DAYTONA beach- The Clarion HERE WE COME! yiltiaie XXXIV BREVARD COLLEGE, BREVARD, N. C., MARCH 24, 1967 Number 20 ]\I, S. M. To Observe Tenebrae Speech Class Presents Chapel Mr Alan Wallace’s Speech eiass'presented the Cha^l ser- .jje Wednesday, March 22. The Seme was the Reformation- rour Findings. ^ The Invocation, given by Wan da James, was followed by the Scripture from the twelfth chapter of Romans by Bryan Doyle. The prayer was given by Jeannie Crenshaw. The Four Findings were pre sented by Paul Allen, Wayne Sink, Linda Nichols, and Anne Hamerschlag. An individual’s findings and observations through a quick —Turn t» Page Two PTK Visits Mexico The local chapter of Phi The- ta Kappa met on March 21 to hear Dean Willoughby Jarrell speak on Mexico. Dean Jarrell included Mexi can music, slides, books, and an exhibit in her program. "Mexico — A Land of Con trasts” pointed out the differ ences in geography, people, mode of living, clothing, and past and present. The ancient ruins of the Mayans and Aztecs were seen as were the skyscrap ers of Mexico City. The industry and commerce were discussed. Mexico is be coming industrialized, but hand crafts are still important in the economy, Taxco, a silver town, was seen with its Christmas decorations and flowers. The exhibit included a guitar, Koney, and a picture made of kark. The color was formed from herb dyes and will remain true for centuries. A meeting was called for April 4 at 7:00 to discuss the by-laws. Alumni Earn Flying Wings I^ancine LeBoeuf, who at tended Brevard College in 1966, awarded the silver wings “ an American Airlines stew ardess. She completed her training at encan’s Stewardess College „ Worth, Texas; she is nf to flight duty out ^ New York City. During the ji training period, raniTi over 100 courses, Srofm® make-up and & ^ ‘heory of flight, to hi”®® 'vas the third Mother 1966 graduate. Lin- Turn to Page Two Lesley Johnson, Tim Bryson, and Deana Barnwell Attorney I Three B. C. Students Speaks On Income Tax Mr. Robert Gash, an attorney in Brevard, was guest speaker at the Business Club meeting March 21. Mr. Gash spoke to the club members on taxes. Included in his talk was a discussion on in come tax deductions. If a person owns some property that is sud denly damaged or destroyed, it is a legal deduction. On the other hand, if a heavy snow causes a building to collapse that is infested with termites, it is not. However, if the ter mite damage is large enough to take a risk, the case may be taken to a tax court and prob ably won. Sounds pretty compli cated, doesn’t it? A former student of Brevard College and a graduate of the University of North Carolina, he has been practicing law in Brevard for several years. Perform At Recital FRANCINE LeBOEUF On Friday, March 17, at 8 p. m., three students from the music department performed at a formal recital in Dunham Aud itorium, Those performing were Deana Barnwell, Tim Bryson, accompanied by Julie Rutledge, and Lesley Johnson, all sopho mores, Deana Barnwell played the following pieces on the piano: Sonata No, 12,, Op. 26 by Bee thoven, Preludes, Op. 28, by Chopin, and Piano Pieces for Children, Vol. II. by Bela Bar- tok. Miss Barnwell wore a pink gown of raw silk, styled with an empire waist line. After com pleting her education, Deana hopes to have a career in music education. Tim Bryson played several pieces on the tuba. They includ ed Concerto in A Minor by Antoni Vivaldi, Chaccone by Leo Sowerly, and Serenade No. 12 for Solo Tuba, by Vincent Perichetti. Tim has just recently been accepted to the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia. Lesley Johnson gave a piano recital. Her works included Etude Op. 25, No. 7 in C Sharp Minor by Chopin, Sonata Op. 14, No. 2 by Beethoven, and Dan- seuses De Delphes and Min strels, both by Claude Debus sy. After graduating from Bre vard, Lesley will attend Greens boro College to further her training in piano. The three students were brought out for curtain calls. Following the recital, an in formal reception was held in honor of the recitalists in the lounge. U, of Frisco Holds Summer Sessions The University of San Fran cisco has announced that reg istration is open for its 17th Summer Sessions Abroad in Valencia and Palma de Mallorca, Spain, and in Guadalajara, Mex- ico. All three summer programs operate as extensions of the Univirsity of San Francisco, College credit is panted di rectly by the Registrar of the University, . , The summer sessions start ,„„e 26 Officers Selected Officers for the Spanish- American Club for the 1967- 68 year were elected on March 20. Sandra Atkins will lead the club as president. Helping her will be Sharon Parker, vice- president; Tom McAuley, sec retary; Jackie Lawing, public relatio»s director; Deborah Cothran, assistant program di rector; and Ann Maiden, assis tant public relations director. Marshal Trammel, present president, announced that the next Spanish - American Club meeting will be conducted by the double slate of officers. Ancient Ritual Held A special Good Friday ser vice of Tenebrae will be held in the Methodist Church Chap el, at 7:30 March 24, conducted by Mr. Edwin Williams. The service will be adapted from an ancient ritual of the Eastern Orthodox Church and si a highly symbolic service, Tene brae is a Latin word meaning darkness which will represent the period that Jesus hung upon the cross. There is a candle burning on the center altar which repre sents the One who comes as the Light into our world of dark ness, From this Light of Christ, candles, symbolizing the seven words from the cross, will be lighted, A candle will be ex tinguished as each word is read. At the conclusion the Light of Christ will be taken from the sanctuary and the service will be in the time of Tenebrae. The lighted candle will return as a symbol of our hope for the Eas ter resurrection. The cross will be veiled in black and a crown of thorns placed upon it to symbolize Christ in the tomb. The congre gation will leave the sanctuary quietly and return Easter mom. ing when the cross will be un veiled with the resurrection. Daily Services Held, Holy Week The Kappa Chi group has sponsored a Holy Week Chapel this week. The Holy Week Chapel, an idea of Maurice Hoover, simply presented all those who were interested a place for medi tation with materials represent ing the major denominations for this, the last week of Lent. There were no planned services for the 7-8 a. m. and 5-6 p. m. times. Everything was on a vol untary basis. The success of this Holy Week Chapel will determine whether the Kappa Chi will sponsor any such services in the future. The CLARION staff wish es to extend its sympathy to Brenda Ervin on the death of her grandfather and its best wishes to Mrs. Norris, who is in the hospital.