[ j„ay not agree with vy^hat you say . . • The Clarion but I will defend to the death your right to say it. —^Voltaire BREVARD COLLEGE, BREVARD, N. C., JANUARY 20, 1967 Number 13 Lyceum Features Nelson And Neal i Gossett Wins B. C. Best Dressed Sheila Gossett was selected u the student body to repe^nt j C in the national contest rth Glamour magazine. 51ie was announced at xiaii- tiue in the Brevard - Furman Freshman game as one of the ^e finalists. The others were Susan Collins, Pat McCCorkle. Pit! Pagfif Diane Ritchie. Jenny Munro. editor of the CLARION, introduced Sheila as iie Best - Dressed girl on the B. C, campus at the half - time cl Brevard - North Grenville game. Surrounded by friends tagging her, SheOa left her seat to receive her gift — a silver charm bracelet. A sophomore, Sheila is a lib eral arts student who plans to JO to next year. Kathy Wayant Heads W. Beam Ob December 12, 1%6, elec- tioas were held in the fresh- nien wing of Beam donnhory. Cithy Wayant came out victori- OE She vrill assume responsi- kility of the office at the be- jinning of second semester. Cathy is from Greensboro, North Carolina, and enjoys the Two Recitals Held At B.C. Recently the Brevard College Music Department held two re citals. The first, held on Jami ar>' 13 at 8:30, was the second in series of formal student recitaK for the semester. It featured sophomore Juli'- Rutledge at the piano, with Ti-m Bryson on tuba, Charles Vernon on trombone, and Eve lyn Oberhoitzer assisted vocal ly. Mrs. Marvey Miller present ed the first organ recital at the Brevard Methodist Church Jan uary 15, at 3:00 p. m. When Mr. and Mrs. Miller moved to Brevard in 1960, Mr.' Miller taught piano at the col lege until this year. Mrs. Mil ler also taught organ here ift 1962-63. She served for two '•ears as Secretary to the Mus ic Department. She attended Woman’s Col lege in Greensboro, and Indiana University, where she majored in piano and music. She is pre^^- '“ntly organist at Brevard Meth od-'.-t Church and accompanies ‘he Brevard Civic Chorus. out-of-doors, especially swim ming. She loves people and has a dynamic personality- The gk-k in West Beam are very excited and enthusiastic over their new president and as one of them said, “There could n’t be a better person for the job.” PLANNING TO PLAY PRETTY, pretty soon, are the piano team of Nelson and Neal. They will be at Brevard January 30 and 31. McBride Presents $750 To BC An unrestricted grant in the amount of $750.00 was present ed to Brevard College recent ly by local Sears store man ager, Bob McBride, represent ing the Sears - Roebuck Founda- tirf>n. The check was accepted by Brevard College President Em mett K. McLarty, Jr., who in dicated that the funds would be used in the college’s Studen. Aid progam. “We handle such, contribu tions as this with utmost care, rnd feel that only needy and worthy students participate in our financial aid program,” Dr McLarty stated. He expressed the college’s grateful appreciation to the Sears - Roebuck Foundation for the substantial contribution. The check to the local insti tution was part of $1,000,000 in grants being distributed by the Foundation to private coUege.s and universities across the na tion. 20 other colleges in North Carolina are al.so receiving grants. “Altogether, more than 600 college.s and universit.v?,s fn^sr. coast to coast will participate in the program this year,” Mr. McBride said. The monies allocated under (he program are not restricted as to use. ■ fORTHE STUDENTS. Mr. Robert B- C. President Emmett McLarty ~ i A:.4 DvrkflfVSlTYl The CLARION staff would like to congratulate Dean and IVlrs. Harris on their new ar rival. They are planning on the future B. C. basketbal! team with their new boy. Family Duo To Play BC The Lyceum Committee and the Brevard Mutual Concert As sociation will present the duo— pianists Nelson and Neal — on January 30, 31, 1967. Allison Nelson (Mrs. Harry Neal) and Harry Neal are two of America’s most famed con cert pianists. They have toured all over the world and have the distinct honor of having per formed over one thousand con. certs. Miss Nelson is a native Aus tralian who received her early training there and later came to the United States to study. Here she met Harry Lee Neal, also a pianist, and they were married. Nelson and Neal have been ac claimed for their musical in terpretation of romantic com position of the 19th century. They are also well - known for dedication to research and edu cation. Clarks Honored At McLarty Dinner A dinner honoring Mr. and Mrs. William Clark of Brevard was given by the McLartys on Saturday, January 14. The history faculty and sev eral students from that depart ment were also at the dinner. After eating, Mr. Clark of Bre vard, who is an author of na val history, talked informally to the group. He told several his more exciting experiences and methods of research. One of the students said, “It was really fun. I just love to hear people talk about history.” McLarty Welcomes New Year The student body was official ly welcomed back to Brevard College by Dr. E. K. McLarty at the first Chapel progam. The President took as the theme of his talk “Cognosce ut Prosis,” the motto of the col lege. He discussed the reasons a student learns in relation to this saying, “We learn in order fo do good.” He advised the students to ■ake advantage of their oppor tunities in college in order to be prepared for the larger world outside.

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