Only 14 More Studyiing Volume XXXV The Clarion BREVARD COLLEGE, BREVARD, N. C., DECEMBER 1, 1967 Days Till Exams! Number 13 BREVARD IS ELECTED TO NASM y I' r, ^ iiiliiiiili Amer.-Europ. Program Offers Jobs Overseas Choice Made In Chicago “OH GEORGE!” Ann Sessions seems to be exclaiming during action in The Barn on Thanksgiving night. George Patterson refused to budge, however, as hundreds of students looked on. Perreault Is Speaker At B.S.U. Meeting The Baptist Student Union lield its regular meeting No vember 20, in Room 101 of the Classroom building. President Jo Ann Pace called the meeting to order. Alice Kissiah, Secre tary ■ Treasurer, made several suggestions for a money raising project for LISTEN, the col lege - sponsored program for summer mission work. After much discussion, a decision was made to hold a “Miss Universe Contest” with all male contest- ffits January 20, 1968, immed iately following the Wingate Mil game. Guest speaker for the eve ning was Mr. Quentin Perreault, Western Division Director of he B.S.U. for the state of North Carolina. Being well ^ersed and widely traveled, Mr. erreault led an interesting iscussion on “The Christian’s lew of Capitalism in contrast «h that of Ayn Ryan,” who is amous economist and sociolo gist. Other officers include dent^^^ Lothery - Vice Presi- Jenell Strickland - Program ^flairiman June Garren - Social - Action —Turn to Page Foui Drama Club’s “Barn” Makes Its Big Debut Last Thursday night, Brevard College witnessed the dedica tion of a new and unique type of theater. The barn, previous ly used by the music depart ment, has undergone first stages of renovation to be henceforth used by the college dramatics department. Beginning at 8:00 Thanksgiv ing evening, open house, or “open bam” if you like, was held. Refreshments and music were followed by a skit, a one- act play, and more skits. The two former were written by members of the Masquers^ The first skit consisted of a series of comical interviews. “What would you do if you had eight days left to live?” This was followed by the play, which starred Bob Yarns in the part of Jim Alden, a gardener. The purpose of this play was the understanding of different types of people, different per sonality types. Skits by individual campus organizations followed to close the evening. When asked what she thought about the opening of the barn, Miss Taylor re plied, “Whoopee Poo!” The American - European Student Service is now solicit ing students to fill the limitless job capacities offered in Ger many, Standinavia, England, Austria, Switzerland,'France, It aly and Spain. The jobs consist of forestry work, child care work (females only), farm work, hotel work (limited number available), construction work, and other jobs requiiring spec ialized training. For several years, students have made their way across the Atlantic to ex plore the lives of the Euro pean people. The success of this project has sparked much enthusiasm and support both in the United States and Europe. The purpose of this program is to afford the student an op portunity to learn of the people and customs of Europe first hand. In return for the work, room, board, and wages will be rceived. However, students should keep in mind that they will be working on the Euro pean economy, and wages will naturally be scaled according ly. The working conditions will be strictly controlled by the labor ministries of the coun tries involved. The employers are especially interested in the American student and are well-informed of the intention of the program. Further information and ap plication forms may be obtain ed from American - European Student Service, Box 34733, FL 9490, Vaduz, Liechtenstein (Eu rope). In Memoriam Mrs. Carl Trowbridge, wife of the late Mr. Carl Trow- (bridge, died Monday, Novem ber 27. Mr. Trowbridge, was the President of Brevard In stitute, later became President of Weaver College. When Wea ver and Rutherford merged, Mr. Trowbridge became the 1st V. P. of Brevard College, and was also head of the science de partment until his retirement. Since retirement, Mr. and Mrs. Trowbridge lived at the Methodist Home, Charlotte, N. C. Thank You, Mrs. Cox On Thanksgiving evenmg the cafeteria under the direction of Mrs Cox, provided a most delicious buffet dinner for the students who were unable to go home for the holidays. Attractive tablecloths, center pieces and candlelight added an extra glow of “home for everyone. Under the direction of the Christian Council, various re ligious groups helped the cafe teria personnel with arranging Turn to Page Four The Brevard College Depart ment of Music has been elect ed to Associate Membership in the National Association of Schools of Music. The announce ment came Novemiber 24 at the annual meeting of the National Association of Schools of Music an Chicago. Mr. Nelson Adams, chairman of the Division of Fine Arts at Brevard College, accepted the membership. Membership of the Associa tion includes over 300 institu tions of higher learning in the United States, but Brevard be comes one of only a few junior colleges with membership. The NASM is designed by the National Commission on Ac crediting as the responsible agency for the accreditation of all music degree curricula with specialization in the fields of applied music, music theory, 'composijtion,, imusijc therapy, musicology, and music as a major in liberal arts programs. Its deliberations will play an important part in music educa tion trends in their country. The “Clarion” would like to express its congratulations to Mr. Adams and the entire mu sic staff for their efforts in the past several years in attaining accrediltation. The ‘'Clarion” feels that Brevard College has the finest music department anywhere; and, without a doubt, the finest instructors obtain able in the field of music. Potts Exped. To Leave On Dec. 15 Nancy Will Ride In Parade Sat. How many BC students would like to visit the Bal^amas? Well, a handful of ambitious young “sdentists” are going to do just that. Mrs. Doris Potts, biology and zoology instructor, has an nounced several details of the marine ecology course to be conducted in the Bahamas. The class will leave Brevard December 15, for West Palm Beach. Florida. They will then take a flight to Marsh Harbor, where a seaplane will whisk the group off to Hopetown, in the ! Bahamas. There they will re main until January 6. Mail should be addressed to Brevard College Marine Ecolo gy, in care of Perc.v Gates (Hopetown Agency, Ltd.), Hope- ' town, Abaco, Bahamas. Miss Nancy Brockwell, sop homore at B. C. and the reign ing Miss Brevard, wDl be fea tured in the annual Brevard Christmas Parade. The parade will be staged Saturday after noon at 3:30 on the principal streets of the city of Brevard. The Brevard Chamber of Com merce and the Jaycees are in charge of the event. For the merchants, the parade ushers in the holiday season. The Administration, Staff, Faculty, and Student Body ex tend Birthday wishes to Mr. Cary C. Boshamer who cele brates this anniversary today.