“Because That’s Are The Six Most The Way It Is” 1 nP i Stifling Words In -L l-lw v-^LdL IVJLl The English Tongue L====^ xxxiii BREVARD COLLEGE, BREVARD, N. C., MARCH 18, 1966 NUMBER 18 Hines Speaks Physicians To Lecture To Marriage Classes Edgar A. Hines, noted doctor, researcher, author and lecturer, spoke to history, English, and other interested students Mon day, March 13 at 6:30. His top ic was “Books That Changed The World.” He listed Thomas Hobbs LE VIATHAN, William Harvey’s work on circulation of the blood, and Alfred A. Mahan’s INNFLUENCE OP SEA POWER ON HISTORY as books that changed the course of history. Declining to call them “great” he said that, though he was sure that there are great books, he couldn’t define them. Harvey’s study of circulation especially interested him as a doctor, he stated. He illustrat- td Harvey’s findings with slides. Dr. Hines was a long - time staff member of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. He has written several books on circulation in conjunction with Dr. Nelson Barker. Mrs. Harris’ Sociology 28 class es will hear lectures from Dr. James W. Sanders, Jr. and Dr. Julius Sader on Tuesday, March 22, and Wednesday, March 30, respectively. Dr. Sanders is a native of Gaffney, South Carolina. He is a graduate of Gaffney High School, the Citadel, Medical Col lege of South Carolina, and has done post - graduate work at Cook County Post - Graduate School of Medicine in Chicago. He interned at Roper Hospital THE NEMOS recently elected their 1966-1967 officers. They are as follows: front row, Wanda James, treasurer; second row from left to right, Marsha Chandler, secretary; Patty Keith, histor ian; and Cindy Lockhart - mummery, president; and last row, Sharon Eckard, chaplain, and Anne Barbre, vice president. Grant Awarded To Cafeteria WASHINGTON —College con struction loans totaling $540,000 were approved here last Friday by the Department of Housing and Urban Development to help finance projects at two Western North Carolina colleges. Con gressman Roy A. Taylor an nounced. Western Carolina College at Cullowhee will receive $200,000 to aid in the construction ^ a student union building. Brevard College, Brevard, will receive $250,000 which will be used to help buHd a new dining hall. Green Hall Opens Doors Green Hall vnll hold its long- Postponed “At Home” tonight, March 18, from 7:30 to 10:30. student sand faculty are mvited. The entire dorm wddl be open r inspection. Boys may show ^ir rooms to their dates. The rwms “will be clean for a Dorm President Donji Key. consisting of drt ^ punch will be serv- fiio provided by residents. “ Jewish Rabbi To Speak Rabbi Stanley R. Funston, of Temple Ha Tephila in Asheville, will represent the Jewish Chau tauqua Society as lectiu’er at Brevard College on Wednesday and Thursday, March 23 and 24. The Rabbi will speak at cha pel at 6:30 p. m. on Wednesday on the subject "Judaism - 4000 Years Young.” The Jewish Chautauqua So ciety, under whose auspices the Rabbi lectures on college camp uses, is an organization which creates better undersanding of Jews and Judaism through edu cation. The Society is sponsor ed by the National Federation of Temple Brotherhoods. MSM Elects B.C'er To Go To England Joseph M. Hoover of Pros pect Park, Pa., a first year stud ent at Brevard College, has been selected as the youth repre sentative of the Annual Philadel phia Conference of The Metho dist Church to two world youth conferences in England next summer. He will represent the Phil adelphia Conference at both the World Convocation of Methodist Youth at Kingswood School, Bath, August 12 to 17 and to the World Methodist Conference in London, August 18-26. According to the Rev. Char les W. Phillips, Executive Sec retary of the Philadelphia Con ference, “Joe was chosen, after careful consideration of a num ber of prospects, because of character, Christian commit ment, mental alertness, ability to relate well to other people, sense of commitment, leader ship in the youth movement and & high sense of responsibility for carrying through on assign ments.” (reprinted from The Christian Advocate). OR. SANDERS The Methodist Student Move ment experienced a “shipwreck program and elected officers (no connection between the two) Sunday night. The newly - elected officers are Mark Price, President; Irene Johnson, Vice-President; Linda Nichols, Secretary; Barnwell, Treasurer; and Leslie Johnson and Loiselle Publicity Co-Chairinaen. The new officers will be installed af ter Spring Break. McLartys Host Club in Charleston, South Carolina. In 1952, he and his wife mov ed to Brevard where Dr. Sand ers physician in the general practice of medicine. He was al so County Health Officer until November of 1954, when he was called into the service in the United States Air Force. He was stationed in Savannah, Georgia, at Hunter Air Force Base for two years. In 1956 he returned to Brevard and has several times served as Chief of Staff of the Transylvania Hospital. He has also been president of the Coimty Medical Society. He held several offices in the Bre vard Rotary Club, including the presidency, and is a member of the Good Neighbor Council. Dr. Sader was born in the imall Polish town of Lita (which is now in Russia). He was brought to this country as a baby and reared in Brooklyn. He was graduated from Tovms- end Harris — an accelerated high and preparatory school in New York, from the City Col lege of New York, and from the Medical School of New York University. After serving residencies in two New York hospitals, Dr. Sa der opened an office as a Gen eral Practitioner in Brooklyn. At the same time, he was ad mitting physician at Kings County Hospital. He then atend- ed John Hopkins Medical School, where he met his wife. Dr. Sader came to Brevard, then joined the armed forces and served for three years — the last two of which were in the European Theater of Operations, as a radiologist for the 44th Evacuation Hospital. Busy in civic and service or ganizations, Dr. Sader has been president and served as a iboard member of several. More recent ly he was president of the Com munity Center, and, since its founding, a Member of the Board of the Transylvania Mus ic Foundation. He has also been president of the local and dis trict medical societies. Both doctors vrill answer ques tions that have been posed by the students before the lectures. Comments will also be made on marriage — as a doctor sees it, the sexual side of marriage, the dangers of illegal abortions and the desirability of a premarital physical examination. Dr. and Mrs. Emmett K. Mc- Larty were hosts to Phi Theta Kappa at a buffet supper given at their home on Friday, March 11, at 6:00 p. m. The dinner was given m hon or of the members of the club, including the new Sophomore members recently inducted in to the club, who were in atten dsncG After the meal, President Me Larty and his wife talked TOtn the students, expressing their interest in the club and its ac tivities and their willmgness to help the members in any way they could. DR. SADER Honor Roll Published At B.C. The mid - semester Honor Roll for Brevard College has recently been posted. Eight students qualified to be placed on the Dean’s List. They are as follows: Linda Davis, Joe Har bin, Jacquelyn Howie, Janice Mull, Janet New, Judy Poole, Juliamae Rutledge, and Dianne Steelman. The Honor Roll is as follows: Cherryl Anders, Anthony Ar go, Judy Sellers Armentrout, Richard Armstrong, Deanna Barnwell, Robert Board, John Brookshire, Donna Brundage, Tim Bryson, Elaine Byrd, Carol Clayton, Carol Crouch, Lynda George, Anne HamerscMag, Dudley Harrington, Gathleen Hillin, Linda Hocksay, Cynthis Hunter, Jeannie Jessen, Lesley Johnson, Vicki Kennedy, Bar bara Kirk, George Lee, Melanie Lentz, Marigay Lesh, Virginia Lynch, Diane Meyer, Jenny Munro, William O’Dell, Martha Poole, Mark Price, Lawton Rob erts, Cynthia Senn, William Smith, Patricia. Storrs, Wallis Sturtevant, Douglas Tanner, and John Trotter.

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