Bruce Taylor as vice- president and Leroy Hill as secre tary-treasurer. BLT PRESENTS PLAY ‘‘Death Takes a Holiday,” direct ed by Robroy Farquhar, ended the season for the Brevard Little Theatre last Friday and Saturday. Alberto Casella’s play is a curious mixture of love and suspense where in Death as a person falls in love. The show was well accepted. Women’s House Councils, who are also members of the SGA, will be elected before the installation ser vice. (See picture on page 4) BIG SISTERS FETE The Big Sister Organization of Brevard College met Wednesday night, May 4, for a steak supper at Berry’s. Nominations for the new members of the BSO were made, and the chosen girls will be tapped in an impressive ceremony in the dorm before the end of the year. Betty Neale of Charlotte, is the president of the Big Sister Organiza tion. Program, Dance To Highlight May Weekend A visit to Brevard in springtime and a tour through America will highlight Brevard College’s annoal May Day weekend beginning Safier- day, May 7. Miss Chris Olsen of Charlotta, will reign over the festivities as May Queen. Mr. Paul Poley, also of Charlotte, will be her escort. Miss Brenda Edison is Miss Olsen’s maid of honor and will escorted by Mr. Mike Dunn of Wins ton-Salem. Others included in the May Court are sophomores Carole Mappus of Charleston, S. C.; Jean Morris 61 Marion; Anita Smith of Pleasaai Garden; and Betty Sutherland Asheville. Freshman attendants are Maxine Callisher of Greensboro; Joy® Freeman of Hendersonville; Dianne Nesbit of Black Mountain; an9 Sandra Smith of Marion, S. C- Miss Leone Harvin, daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Harvin, and Mr. Ricky Adams, son of Mr. atad' Mrs. Nelson Adams, will act as flower girl and crown bearer for the queen. “Only in America” will be f&e theme of the musical presentatiiB to be given Saturday ^ternoon al 4:00. This program vnll be the sCoiy of the American heritage in song and dance and will feature Greek and Waldensian dance groups front the mountain area and dance groops and soloists from Brevard CoUegB, Judy McManus, a sophomore fran&- Charlotte, is the author and student director of “Only in America.” Miss Barbara Sader is the faculty direc tor. Following the afternoon festivi ties, at 8:00 that evening, a formal dance will be held. Sponsored the Wodenian, or Vcieran's cldfe, the dance is entitled “Younger Th^ Springtime” and features the iniKic of the Mark-6 of Western Carolina College. Lee Creede from Concord, is the president of the Veteran’fe club. COLLEGE ANNOUNCES SPEAKERS Dr. Clarence Raymond Carpenter, professor of psychology at Pennsyl vania State University, will be the speaker at Brevard College’s gradu ation exercises on May 29 at 4 p.m. Dr. Carpenter graduated from Weaver College in 1926, received his A. B. degree in 1926 and his Ph. D. in 1932 from Stanford Uni versity. He did post doctorate study, as a National Research Council Fel low, in the Institute of Human Re lations of Yale University from 1932-1933. Since 1940, Dr. Carpenter has been associated with Penn State where he is the director of Aca demic Research and Services. The speaker for the baccalaureate service to be held on May 29, at 11 a.m. will be Dr. James G. Hug gins. Dr. Huggins received his A.B. Degree from Wofford College, his B. D. from Diike University, and Mb D. D. from Wofford. He has been associated with the Western North Carolina Conference during his en tire ministry with the exception a four-year pastorate in the North Carolina Conference. He is now minister of the First Methodist Church of Gastonia. CAKPENTER HUGGIN