This Is The Way The Year Ends . . The Clarion Not With A Bang, But A Pfffft! VOLUME XXXIII BREVARD COLLEGE, BREVARD, N. C., MAY 6, 1966 i NUMBER 24 Rev. Hines, Decker To Speak At Commencement Exercises PRESIDENT McLARTY admini sters the formal 'pledge to the newly inducted Phi Theta Kappa members. An informal induction-and-picnic was held for the students on Friday, October 29. (See story, below) Mrs. Munro Attends Delta Kappa Meet Mrs. Thomas Munro, newly elected president of Alpha Lambda Chapter of the Delta Kappa Gamma International Society for women educators, and Mrs. J. J. Stevenson attend ed the Eta State Convention in the Sir Walter Hotel, Raleigh, April 29-May 1. Mrs. Elizabeth Buck, South eastern Regional Director, was speaker at the birthday lunch eon. Dr. IMaycie K. Southall, Professor Emeritus from Pea body College and a former In ternational President of the So ciety, gave the keynote address on the subject “Creativity in Delta Kappa Gamma.” Mrs. Ethel Stephens Arnett and Mrs. 0. Max Gardner, Sr. were initiated as State Honorary members. Phi Theta Kappa Inducts Members Uaderjhip Training Sessions Underway On Tuesday, May 3, the first ot three Leadership Training sessions was held for newly- elected officers of campus de nominational groups. The pro grams are sponsored by the ani'- ^ Council organization tk? « officers of the Bap- V Union, Canterbury Methodist Stu- ^tnt ^Movement, and Westmin- initiated the sessions thp pleased with a Innfsessions. In students have lier th leadership ear- year attending four- Howpvo universities. Perlnf • ® ^ ex- sMd leader- that til leadership Session 0^ Leadership Training Thp r help correct. aneL , iealt with «®eral leadership. At a later Phi Theta Kappa, Brevard’s scholastic honor society, held its formal induction in the Fac ulty Lounge on Friday, April 29, at 4:25 p.m. President John Brookshire and Secretary Jean Harrison briefly told the new members the purpose of the club and ex plained that the symbols of PTK, a white rose and a torch, represent the virtues of lead ership and purity. Next, members were asked to pledge themselves to help sup port Phi Theta Kappa activities. The ceremony ended with the signing of the club register and the lighting of candles by Vice President Joe Holder. Following the ceremony, PTK members traveled to Straus Park for a steak cook-out. Pres ent were President and Mrs. Emmett McLarty. In a brief meeting held Tues day. May 3, the club elected the following officers for 1966-67: President — Bill O’Dell, Vice- President — Carol Clayton, Sec- retary-Tresaurer — Leslie John son, and Historian — Clindy Senn. Sophs To Log Their Visits Following chapel services Wednesday night, April 27, the sophomore class had a meeting in which they voted that a soph- amore log be placed in the Ad ministration Building. Accord ing to Dave Elerbe, president of the sophomore class, this log would have the names and ad dresses of all sophomores in it. Whenever the student return in future years, they will sign the book. The practice of placing the names and addresses of the sophomores will be carried on by future sophomores of Brevard College. The log wiU also serve as a help in locating people for class reunions. The commencement speakers for graduation exercises at Bre vard College which will be held on May 15 have been announced by the president. Dr. Emmett K. McLarty, Jr. The commencement sermon will be delivered at 11:30 a.m. by the Rt. Rev. John E. Hines, 22nd Presiding Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church, U.S.A. He graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of the South at Sewanee, Tennes see, and from Virginia Theologi cal Seminary. The presiding Bishop has serv ed as assistant rector of the Church of St. Michael and St. George in St. Louis, as rector of Trinity Paris in Hannibal, Missouri, St. Paul’s in Augusta, Georgia, and Christ Church in Houston, Texas. In 1945 he was elected Bishop Coadjutor of the Diocese of Texas, and in 1955 he was named Diocesan Bisht>p, the fourth Bishop in the 125-year history of the Church in Texas. At the Church’s 61st General DR. RALPH W. DECKER Athletic Students Receive Individual, Dorm Awards The Athletic Department would like to request the Stu dent Body to donate any used textbooks for future use in the Athletic Department. All donations will be greatly ap preciated. date Mrs. Hardesty will present helpful ideas concerning pro gramming to the group and Mrs. Daye will speak to them about directing recreational activities. The denominational groups have been active on campus this year, and the organizations have a definite place in the role of education at Brevard College. Intramural Awards Night was held Tuesday night. May 3, in Dunham Music Auditorium. The awards were presented by Mr. Gerhard Tauscher who sum marized all the intramural sports during the year. Green Basement won the in tramural floor award with Officers Selected For Business Club Pam Huey, president; Janice Lewis, vice - president; and Elaine Byrd, secretary - treasur er, were elected at the meeting held on April 28 in the Faculty Lounge of the Administration Building to head the Business Club for the coming year. At this time, Mrs. Munro, the sponsor, was presented a lovely carnation corsage in appreciation of her assistance and guidance. “Take A Letter, Please” was —Turn to Page Two 7231/2 points. Taylor Basement and First was second with 674 points. Jones Basement and Ross Hall took the igiry championship v/ith 378 points while Jones III aime in second wit^298 ponits. Most Outstanding Athlete awards were given to Rosemary Williams of Ross Hall and Lu ther Smith of Taylor Basement and I. Best Sportsmanship Awards went to Diane Avery of Jones I and John Hydrick of Green Basement. Louise Causey from Jones II was presented the Most Out standing Sophomore Girl Award. Individual sports awards giv en were these: football, Edie Wysong of Ross Hall and Stan Perry of Taylor Basement and I; basketball, Diane Avery of Jones I and John Trotter of Green III; softball, Gali Lehman of Ross Hall and John Colley of Taylor Basement and I; volley ball, Charlotte Hicks of Jones III and Bobby Williams of Can trell House. RT. REV. JOHN E. HINES Convention in 1965, he was elect ed to its highest post. Bishop Hines, who was born in Seneca, South Carolina, is a brother of Mrs. Dana Harris, a member of the college faculty. Dr. Ralph W. Decker will speak at the graduating exer cises at 3:00 pjn. Dr. Decker received his A.B. degree from Wesleyan University, Middle town, Connecticut, and M.A., S.T.B., and Ph.D. degrees from Boston University. At the uni versity he held various positions, including assistant professor of the New Testament and religi ous education, director of the Division of Religious Education, registrar, and professor of New Testament literature. In 1950, Dr. Decker went to Wyoming Seminary, Kingston, Pennsylvania. From the presi dency of Wyoming Seminary he began his work with the Board of Education of The Methodist Church in 1959. Both the sermon and the graduating exercises will be con ducted in the Boshamer Gym nasium. Alpha Beta Gama Selects Officers The May meeting of Alpha Beta Gamma was held Monday, May 3. At this time the follow ing slate of officers for next year were presented and then accepted by the group: H. Da vid Tibbs, President; Brian Doyle, Vice President; Bill Nunes, Secretary-Treasurer; Bill Patton and Bill O’Dell, Social Chairmen. Trips for the group and Sci ence Seminar programs for next year were discussed. Trips sug gested were visits to an Ashe ville hospital laboratory, Caro lina Electric Power, Ball Broth- —Turn to Page Four