BUD Tanner Russell Pearson AND Barbara Smoot AND Theresa Foster HAVE BEEN ELECTED 1 11 IT” V y 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 HAVE BEEN CHOSEN AS MR. & MISS FRESHMEN JL. JL JL JL CA. A. JL JL MR. a MISS SOPHOMORE VOLUME XXX BREVAED COLLEGE, BREVARD, N. C., FEBRUARY 8, 1963 Nximber 8 Religious Emphasis Services To Begin Sunday THOMAS B. STOCKTON Famous Recorder To Perform Here A special assembly program has been planned for Monday evening, February 18, from 6:30 to 7:30 p. m., at which Mr. Billy Edd Wheeler, nationally known folk singer will perform. A native of Highcoal, West Virginia, Mr. Wheeler attended Warren Wilson College for both high school and junior college work. He graduated from Berea College, Kentucky, in 1955. While serving as alumni secre tary at Berea College, he travel ed throughout the eastern Unit ed States, performing before many groups in the interest of the College. Receiving a fellow ship from Yale University, he left Berea to study playwriting in New Haven, Connecticut. Since 1962 he has lived in New York City. His ability both as a song writer and singer has been rec ognized nationally and interna tionally. He has recorded two LP albums of folk music for Moni tor Records, an English Com pany, and now is recording for Unit^ Artists, His songs have been recorded by Pat Boone, and releases by The Kingston Trio, Rex Allen, Hank Snow, and Elvis Presley are scheduled for this spring. Selective Service I Tests To Be Given Applications for the Selective i Service College Qualification Test to be given on April 18 are now available to college stud ents at the Selective Service lo cal boards throughout North Carolina, according to Colonel Thomas H. Upton, State Direc tor of Selective Service for North Carolina. Applications for the test must be postmarked no later than mid night, Thursday, March 28. Eli gible students may also obtain information about the test from any local board. The test, used since 1951 to aid local boards in determining questions of student deferment, is administered by Science Re search Associates, McHenry, Illinois. To be eligible to take the test, the applicant must be sat isfactorily pursuing a full-time college course, undergraduate or graduate, leading to a degree. He need not be a student of a 4-year college, but his entire course of study must be satis factory for transfer of credits to a degree - granting institu tion. The applicant must be a Se lective Service registrant who intends to seek deferment as a student. He can toke the test only once. Sv/eetheart To Be Crowned At Dance The Mnemosynean and Del phian Societies will sponsor the annual Valentine Dance on Sat urday, Fdbruary 9, at which the Delphian Sweetheart will be crowned in the Campus Center Building. Candidates for the sweetheart were presented at a special assembly on February 5. Three sophomores and two freshmen were chosen from ten contenders. They are: Gwen Browning, Sandra Hill, Sherry Patrick, Sue Rising, and Barbara Smoot. The “Sweetheart” will be announced on the night of the dance. Mr. Kenneth Dubois, sponsor of the Delphian society, will crown her. “Love is a Many - Splendored Thing” will be the dance theme. The “Rhythm Makers,” a local group, will furnish the music. Special entertainment will fea ture Priscilla Dalway, Dean Je- vons, and John Graveline. From the Asheville Citizen The hottest eager on the Uni versity of Folrida basketball team at the moment is semor Tom Barbee from Weaverville, N. C. Barbee, a 6-4 forward, has hit the nets for 19, 22, and 27 points respectively in the Gators last three games against Texas Tech, Tulsa, and Wake Forest. Against Texas Tech and Tulsa, Tom had to come off the bench to do his scoring. The three games boost ed Barbee’s average to 13.6 points for six games. Following an outstandmg nign school career at North Bun combe High in Weaverville, Bar- Honor Students Named By Dean Recognition on the Dean’s List is accorded students who at tain a 2.5 average for a given grading period, and recognition on the Honor Roll is accorded students who have attained a 2.0 average. The calculations are made in terms of regular work being taken for hours of credit at the college level. The following students have been recognized for academic achievement for the first semes ter of the 1962-’63 school year. DEAN’S LIST Jane Adams, Gastonia; Melba Blanton, Concord; Michael Brown, Tampa, Florida; Frank Caldwell, Charlotte; Gilbert Coan, Brevard; Charles Cort, Asheville; David Cort, Asheville; Margaret Davidson, Marion, S. C.; Cheryl Greene, Bryson City; Su san Grofsick, Allendale, New — Turn to Page Three bee elected to attend Brevard Junior College in his home state. Following his sophomore year at Brevard where he averaged 23 points per game and made the junior college All-American team, Tom was one of the most sought after cagers in the area. “At one time I planned to at tend the University of Virginia, but Coach (Norman) Sloan sold me on the University of Florida,” he said. “Also I was impressed with Florida’s engineering col lege.” A senior in eligibility, Tom will have still another y^r to go in order to get his five- year engineering degree. —Turn to Page Four Stockton To Be Guest Speaker By BOB SPENCER “A faith with Vim; a challenge with Vigor; and a life with Vi tality” will be the theme of Re ligious Emphasis Week at Bre vard College next week. A chapel service on Sunday eve ning at 7:00 in the Brevard Meth odist Church will officially be gin the February 10-14 services. The speaker for the week will be Thomas B. Stockton. Worship services will be con ducted on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday mornings at 10:00 with the exception of the 9:00 Wednesday meeting. In the af ternoons at 4:00 P. M., the re ligious organizations vpill spon sor seminar groups whose pur pose will be to explain how the different denominations in the community are organized. The pastors of churches in Brevard will lead the groups. Rev. Thomas B. Stockton is pastor of the First Methodist Church in Reidsville, North Carolina. A native of N. C. he has attended Davidson College, Duke Divinity School, and Cam bridge in England. He is an or dained minister in the Metho dist Church and a member of the Western N. C. Annual Con- —^Tnrn to Page Three Enrollment Changes The Office of the Recorder reports that six students com pleted work this past semester which will permit them to grad uate. They are Bert Adams, Grover Croft, Tosh Hammer- schlag, Shirley HammDl, Whit Loflin, Gil Massie, John Smith, and Oscar Smith. Mrs. Roy also reports that there are four students who have previously attended Brevard now enrolled. These students are Donald Bowman, Winston- Salem, N. C.; Jerry Shepherd, Winston - Salem; Ed Conover, —Turn to Page Three Save-A-Child Fund Campaign To Begin Feb. II The Save - A - Child organiza tion sponsored by the MSF and the SGA will conduct its an nual fund - raising campaign during Religious Emphasis Week from February 10 - 14. A goal of $250 has been appro priated by the organization. Shares will be sold at 50c each and may be obtained from a SGA representative stationed in Dimham Hall. This project enables students and faculty to contribute to the education and welfare of a stud ent in another country. THE STUDENT Government Association in co operation vi^ith President McLarty and Mr. Bu er- worth has agreed to support the Trophy of Month” campaign for good housekeepmg. " " phy will be awarded to the dormitory select^ as the best-kept dorm and monetary ° ^ and $25 will be given to the dorm f J of the most trophies at the end of the ^^®ster. Jones Hall won the above trophy for the month ot January. Brevard’s Barbee Named Hottest Cager At Florida