The discontinuance of life by no means is death . . . The Clarion Just look one day around cam pus as all the lifeless souls go by. Volume XXXIV BREVARD COLLEGE, BREVARD, N. C., OCTOBER 14, 1966 NUMBER 3 Brevard College Braces For '66 Homecoming % THE BEAUTIES of Brevard Col lege — These girls were the candi dates for the 1966 Homecoming Court. Of them, three sophomores, Marsha Chandler, Pam Thomas, and Rose Mary Williams; and two fresh men, Patti Page and Sheila Wilson, were chosen by the student body to represent the college. (Otterness Photo) Students Select Bounciest Co-Eds The remaining six cheerlead ers of the 1966-67 squad were elected at the student assemble held on October 11, at 1:15. Carol Clayton, Jeanne Jessen. and chief Pam Thomas, the soph- omore cheerleaders spent every afternoon working with the Sirls, perfecting their cheers, cartwheels, and splits. The en- ttusiasm and the ability of the Sirl to put herself across to a group were two of the criteria ''sed to judge the participants. The six girls chosen by the entire student body were Jes- siea Newman, sophomore; Edie Wysong, sophomore; Sheila Wil- s®, freshman; Sue Anderson, reshman; Patti Page, freshman; Jackie Griffith, freshman. Dean Eston Roberts also an- the Moore Science sti,H be opened as a study area in the near future. privilege, one ( semester students, ft stadent has a C average/and ed wl! maintain- Kobpirtc ^"“°y^ced also. Dean entsthat informed all stud* '1 by register- 14 Friday, October Changes Bring Broader Curriculum Each year at Brevard the cur riculum is altered and new ones are added in order to keep the college up-to-date in its academics. Several courses have been expanded recently while additional ones have been placed on the curriculum for the first time. A new approach in the science department is being used with the addition of Biology 15, taught by Mrs. Auth Alexander, Mrs. Doris Thompson, and Dr. Robert Jeffers. Biology 15 is designed to give the student an over-all look at the basic prin ciples of life. Both botany and zoology are integrated into one fundamental course which gives the students a unified concept. Genetics, respiration, and other fundamentals of life are stress ed. After the completion of Biology 15, the student may then choose between botany or zoo logy for second semester work. A new three hour math course, is being offered under Mr. Ray Fisher. The math of finance teaches basic ^ math while stressing mathematics as applied to business. The class includes studies in the proce dures dealing with discounts, Turn to Page Four Rock Collectors To Be Honored A reception will be held on October 27, from 7:00 - 9:00 P. M. at the Moore Science Build ing in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Hilary Chelf and the rock col lection which they donated to the Brevard Community. Mr. Chelf, from Peoria, Illi nois, will give a short lecture illustrated with slides at 7:00 in room 207. This collection con tains stones from 30 counties plus the United States. Refreshments will be served in the Faculty Lounge in the Beam Administration Building following the lecture. All stud ents, faculty, administration, and towns - people are invited to the reception. Day Students To Honor Politicians The day students will hold an open house for the student leaders of Brevard College in the Day Students’ Lounge from 9 to 11 on Friday, October 14, after the annual bonfire. In addition to the present student leaders, Dave Ellerbe, president of the 1965-66 ^^o- more class, wiU be honored. One faculty member said, He was tacuiiy ^ Beam Dorm Dedicated The dedication of the Lena Sue Beam Dormitory was held Thursday, October 13, at six p. m., with Dr. Emmett K. Mc- Larty, President of the College, presiding. Greetings were given by Wil loughby Jarrell, Dean of Wo men; Carol Clayton, president of Beam Dormitory; Mrs. Tom Ramsay, an alumna of Brevard College; and by Dr. Embree H. Blackard, district superintendent of the Asheville district of the Methodist church, and a member of the Board of Trustees of the College. A tribute to Mrs. Beam was given by the Rev. Lee Barnett. Followdng this, Mr. Henry Mc Donald, the architect of the —Turn to Page Two Trustees Meet Trustees of Brevard College and their wives, together with members of the faculty, staff, student leaders, and guests, had dinner in the College cafeteria at 7 P. M., October 15. Dr. W. A. Kale of the Duke Divinity School gave an address on “The Need for Liberal Arts Educa tion.” The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees had its meeting in the conference room, Beam Administration Building, following dinner and the ad dress. (Dean Harris conducted 3 question and answer period.) The Trustees’ Committee met from nine to eleven o’clock Fri day morning, and the general Foard of Trustees Meeting fol lowed at 11 A. M. A buffet lunch was served for the Trus tees and their wives in the stud ent lounge at one o’clock Friday with the adjournment of the Trustees’ meeting following. Mrs, Alderman Steps Higher Jlrs. Mabel Alderman has re cently been appointed Assistant Director of Admissions of Bre vard College. As secretary in the Public Relations office for several years, she is well-qualified for her new position. Mrs. Alder man worked closely with both Mr. Glenn Hardesty and Mr. Allan Wallace in her former job. She also helps everyone around the college by arranging flowers, planning teas, or any —Turn to Page Three Eight Classes To Hold Reunions This year’s Homecoming will be a spectacular never before equaled at Brevard College. A number of activities welcome back the alumni and welcoime, as well as entertain, the student body. There will be a cross country track meet followdng the soccer- game with Furman University. Brevard will play host to Gaston College, North Greenville, An derson, and Asheville Biltmore. A new track has been planned and will prove to be challeng ing to the participants. The soccer game will start promptly at 2:00. Furman is ex pected to be keen competition for Coach Gerhard Tauscher’s team. During half-time the Homecoming Queen and her court will be announced. The sophomore candidates for that honor are Pam Thomas, Marsha Chandler, and Rose Mary Wil liams. Freshman candidates are Patti Page and Shelia Wilson. The newly elected cheerleaders for ’66 - ’67 will also be recog nized. The Office of Public Rela tions of the college is offering a $50 prize for the best exhibit that carries out the homecom ing theme. The dorms, boys’ and girls’, and the Day Students are eligible for participation. The —Turn to Page Twa Library Becomes Member Of ALA Brevard College library has been admitted to the American Library Association which serves to promote library service and leadership. It serves libraries and librarians, described by head librarian, Mr. J. Dickson as “an equivalent of the doctors’^ A.M.A.” The A.L.L. has, as part of its services, given valuable advice and counseling for the construction and architecture of the new library. Other services' include reading lists, books stan dards, and requirements for college librarian courses, be- ides keeping librarians con stantly up to date on library af fairs. SELECTIVE SERVICE College Qualification Test November 18 - 19, 1966 Asheville (Deadline for application October 21) For details see: Mrs. Roy - Recorder Room 105, Beam administra tion building

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