EVIL IS TO LIFE, like discord in music The Clarion BTU PARTY AT CASCADE LAKE TOMORROW. MEET IN PARKING LOT AT 1:00 P.M. VOLUME XXX BREVARD COLLEGE, BREVARD, N. C., APRIL 5, 1963 NUMBER 12 Glee Club To Make Spring Tour During Holidays SGA Plans Tour Of Biltmore House The SGA has announced plans for an excursion, for the entire student body, to the Biltmore House and Gardens on Sunday, April 28 at a cost of 75 cents per person. Ordinarily such a tour is $2.40, but due to group rates of $1-40 and the S. G. A.’s underwriting that figure, in ad dition to providing transporta tion to the Asheville location, Brevard students will be able to visit this scenic landmark oi Western North Carolina, which has been caHed the “Home of Conservatio'n” in the Western Hemisphere. The estate, which now occu pies 12,000 acres, formerly in cluded 145,000 acres before do nations were made to Pisgah National Forest. There are 17 miles of paved roads and 120 miles of equestrian trails and earth roads running through the grounds, which were landscaped by New York’s Central Park de signer, Fredrick Law Olmstead. Biltmore House, filled with relics such as chessmen and table having belonged to Na- —Turn to Page Three TV Performance Scheduled Tuttle To Lead Holy Week Rites Dr. Lee F. Tuttle, a Trustee of Brevard College, Secretary of the World Methodist Council, and renowned world traveler will conduct Holy Week services, April 7 - 12 at 7:30 P.M. at the BrevaTa-M«»thodifil Church. Dr. Tuttle received an A.B. from Duke University, and a B. D. from Yale University School. He is a member of the Western North Carolina District Confer ence and serves on several Boards for the Methodist Church. His pastorates in the —Turn To Page Four UNC Historian Speaks At Meet On March 25 at 8:00 P.M., in the Campus Center Auditorium, the Transylvania County Tercen tenary Association presented a program commemorating the 300th birthday of North Caro lina. Dr. Hugh Talmage Lefler, noted educator and historian of the University of North Caro lina, was the principal speaker for the event. His topic for the evening was the North Carolma Charter of 1663 that King Char les II of England gave to the Eight Lord Proprietors. The charter not only included pres ent North Carolina, but also South Carolina and parts of Vir ginia and Georgia. The charter is the second largest land grant in the history of western civili zation. Bus Schedule Posted The college bus will leave the campus promptly at 12:30 p.m. on April 9 for the Asheville air port, railway depot, and bus sta tion. Students wishing to ride the bus are required to see Dean Roberts as soon as possible to have their names placed on the list. A maximum of 40 persons may ride; therefore, names will be placed on the list on a first come — first served basis. The bus will leave the Ashe ville bus station promptly at 10 p.m. on April 16, returning to Brevard via of the railway depot and airport. THERE WIIL BE NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE. Students Attend Raleigh Meeting The second. International Stud ent Day, sponsored by the Com mission on Intematiomai Stud ent Relations, convened on the N. C. state College Campus on March 23 in Raleigh. Chaplain and Mrs. Ed Roy accompanied Brevard College’s representa tives — Violita Perez, Carlos Perez, Mario Dell Amico, and James Ruiz from Cuba, and Nan cy Ting from Sibu, Sarawak — — Turn to Page Three SGA Elections Set For April Elections for officers of the Student Government Association for next year are tentatively scheduled to be held on Thurs- way, April 26. Campaign speeches will take place on Thursday, April 17, at a special assembly of the student j body. The present SGA Council pre sents the following slate of po tential officers: president, Bud Tanner; vice-president, David Cort; secretary, Jane Martin; and social chairman. Dona Vaughn. These names wUl ap pear on the ballot as recommen dations from the council. Other nominations for any of fice will be accepted from the student body by petitions signed —Turn To Page Four Girls Top Boys On Honor Lists Girls outnumbered boys 25 to 9 in the academic honors at mid semester, which seems to dis prove the belief that all men are more intelligent than women. Twelve students attained a 2.5 average on all academic work at tempted for this half semester. —T'lrn to Page Four Forte Places On All-American Team Joe Forte, the high point man and play maker for Brevard Col- lege received an honorable men tion’on the 1963 All-American Junior College basketball team. Joe came to Brevard from Lev- ittovra, New York, where he was selected to the All-Conference South Shore Athletic Leaigue his junior and senior years in bas ketball and baseball. He started playing basketball in town leagues when he was —Turn to Page Three The Brevard CoUege Glee Club, numbering 33 members, leaves to tour North and South Carolina on April 13. Professor Harvey H. Miller, a graduate of the University of North Carolina and a native of Salisbury, will be directing the group. John Bradburn, a sophomore music major, will be the accompanist. Tour dates are as follows: On April 13 the group will perform in Chimney Rock; April 14, Chimney Rock, Black Mountain, and Charlotte; April 15, an ap pearance on WBTV in Charlotte and a performance in Columbia, South Carolina; April 16, Coyce, South Carolina and Fayetteville; April 17, Fayetteville and Carth age; April 18, Cary and Raleigh; April 19, Durham and ReidsviUe; April 20, Spencer; and April 21, Salisbury. The major sacred works to be performed are REQUIEM by Faure; Glorious Everlasting by M. Thomas Cousins; Now Let Ev ery Tongue Adore Thee by J. S. —Turn To Page Four Nicholson Inducted Into Teacher’s Honor Society Miss Bobbie Jean Nicho’son Head of the Chemistry depart ment of Brevard College, was initiated into Delta Kappa Gam ma, international honorary so ciety for women teachers, at a meeting held in Brevard Metho dist Church, Saturday evening, March 30, 1^3. Membership in Delta Kappa Gamma is based upon success hi teaching, leadership ability, and unselfish and cooperative professional services. Miss Nicholson has taught at ,the College for seven years. She received her A. A. Degree from Mars Hill College, her M. S. De gree from Michigan State Uni versity, and last year she was at Vanderbilt University doing work towards her Ph. D. CHARACTERS from Thorton Wilder’s “The Happy Journey To Camden and Trenton”, to be produc ed by the Play Production Class to night are, left to right, Betty Grice, John Neuharth, Carol Tompkins, and Randall Spencer. Class To Present 3 Plays Tonight The Play Production Class (English 15) of Brevard Col lege wiU present on April 5 and 6, under the direction of Alan Wallace, three ono-act plays — a tragedy, a farce, and a comedy written by well-known authors — in the Campus Cen ter Building at 8 o’clock. Tick ets, which will be available at the door, are 65 cents for the general public with no admis sion being charged for college students. “Riders to the Sea,” a tragedy by J. M. Synge, will open the program. This is generally con sidered the Irish playwright|s most perfect work. The scene is —Turn to Page Three