r BASKETBALL GAME The Clarion TONIGHT! — -'I VOLUME XXXI BREVARD COLLEGE, BREVARD, N. C., DECEMBER 13, 1963 NUMBER 5 Brevardiai IS Homeward Bound Foi r Holidays Student Aid Exceeds $14,000 Mr. C. A. Butterworth, Jr., Chairman of the Student Aid Committee, announced that stud ent aid for the fall semester, ex cluding loans, exceeded $14,000. In addition to forty - nine stud ents receiving a total of approx imately $6,000 from Work Grants, the following distribu tion was made by the Brevard College Student Aid Committee: Schorlarships — Dis trict ($350.00): Rachel A. Ingle and Doris Ann Simpson. Scholarships — Honor ($2,- 500.00): Richard Aldridge, Mel ba Blanton, Maurine Brandon, Michael Brown, Susan Cannon, David Cort, Pauline Gail Curtis, Jo Ann Doyle, Janet Fuller, Bette Gawthrop, Carolyn Greene, Cher>’l Greene, James Hall, Kathryn Hanna, Henderson Lee Howell, Gray Van Ingram, Nona Jo Jennings, Michael Key, Jane Martin, Doris Reikosky, Marian Staley, Robert Stallings, Linda Vogel, Bruce Wauchope, Rose mary Webb, and Michael Wil son. Grants — Cuban Refugee ($875.00): Mario Dell Aanico, Louis Jiminez, Antonio Rigual, Jaime Ruiz, and Jorge Traveria. Grants — Grant - in - aid ($350.00): Robert Ferry, Rich ard Jones, and Robert Malsby. Grants — Minister’s Child ($1,225.00): Maurine Brandon, Richard Green, Sandra Haire, Janies Hall, Jane Martin, Fred die Parker, and Deedy Yokel- «y. Grants — Two in family ($112.50): Carl Gillespie, John Gillespie, Brenda Hall, and Michael Key. Awards — Athletic ($950.00): Darid Cort, Robert Ferry, Ralph Peters, Edward Schwab, Bruce S'mith, and Arvil Steelman. Awards — Music ($1,675.00); Sally Augustine, Judy Barnes, Priscilla Dalway, Linda Edwards, John Foil, Stephen Foland, John ny Goforth, Michael Harris, Don na Hooker, Dean Jevons, Peggy Sheets, and Penelope Williams. Sources of the funds for the above distribution by the Stud ent Aid Committee are the Bre- —Turn to Page Four MISS DARLENE TYNDALL, from Georgetown, Delaware, was named the Brevard College Christmas Queen of 1963. Pictured from left to right are: Freshman Attendants, Jo Ann Doyle and Donna Nichols; Sopho more Attendant, Carol Sorton; the Queen; and Sophomore Attendant, Melba Blanton. Glee Club Spreads Joy The Brevard College Glee Club will be featured on a spec ial program during the Christ mas .season on WSPA TV in Spartanburg, S. C. This will be at 11:15 a.m. on December 20. The group taped the program on December 12. The Glee Club made a trip on Sunday, December 8, to sing m two churches. It gave the mus ical portions of the service at Trinity Methodist Church in Asheville, and that evening gave a concert at the First Meth odist Church in Forest City, N. C. For the program in Asheville the glee club sang portions of Bach’s Christmas cantata, FOR US A CHILD IS BORN. In For est City, Bach’s cantata was re peated, and Ralph Vaughn Wil liams’ FANTASIA ON CHRIST MAS CAROLS was also present ed. Several Christmas carols were included on both pro grams. The Glee Club gave a Christ mas concert for the regular student chapel service on De cember 11 at 6:30 p.m. The grO'Up presented for the stud ent body Bach’s Christmas can tata and Williams’ FANTASIA, as well as several traditional Christmas carols. Soloists in the programs were Donna Hooker, soprano; Dean Jevons and Johnny Goforth, baritones; and Stephen Chand ler, tenor. The Madrigal Singers presented portions of the pro grams. The director of the glee club is Professor Harvey H. Miller, of the music faculty, and the ac companist is Miss Judy Barnes, sophomore music major from Easley, S. C. The glee club is made up of 52 young men and women. A select group of nine students from the club make up the Madrigal Singers. SGA Proposes Fee Raise At Chapel Hill Mr. Murray Exhibits Work Jones Takes First Place Annabel Jones Hall placed first in the November inspec tion of dormitories by Janitors Supply & Chemical Company. There was a very slim mar gin between first place to Jones Hall and second nlace to Taylor Hall. Green Hall has also shown considerable improvement since the last inspection, but the ma jor deficiency in this dormitory is still the conditions of the individual student rooms. Mr. Timothy Murray, head of the art department at Brevard College, currently has a one man showing in the Jane Halsem Gal leries in Chapel Hill. The exhibit will run through Januarj'. Mr. Murray is a 1961 graduate of the University of North Caro lina He did graduate work there from 1961 to 1963, majoring in sculpture and studying witn Robert Howard. He studied eraphic art and painting with Kenneth Ness and George Kac- heiS'is. . .. Before going to the University of North Carolina, Mr. Murray studied painting with Joe Chns Robertson at Mars Hill College, where he was student from 1957 to 1959. , , i. He has been represen ed at the North Carolina Artists hibition, Raleigh, 1961-62; the Winston-Salem Gallery of Fine Arts. 1961; Rocky Mount Annual, 1961-62; in student shows at UNC and in Columbia, South Carolina, 1960-1963, and the UNC Sidewalk Show, 1962-1963. At the Rocky Mount Annual, he re- ofiived an Honorable Mention and at the UNC sidewalk show he was awarded a First Prize. Mr Murray is originally from Jlngland. He and Mrs. Murray, a bride of approximately three months, are residents of Ross Hall. Mrs. Murray is a nurse at the, Transylvania Community Hospital. . He is working at present in abstract geometric forms dealing with relationships of transparent spaces through visual movements in time and mental images. The council of the Student Government Association is re questing that the student body approve the raising of the S.G.A. fee from $1 a semester to $1.50 per semester. The students will be asked to vote on this proposal on Monday, January 6. The S.G.A, council feels the raise is justified mainly by the fact that the present fee is in sufficient to cover the expenses of the organization. This is evi dent because at this time the treasury ha.s a deficit of $20.74. One-fourth of the S.G.A. fee is given to the Men’s House Council, another fourth to the Women’s House Council, and the remaining half is left to finance he numerous activities of the rganization. The Homecoming Dance is one of the chief ex penses of the S,G,A, Approxi- m.itely ,5300 is used to pay for the band, decorations, refresh ments, flowers, and programs 'cr the dance. The eight movies which are shown free of charge on campus P5ch year are sponsored by the S.G..4. All recreational equip ment. including the record play er, class set, a:-.d table tennis equipment, is furnished and kept in repair by the oranization. Last year the S.G.A. sponsored the trip to the Biltmore Estates in the spring. If this trip is to —Turn to Page Two Brevard College students wall leave the campus for the Chris'l- mas holidays on Saturday, Df- cember 14. All classes will have adjourr ■ ed by 12:00 noon tomorrow. Students are requested to be out of the dorms by two o’cloci., when the halls will be close.i for the holidays. Girls wished each other Merry Christmas at a dorm parly held last night in Jones Ha]j The girls exchanged gag gifis and were served refreshmenli Entertainment featured an ext^ tic dance by Margo Towles, skit by Ellen Connors and Kilty Swigert, songs by Donna Hoo'J* er, and group singing. The Brevard College bus wiJ! transport students to the Ashf \’ille transportation terminals ozj. December 14 and will pick therrj up as they return to school after the holidays according to the schedule below: December 14, 1963: Leave: Brevard College—12:30 p.m. Arrive: Asheville Airport — 1:30 p.m. Asheville Bus Terminal—2;0C p.m. Asheville Train Depot — 2:15 p.m. Passengers will be boarded or. a first come first served basij. If there are too many to go or, one trip, the bus will make an ether trip as soon as possible. January 2, 1964: Leave: Asheville Train Depot —10:00 p.m. Asheville Bus Terminal—10:15 p.m. Asheville Airport—10:45 p.m. Arrive: Brevard College — 11:30 p.m. The bus will make only one trip on the night of January 1. There is no charge for this service, and it is not necessary to sign up in advance. I Classes vdll reconvene on Fri day, January 3, 1964. Students are expected to be back by Jar- uary 2. FORMER STUDENT DIES AT AGE 23 Robert Covington Gladden, 23, a former student at Brevard College died November 4, at the Northhampton Accomack Me ■ morial Hospital, Nassawadox, Virginia.; He was a Senior at the Med:- cal College of Virginia and member of the Phi Delta Chi ' harmaceutical professional fj-aternity. His home was in Eas • ville, Virginia. His mother, Mrs. L. Carroll Gladdeft, in a letter to Dr. M(- Larty Expressed his sentiments toward: Brevard. “Bob loved Brevard College and everyont connecied with it. His two years there were very happy ones.”