Maynard To Reign Over May Day Festivities Choirs To Give Joint Concert The Brevard Methodist Church spnior Choir and the Brevard College Choir will present THE EUCHARIST, a Cantata, in joint concert at the Brevard Method ist Church on Sunday, March 31 at 11 A.M. Mr. M. Thomas Cousins will direct the choirs; Mrs. Louise P. Miller will be the organist; and Dona Vaughan and Dean Jevons will sing solos. The music will be fro*m PAR SIFAL by Richard Wagner which is arranged by Charlotte Garden. Rev. John J. Moment will de liver the sermon. The text for the occasion will be a transla tion of the message of the Grail Story into the primary symbol- ism of the Lord’s Supper. 123 To Get Diplomas According to Mrs. Roy, record er, 98 members of the Brevard College sopho'more class will be eligible, on completing success fully sufficient hours and qual ity points, for an Associate in Arts Degree in June. She also reports that 25 members of the class are eligible for Junior Col lege Diplomas. Southern Serenade To Be Dance Theme Brevard’s annual May Day fes tivities have been scheduled for May 4. “Southern Serenade” has been announced by the Fresh man Class officers as the theme for the dance to begin at 8:00 P.M. The queen and her court will reign over the day’s activities, the highlight being the May Dance. Miss Sally Maynard from Winter Park, Florida, has been chosen as queen. Karen Sher rill from Lenoir is Maid of Hon or. Sophomore attendants are Darlene Bowman, Kannapolis; Betsy McLean, Canton; Linda Swaringen from Concord; and Lynn Wells, Sparta, New Jersey. Freshman attendants are Sar ah Anne Barber, Allendale; Mar garet Harris, Black Mountain; Margo Towles from Fincastle, Virginia; and Vickie Roveano, Waynesville. Cardigans To Play At Informal Dance SALLY MAYNARD, 1963 May Queen, holds the hands of Tammy Keeter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Keeter, and Mark Hardesty, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hardesty, who are the mascots for the May Day Fes tivities. Karen Sherrill, Maid of Hon- or, stands beside Sally. Sarah Bar ber, Vickie Roveano, Darlene Bow man, and Lynn Wells stand behind the balustrade and Margo Towles, Margaret Harris, Betsy McLean, ana Linda Swaringen are on the back row. The Delphian and Nemo Soci eties will present an informal dance in the Campus Center Building at 7:30 P.M. on SatM- day, March 23. The student body is invited to come and dance. A local band, the Cardigans, will furnish the dance music. STUDENT LOUNGE TO BE CLOSED AT 7:30 P.M. MONDAY - THURSDAY; 10:00 ON WEEKENDS The Clarion DELPHIAN DANCE TOMORROW NIGHT AT 7:30 P.M. IN CCB EVERYONE INVITED TO ATTEND NUNMBER 11 BREVARD COLLEGE, BREVARD, N. C., MARCH 22, 1963 VOLUME XXX Rabbi Gerber To Visit Campus; Discuss Jewish Faith Hamilton Elected BSU President Peek Featured In Organ Recital M. THOMAS COUSINS Cousins Honored At Convention Mr. M. Thomas Cousins, acting head of the Music Department, attended the 29th annual Amer ican Bandmaster’s Convention at Greensboro March 6 - 9. Mr. Cousins attended as guest con ductor and composer. The —Turn to Page Two Richard M. Peek, an orga.nist who performs for Beulah Zac hary Recital Series of Charlotte, will present a program at the Brevard Methodist Church on Sunday, March 31 at 4 P.M. Dr. Peek is organist and direc tor of music of Covenant Pres byterian Church in Charlo-tte. He is a graduate of Michigan State University and the School of Music of Union Theological Seminary, New York City. Dr. Peek is in constant demand as a conductor, and organist, and lecturer on many phases of church music. This is his third appearance on the Brevard Meth odist Church organ. The program will include se lections by SweeUnck, Buxte hude, de Grigny, Bach, Peek Gi- annini, and Franck. Ann Hamilton, a freshman day-student and member of the First Baptist Church, has been elected to serve as President of the Baptist Student Union next year Other officers elected at the monthly meeting on March 13 were Doris Lance, secreta^- treasurer; Melba Partin, social chairman; Cheryl Green Randy Salomons, co-publicity managers; and Judy Barnes and Joe Ramisey, program chairmen. The newly-elected officers wiU attend the state BSU officer ori entation conference in Apnl in Durham. Glee Club Plans For Spring Tour English Students To Present Plays Modern Religion Will Be Theme The college Glee Club will be leaving April 13 to tow, by bus, schools and churches throughout both North and South C^olina. The 33 members will be direoted by Mr. Harvey M. Miller, and John Bradburn will provide the accompaniment. They will be singing both sacred and secular music. The Madrigal group will also perform. The groi^ P^s to return to Brevard on April 21. Three one-act plays written by famous playwrights wQl be pre sented by students taking Eng lish 14 (Play Production) at 8:00 P.M. on April 5-6 in the Cam^pus Center Building. The plays will portray a “tragedy of farce” and “comedy.” The students partici pating in the play wiU be fully responsible for the production of it in regard to handling scen ery and make up. Mr. Wallace, instructor of the course, has announced that the following students will take part in the play: Ellyn Connors, Ar lene Constantz, Vincent Dennen, Betty Sue Grice, John Neuharth, Melba Partin, Juan Riddick, Ilan- daH Spencer, Carol Tompkins, James Warren, and Dee Yokeley. Rabbi Israel J. Gerber of Tem ple Beth El in Charlotte. North Carolina, will represent the Jew ish Chautauqua Society as lec turer at Brevard College on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 26-27. The Rabbi will speak at chapel on Wednesday evening at 6-30 P.M. on the subject: Relig- —Turn to Page Three CLARION CHUCKLES A perfect wife is one willing to help her husband with the housework.- Hinky-Dinky News “Did you ever hunt bear?” “No but I’ve fished in a bathing suit.” RABBI GERBER