Knowledge is the 1 r\ ^ 1 Intelligence is the material stored, -L Llw v^lcxriOIlL ■ ability to use it. ,5======= Voltun® XXXIV BREVARD COLLEGE, BREVARD, N. C., P1E2BRUARY 17, 1967 Ntunber 15 The Inn Welcomes All Students SWEETHEART of Brevard College will be chosen from one of these sophomores. From left to right: Miss Lynda Jones, Miss Marsha Chand ler, and Miss Cindy Mummery. The lucky girl will be crowned Saturday, February 18, at the Sweet heart Dance. “The Inn” will be the theme of the Sweetheart Dance, an nually sponsored by the Nemos and Delphians, held on Febru ary 18, from 9:30 - 12:00 in Dunham Auditorium. Both The Dynamics and The Interperters will play for the students enjoyment. These two bands have played on many col lege campuses throughout the South. Marsha Chandler, sophomore; Lynda Jones, sophomore; Cindy Mummery, sophomore; Pat Mc- Corkle, freshman; and Brenda Wyke, freshman; compose the Sweetheart Court. One of the sophomores will be chosen to reign over the festivaties of the night. Presidents Cindy Mummery and Charlie Stroudenmire urge everyone to attend the “bash” after the Anderson ball game. Spring Tour Former Teacher Planned ! Receives Honor The Brevard College Glee club of 50 voices will make a northern tour March 31st to April 9th, under the direction of Harvey Miller. In New York City the club will sing at Riverside Church and the Inter Church Center. Another performance in the metropolitan area will be given in the First Spanish and Em manuel (Spanish speaking) Methodist church of Brooklyn. Through arrangements made by Johnny Bradburn, ’63, a pro gram will be presented in the Tascack Dutch Reformed church, Parkridge, N. J. John ny is serving as organist in this —Turn to Page Foui Mrs. Guy Buchfiel, a former Brevard College teacher, was chosen Woman of the Week by the ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. She graduated from Western Carolina College, did graduate work at the University of Ten nessee, was head of the Busi ness Department at Brevard, and now lives in Cullowhee with her husband and four children. Mrs. Burchfiel is talented in the artistic field, be it goodies from her kitchen, a beautiful Flemish arrangement, or some other lovely gift. She is active in civic and religious work and is always remembered for her willing service. College Day Was Sucess MRS. LARRY WHATLEY Concert To Be Held Affer Brevard, then what? Four words and a question mark, but to many campus cit izens here in “the hole,” it is hoped much of the question mark was removed during yes- •erday’s activities. The future is always vague, but it doesn’t have to constitute a frightening uncertainty. College day was inaugurated here at BC to help students de termine their fates when and it they graduate or transfer. The impressive array of senior col lege representatives from all along the eastern seaboard was a demonstration of the wide spread reputation Brevard en joys. The counseling services of these people were doubtless of great benefit to those who took the initiative to assume } j t p i • I' , I I) I » » On Friday, Feb. 17, at 8:00, Mrs. Larry Whatley will be featiired in concert in Dunham Auditorium. She will be ac companied on the piano by Miss Harriett Herring. Mrs. Whatley plans to sing compositions by Mozart, Chausson, Schutert, Brahms, Britten, and Rossini. A composition by Schubert will be performed by Mrs. What ley, Miss Herring, and Miss Virginia Hillotson. Miss Tillot- son will play the clarinet. Mrs. Whatley will also sing a composition written by her husband, Mr. Larry "V^tley. The concert is open to the pub lic. # 0 ■ ABG Sponsored Supper, Seminar the ALLEN HIGH SCHOOL choir sang at the local Methodist Church on Sunday, February 12, which was Race Relations Sunday. According to several of those who heard them, the girls did a “tremen dous ob.” Alpha Beta Gamma had its formal induction supper, Thurs day, Feb. 9, at Berry’s Restaur ant in Brevard. Mr. Henry Chaney, of Duke Power Co., was the guest of honor. The old and new mem bers of ABG were treated to steak suppers at the first meet ing of the spring semester. Following the supper, a sci ence seminar was held for all science students in Dunam Aud itorium. Mr. Chaney, public re lations representative for Duke Power and editor cf “Duke Pow er Magazine” spoke. Mr. Chaney’s talk concerned the Keowee - Toxaway Project planned to be constructed 15 miles from Brevard in north west South Carolina. The pro ject will incorporate the facili ties of hydroelectric power and nuclear energy to supply the needed electric power for this area. Several hydroelectric dams will be constructed on the man- made lakes, plus the utilization of nuclear energy to product the power needed for the fu ture in this part of the Caro- linas. Mr. Chaney also stressed the Students’ Requests Many For CB A new Student Center Build ing is in the planning stage. Students were interviewed as to what they wanted in “their place.” The comments were varied, ranging from the ridi culous to the serious. One of the most highly rec ommended new ideas was a small cafeteria which serves hot dogs and hamburgers in case of a missed meal. Mrs. Walker said, “I feel a small kitchen with good storage space is a must.” Bob Williams asked for a good heating system while San dra Lucas and others asked for “decent” furniture in the lounge. Ben Abernathy asked for more specific things, juke box, TV room, and “a bedroom upstairs.” Ellie Felker said a mirror is a must, and Gail Lehman said yeah to an ice cream parlor. “Drink and candy machines are also wanted as is a book ex change store,” said Tom Wolfe. Gayle Welborn asked for more boys as did many other girls. Laura Lee Shawhan said she wants a “live band all the time.” An art exhibit is de sired in the Student Center by Wesley Stewart. Most of the girls want a larger book store than is run by Phi Theta Kap pa — best sellers are a must. Pool tables were desired by the boys, but many girls turned the “thumbs down” sign. Linda Nichols asked for new curtains; and several asked for the center to be open all day, with someone selling during mail time. The present library is being considered for the Student Cen« ter. All the students agreed that the new center is “a grand idea.” Tournament Held On Feb. 23 The Western Carolinas Col lege Conference Basketball Tournament will be held at East Rutherford High School Gymnasium at Forest City, N. C., on February 23, 24 and 25. Gardner - Webb has won in the regular season champion ship for the second consecutive year. Last year the Tornadoes upset Gardner - Webb in an overtime period in the tourna ment finals. great possibilities of recreation al facilities which will be creat ed by the construction of the '■eservoirs. The construction of the lakes and generating stations are ex pected to be completed by May of 1970.