THE CLARION THE VOICE Of BREVARD COLLEGE STUDENTS Number 3 Election Results Announced ^ ^ Homecoming Is Topic Homecoiniing, set for Ootaber 12 niuicih attention at ^ weekly SGA meeiting_ con ducted Wedinesday efveni^ng. A suflgestion was made thait dorm residents coUecit names from ^ dorm for fflie various Homecoming oomimititees. Semi- formal aittire was deicided to be the appropriate dress for the Homecomiiiig Dance. The SGA took a definite stand in regard to the shorts rule. SGA is not totally op posed to the stated rule, just the clause that states that the wearing of shorts on main campus during the day time. ‘IBeanies” for ithe freshmen will be worn 2 weeks before Homeconi™S- Instead of the profit going to the Homeicom- ting Dancie,, Ithe SGA prio3©eit, the money miade will go to the freshman class as a money mak ing project. (Rules for the weairing of Beanies Will be released when ffliey are comipleted. Drinking was discussed itihrou‘glhout the SGA. It is the student leader’s nesponsdibility to make it clear to oither stud ent that they can be given a referral it seen drinking. How- iever, ?t is no longer au-tomaitic that a person will be suspended, just referred to the JudiciaJ iBoard and decided by itheir peers as to the type of punish- menit. Dean Burguess received an itivitaMon from the Asisociation of Women students ait Pfeiffer CoUege to attend an address aind discussion on “Women in Politics” on Saturday, October 5. The cost will be ^.00. Jackie Collins Was appointed chairman of Save-a-CMd, by SGA. A set time for all faculty- student committees was sug gested for Tuesday’s lat 6:30 p. m. Hallie Salisbury was adided to the athle'tic comanittee. Candidates who were run ning for class officers were in troduced to the SGA and wel comed to the meeting. p6IP % POSTERS — Have envaded the Brevard College campus as support ers of candidates have taken part in the campaign. (Clarion photo by Copes Van Hasselt.) Dr. Robert Baker To Present Tenth Anniversary Recital Dr. Robert Baker, Dean of the School of Sacred Music of New York’s Union Theological Seminary, w-ill be in Brevard on Sunday, October 13, to present -the tenth anniversary recital on ithe beautiful Schantz organ in the sanictuary of the Brevard United Methodist Church. Dr. Baker, a distinguished concert organist, has been Min ister of Music to three of New York City’s great congregations, Brooklyn’s First Presbyterian Church, the Fifth Avenue Pres byterian Church, and the fam ed Temple Emanu-tEl. The purchase of this organ was made possible by the gen erous initial gift of Miss Beu- Mr. Godey Joins Staff Mr. Louis Godey, new bioilogy instructor at Brevard Coliege, received his B.S. and M.S.T. frorai the University of Florida. Mr. Gode|f taught three years at Polk Junior CoHege where he organized and sponsored the junior college sculba club ® the United States. Mr. Godey’s wife is a student &t AshevOl* - Biltmore College in AshevMe. The coupie has two children, a daughter Becky and a son In speaking of Brevard, Mr. ^ey stated: "Km is ithe best teaching situation I have known for *®mfcane interested in under- lah Zachary of Chicago and Brevard. It was her wish, at the time the church was built in 1958, that the organ be placed in the sanctuary as a gift ito the church, college, and community. On Novemiber 10, 1959, Dr. Baker presented the dedicatory recital. When iMiss Zachary, a tele vision producer, was killed in an airplane crash in 1969, the organ fund reached its initial goal through provisions in cluded in her will. After her death. Miss Zachary’s family re quested that the church set up a permanent fund for the or gan. This fund, the Beulah Zachary Organ Fund, was es tablished and is being used to present recitals and other worthwhile musical programs for the church, college, and community. The organ is functional in design, enabling the sound of the pipes to speak directly into ithe sanctuary, thereby making the entire room the reverbera tion chamber. The selection of voices for this origan endeavor to make it possible for the or ganist to play music from aU periods of organ literature. The October recital will be Dr. Baker’s third appearance in Brevard, and everyone is urged to hear this outstanding organist. Attention Lit. Students The motion picture, “Beck- et”, starring Richard Bur ton and Peter O’toole, wiU be presented by NBC and Channel 4 of Greenville, S. C. tonight at 9:00 P. M. “Becket” is the story of Saint Thomas a Becket, the arch bishop of Canterbury who opposed King Henry II and was murdered for his belief that church belief should come before political belief. gradjiiates. I feel thiat it is also one of the best instotuttons for an undergraduate desiring a istimulating quality of educa tion.” Hie Clarion woiuld like to of fer its apology to Codey for the omission of his iniame in last week’s articlfe ooncemMig the new faculty. Committees Needed For Homecoming Dance Committees have been set up for the planning and operations of the 1968 Brevard College Home coming weekend and dance which wilf be held Oct. 12. Jaokie Tyler and Dave Wendelin, social chair men of the SGA, stressed the fact that full co-opera tion on the part of the student body would be need ed for a successful Homecoming. The chairmen said that the students could best help the effort by working on the various committees that have been S6't Up. Students are asked to sign up for one of the com mittees as soon as possible to insure the best Home coming in Brevard’s history. These committees are primarily intended for the Homecoming dance, and are as follows: decorations, refreshments, queen and court, anid clea«-up. , ^ The students are urged to select the committees they desire to work on and contact the followmg people: Phil Bauguess, Helen Wright, Dave Wen- delia and Jackie Tyler. Brevard College students flocked to the polls yesterday in what has been termed as “the 'best race for class offices in recent years.” The voting turnout wias an impressive 84%, with the Sophomore class stag ing the larger turnout. The new Freshman class of ficers are: Kenneth Dwight Eaton of Mocksviile defeating John Michael Hurst of Norfolk, Va. for the position of President. Karen Anne Nicholaides edg ing George Wilson Weaver otf Hutherfordton and Jack Law^ rence Eintefline of Fairborn, Ohio for the office of Vice- President. This was the closest race of the freshman class and went right down to the wire be fore Miss Nicholaides inched ahead. Donna Gail Mills of Green ville, S. C. swept the office of Secretary - Treasurer by defeat- ting DeWrah Jean Durham of Greenville, S. C., Dawn Starling Lewis of Camp Hill, Pa., and Linda Marie Halls of Branch- ville, New Jersey. Carol Jean Boruch was unop posed for the otffice of Student Governmenit Representaitive, Miss Boruch is from Maitland, Florida. The new Sophomore class of ficers are: Rebecca Gail Robertson of Staitesville defeating Bruce Al an Armes of Jacksonville, Fla. Daniel Eugene Galyon of Sa tellite Beaoh, Fla. was unoppos ed as Vice-Presidenlt. Donna Gail Campbell of Charlotte slightly edged Pa- itricia Lea Gordon of Asheville in capturing the Secretary- Tr-easurer position. Ronald Dean Smith of Pel- zer, S. C. won over VaWe Ann Leisher of Camp Hill, Pa. for ithe Student Government Rep- resentaitive’s seat in another very close race. T^is is the first time in eleven years that a womian has been elected to the office of Sopho more class President. The Sophomore class also produced several write-in votes. For the Presidency, “Bear Bryant” received one write-in; and Larry Taylor received one wraite-in vote. For Vice-Presi dent, Marvin Edison and Jake Wycliffe, one of BCs cusito- dians, received write-in votes. Seminar To Be Held Ptfeijffer College anmouniced recently that it will conduct a seminar entitled “Women in Politics” Oct. 5. AU area college women are invited to attend. The principal speaker will be Sen. Gerald'ine D. NaHson, a state senator of North Caroliaa. ■The meeting will begin at 9 a.m. and will terminate at 5 p. m. Lunch will be served. The co6.t for the trip will be $2. If any Brevard coeds are in terested, please contact Dean Burgess for further details.