Everything I know Volume XXXV I learned after I was thirty. X lie V-^idllDll Clemenceau BREVARD COLLEGE, BREVARD, N. C., OCTOBER 13, 1967 Number 6 revard Prepares For Best Homecoming Ever tudent Body Elects Court he student body of Brevard College met in an assembly in Dunham Auditorium October 6, to choose from previously - nominated girls for the Home coming Court. (Three sophomores and two freshmen were chosen. The ftphomores chosen are Diane Ritchie of Petersburg, Va.; Pat- Page of Gastonia, N. C.; and Shelia Wilson of Asheville, N. C. ,lThe two freshmen attendants |re Bonnie Brewbaker, from Bedford, Va., and Linda Smith, from Lenoir, N. C. [Diane Ritchie is familiar to us through her active partici pation in the S.G.A. as Social Chairman. She is also a niem- ber of the Euterpean Society, choir, and the Big Sisters. Last year she was a member of the May Court and was voted Miss Jreshman. Patti, is a cheerleader and •V.A.A. member and Big Sis- • ter. She is also a Euterp. Shelia is a veteran member of e Homecoming Court, a Eu- —Turr to Page Thre« SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1967 HOMECOMING 10:00 a. m. REGISTRATION & COFFEE HOUR Faculty Lounge, Beam Administration Building 2:00 p. m. SOCCER-Brevard vs. Tusculum College Pre-Game Music by Brevard College Brass Ensemble Halftime - Presentation of the 1967 Homecoming Queen 2:30 p. m. CROSS COUNTRY-Brevard vs. Win gate College, Lees-McRae College, Asheville-Biltmore College, and West ern Community College 4-00 p. m. OPEN HOUSE in all dormitories and Ross Hall for all alumni and fnends of the college TEA — Jones Hall 8:00 p. m. HOMECOMING DANCE Dunham Auditorium “Made Y Mifktandi This is the weekend tha sophomores have waited for since the beginning of the school term — Homecoming ’67. This weekend all the oM grads are back to renew friend ships and to note the overall progress of their alma mater. Homecoming ’67 is, according to Brevard students, the best ever. Careful thoughts and in tricate plans were laid over a month ago to make this Home coming a really special event. Decoration plans for Jones, Beam, Green and Taylor dorms were kept secretive until the unveiling today. Each dorm has worked extra hard in pursuing its Homecoming theme so that it might win the annual deco ration prize of $50. Besides decorating, the dorms have other plans for the week end. Lena Sue Beam Hall is starting the weekend off with refreshments, consisting of hot chocolate and cookies, which will be served after the bon fire tonight at 9:30. Taylor Hall will serve re freshments at their open house Saturday, and Jones Hall is hav ing a tea. . All dorms will participate in Open House being held Satur day from four until six. Highlighting the weekend will be the Homecoming Dance —Turn to Page Three "^ctfed above is a scene typical w.'pjL" anStTrgotS tt‘thTm1u„ta”ns"'L?n“afd one can label such a view typical. The b«auti j Bre- College — will endure, ting is a major factor in most students’ decision ^ attena^ vard College. Many classes will graduate from BC be I