the CLARION THE VOICE Of BREVARD COLLEGE STUDENTS Volume XXXVI BREVARD COLLEGE, BREVARD, N. C., JANUARY 31, 1969 Number 15 SGA POSITIONS JEOPARDIZED! Committee Is Acting; Needs Student Help The Committee on Social Be havior plraged bade into its work on Janiuiary 20. From the 20th on, the committee is ho-ld- ing three meetings each week for approximately a month. The chairman of the commit tee is Mr. David Holcomibe. “ALLEN SIMS” Board Chairman Receives Degree Allen H. Sims, Oiairinen of the Board of Trustees of Bre vard College, will be awarded an honorary Doctor of Humane [Letters degree at the 1969 com- meacemenit exercises at Pfeif fer College in May. Annouinoement of the honor to be bestowed uipon the Gas tonia banker was made by Dr. John 0. Gross, acting president of Pfeiffer, who described Mr. Sims as an outsitandinig, con cerned citizen wihose profes sional and community contribu tions have enriched ithe lives oif hundreds of individuals. Mr. Sims has been a member of the Board of Truistees at Brevard College for the past 25 years, serving as chairman of that bo.dy for ithe last eight yeans. During that time, the Methodist layman has been most active in securing scho larship funds and in raising money for the capital expansion drive at the two-year insititu- tion. “The leadership of Mr. Sims has been an insipiraition to all meraibers of the college com munity,” commented E. W. Har din, Jr., Chairmian of the Pres idential Council and Business Manager at Brevard College. “I know of no one who has given ®ore unseKishly of his time and resources to the program of Brevard CWlege.” RECITAL Donys Kaye Holtzclaw will •>e the featured recitalist for the first formal student re cital of this semester. Donys ^ye, pianist, will be assist- by Deborah van Sciver at tke 2nd piano for the finale election. Kathy Yokley, dar- *®*tist, will also appear on th« program accompanied by ««rtha Poole. program will be on "May, January 81, 1969 at ” M. in DunluuB Anditor- nin. 48 Students Make Honor Roll, Deans List Fourteen Brevard College students made the Dean’s List last semester, and thirty - four made the Honor Roll. Recognition on the Dean’s Lis;t is accorded students who have attained a 2.5 average (sotphomores) or a 3.5 (fresh men) for a given grading per iod. Recognition on the Honor RoU is given students for e 2.0 average (soipihomore) or a 3.0 (freshmen.) The students are as follows: Dean’s List —Pat Arrowood, BiU Blanton, Bill Broom, Mich ael Brown, Janice CJrane, Nelda Greene, Donys Kaye Holtz claw, Dannette Jacks, Larry Ledford, Robert Misenheimer, Sylvia Moniteith, Cindy Slate, Trey Tingle, and Jean Wicker. Honor Roll — Kay Asbury, Sherry Baldwin, Betty Bennett, Malinda Blythe, Phil Clonin- ger, Jacquie Collins, Susan Cross, Betty Dennis, Jenny Fortune, June Garren, George GuriiZa, Linda Halls, Keith Hol land, Connie Johnson, Linda Johnson, Linda Johnsiton, Rita King, Bobbie Kipps, Harry Lockey, Gloria Locklear, Wayne Morton, Jim Myers, Madelyn Rizk, Terry Sherrill, Elytse Sloan, Nancy Sloan, Lin da Smith, Charles Sykes, Che- rl Taylor. Diana Ting, Gretchen Tomlin, Gary Trotter, Debbie Westrick, Bob Williamson, and Sheri Woody. Nons Modern medicine is really great. We’re now knee - deep in left-over Presidents! Two weeks aigo was Pres. Nixon’s odficial inauguratioin.. His un-official inauguration oc curred on November 5, when millions of D’emoicrats swore him in - under their breath! Let’s really get tough with the Viet Cong - by sending over 10,000 college students to start riots! . The ultimate comment on tne right to dissent whs made by a cannibal chief; “Any man dis agrees with me hasn t been properly cooked.” It’s sort of frigihtening to think, anytime we all get sick of this piusb - button world, tihere’s anotJier buitton we can push. Members of the committee in clude Sally English, Mrs. Dor is Potts. Miss Gayle Anderson, Bill Rankin, Mr. Richard Wil son, Bonnie Brewbaker, and Ken Baton. The purpose of these meet ings has to do with interview ing people who are interested, concerned, and involved with the social behavior of the stud ents at the college. This in cludes students, faculty mem bers, administration officials, etc. Persons having already been interviewed include Dean Whicker, Misis Tillotson, Bill Payton, Dave Wendelin, Mr. Tauscher. Mr. nd Mrs. Bowles, Wayne iMorton, Mr. Tawney, Mike Carver, Miss Nicholson, and Sharon Rhodes. If any stud ent, teaches, or official is in terested in speaking to the committee, please get in touch with one of the committee members as soon as possible. These interviews are con ducted openly and the com mittee invites a^nyone, espwial- ly students, to come and listen and perhaps present some ideas. There will be a session to night at 5:15 with all the dorm itory directors in the Library Seminar Room. And on Thurs day, February 6, at 5:15 in the Library Seminar Room there will be interviews with Dean Burgess and Dean Roberts. Please remember: these meetings involve the student and his life at Brevard Col lege. They are important to every student. The adminis tration has no veto power ov er the recommendations thpt the eomm'ttee dec’des upon. —Turn To Page Three ★ ★ ★ SGA Constitution Is Misinterpreted The positions of four Student Government Asso ciation officers, several dormitory officers, and num erous hall proctors came to almost an abrupt end Jan" uary 22, following the first meeting of the new se mester of the SGA, the student governing body. After President Bill Payton welcomed the group back after the Christmas vacation business proceed ed as usual until near the - conclusion of the regular ly - held weekly meeting. A list of computed aver ages of all student leaders was presented by Mi^ Beatrice Burgess, Dean of Women and ex-officio member of the SGA, in support of her understand ing that President Payton, Secretary - Treasurer Te resa Lax, Social Co-Chairman Jackie Tyler, and Jones Hall President and SGA member Carol Charles did not meet the academic requirements of member ship in the SGA. Immediately, there were faces simultaneously characterized with a smile of jest and a frown of disbelief. The list of student leaders, was supported by Eston Rob erts, Dean of Students and Men, and ex-officio members, also contained th names of dorm officers and many hall proctors who failed to attain the re- quiremejit. Students of the body journeyed back to their dormitories with expressions of incredulity. The following day, clarifica tion was asked of Grady Whick er, Dean of the College, as to why the student leaders were dismissed. After much delibera tion of the matter, which was by this time bringing comments from students and faculty alike. Dean Whicker re-instated Pay ton, Miss Lax, end Miss Char les. The matter involving Miss Tyler is, at press time, sitill un der consideration by Dean Whicker and other administra tors. Several dorm officers and as the hall nroctors were also re-in stated. The entire matter evolved from what has been termed by the SGA memibers “ambi guity.” Article I., section 1, paragraph a states: “All of ficers must have a cumulative ‘C’ averaige with no more than one ‘F’ or two ‘D’s. Article I, section 2, paragraph a states: (Members of the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial De partments) “Must have at least a 2.0 cumulative average at tiie time of election and at the end of each semester and for the duration of the office.” The lat ter was interpreted by Dean Burgess and Dean Roberts as stating that one must have a ‘O’ average for the preceding semester, that requirement which was not met by Payton, Miss Lax, or Miss Charles. The same would also hold true for dorm officers and hall proctors same latter clause also —Turn To Page Three THE NEW ADDITION to Bosh- amer Gymnasium is soon to be a reality as architect Henry C. Mc Donald and E. W. Hardin, Jr., busi ness manager of Brevard College, examine plans for the $231,700 con struction. The structure will consist of a women’s gymnasium, classroom, four offices, conference room, and varsity dressing room. The contract also calls for the paving of the lot in front of Boshamer Gymnasium.

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