THE CLARION ^ ^ qjIj^YARD college students Volume XXXVII BREVARD COLLEGE, BREVARD, N. C., NOVEMBER 21, 1969 Number 12 Construction Bids Opened For New Student Center Bids for the construction of the Sims Student Center were opened at Brevard College Wed nesday and a contract will be signed pending final approval by the College Board of Trus tees. The two low bidders in the running were Bryant Construc tion Company and Buncombe Construction with bids of $489.- 000 and $489,949 respectively. Bryant Construction has built the last three buildings to be constructed on the campus. The buildings built by the firm Library Proposal Approved By Student Legislature CHURCHES ... all across the nation will bo filled this Thursday as people attend special Thanksgiving services at the church of their choice. Brevard College will close Wednesday afternoon in observance of Thanksgiving and will reopen on Monday, Dec. 1. Thanksgiving Holidays Will Start Wednesday By MARK TODD Next Wednesday is a day which many Brevard College students have been w’aiting for for a long time. Not simply for a relaxing break from the often hectic college experience, but it is for many the first chance to go home since last summer. Fond memories of home, friends, and family are begin ning to make it difficult for some students to concentrate on studying. Indeed, Thanksgiving is a time to be with friends and loved ones, a time of tradition and happiness. Next Thursday is indeed a very special day. Ev er since the day long ago when the pilgrims gave thanks for their deliverance and new found ship and closeness. The long revered customs of endless dinners, family re unions, long drives and ball games will be enacted once again on this day of Thanks giving. The customs may have been altered somewhat since those early days, but the purpose and good effects have not. The “Thanksgiving Spirit” is one that should be observed much more often during the year. For Brevard College students the holiday is one that is thoroughly appreciated al though the real purpose may not be fully remembered. It’s a sure bet that next Wednesday will be a busy day for the ma jority of the Brevard students, many of whom will spend a con- The Student Legislature ap- pioved a proposal to change the present library hours so as to afford the students a more suit able time for study. The change in the hours is concerned primarily with the weekend hours. The changes are that there will be no Saturday morning hours, but the library will open its doors at 12 o’clock noon and remain open untU four o’clock in the afternoon. This, as was pointed out by Dave Chestnut who spearhead ed the proposal, would make the library hours more suitable for study. Chesnut also made a proposal that the hours from Monday night through Thursday night be changed from the present 7-10 to a new 6:30 until 9:30. This was defeated by the mem bers of the Legislature. Lawing Appeals Dean Lawing, Dean of Stud ent Affairs, made an appeal to the Student Legislature for sup port for the members of the soc cer team. He appealed to the members to sponsor fund rais ing projects for the players who are bound for the National Championship Tournament held in Miami, Fla. during the Thanksgiving Holidays. He pointed out that the total cost for sending the team to the Na tionals would be around the $2,- 200 mark and that money to send the team had not been ap propriated in the school budget. The Legislature decided that it would sponsor several fund raising projects, one of which is a dance after the basketball game Saturday night. Janice Cartner read a report to the Legislature concerning the taking of candles from the cafeteria on Halloween and re ported that students who had taken the candles would not be prosecuted if the candles w'ere returned. Tornadoes Accept Invitation To Attend National Tourney ueiiverance ana new louna many oi wnom wiu a cun- fnends, the Indians, who aided siderable amount of money for their survival in so many ways, the trip, and a happy one as it has been a time for fellow- well. Brevard College has ac cepted an invitation to partici pate in the National Junior College Athletic Association’s national soccer championship tournament to be held in Mi ami, Florida, Nov. 25 ■ 29. The Tornadoes were invited on the strength of their champ ionship of NJCAA’s Region Ten and a 5-2 record against junior college competition. According to Chick Martin, athletic director at Brevard, particiating teams in the tour nament wiU include Canton (N. Y.) Technical Institute; Florissant Valley Community Spoon River Anthology" Drama To Be Presented Twice This Week The Brevard Masquers will Present Edgar Lee Masters’ classic “Spoon River Anth- ology” as the last porgram in we college’s third Festival of Contemporary Arts on No vember 21 and 22. The drama, under the direc tion of Mrs. Rhuemma Miller, feature a cast of five Jharacters in the adaptation of Masters’ work by Charles Aid- Wan. Via musical interludes, the audience is introduced in a cemetery to the ghosts of those who were inhabitants of Spoon River and whose secrets have gone with them to the grave. There are sixty-odd charac terizations and vignettes in this constantly interesting entertam- ment, offering a varier array of roles and impersonizations, from young lovers, preachers and teachers, to the funny chronicle of the poor mixed-up Jew who ends up in the wrong cemetery. Both the sordid and the humerous sides of life are por trayed with ballads and the free verse form of Edgar Lee Masters. The New York Post termed the production “a dra matic presentation reduced to its simplest terms . . . moving and beautiful ... an evening of astonishly stirring emo tional satisfaction.” College, St. Louis, Mo.; Lo rain County (Ohio) Communi ty College; Mitchell College, New London, Conn.; Miami Dade Junior College, the host school; and two teams yet to be named. The invitation was issued by Bob Lake, chairman of the NJCAA soccer committee. Ac cording to Lake, the tourna ment will be a single elimina tion affair, with losing teams being placed in a consolation bracket. A team must win three straight games to capture the national title. “We are pleased to have been invited to participate in the national tournament,” stated soccer coach Larry Burch, “as this is the first time that a Brevard team has finished well enough to merit such consideration. We will strive to represent Brevard College and Region Ten in a creditable manner in Miami. Thanksgiving Supper On Tuesday, November 25, there will be a buffet-style meal for Thanksgiving. The Christian Council will provide the decora tions in the cafeteria. At the height of the evening (approximately 5:15 - 5:30) Pres ident Davis will deliver a short talk. were the A. G. Myer.-! Dining Hall, the Library, and the Mc- Larty - Goodson Classroom Building. Bids were made by various local firms and were opened Wednesday afternoon in the Beam Administration Building. According to E. W. Hardin, Business Manager of the Col lege, the contract will be award ed as soon as the chairman of the Board, Mr. Allen Sims, ap proves the decision. This de cision by Mr. Sims may come as early as today. Construction on the building, which is to be located across the road from Green Dormitory, is scheduled to start within the next few weeks with the com pletion date to be the beginning of the spring semester, 1971. The building will contain more than 20.000 square feet of spaco and will be composed of two floors. Included in the fa cility will be two games rooms, several offices, the soda shop, a bookstore, a chapel, and a TV and dancing room. Furnishings for the building and other outside costs should push the cost up around the ,$540,000 mark. Business Club Holds Meeting The business students met Thursday, November 6, in the New C. B. After the new and old business had been conclud ed. Mrs. Jane Powell spoke to the members about employer- eniployee relationships. Mrs. Povell has worked for the Citizens Telephone Com pany for ten consecutive years. She takes time off from work to come to our Business Com munication class, so she was able to explain from her owr experience how valuable busi ness courses are. HONORED GUEST — Dr. Ira Paul Schwarz, a member of the music faculty £t tiie University of Southern Mis- .sissippi, was an honored guest at the November 15th vocal ensembles concert dur ing the current Festival of Contemporary Arts at Bre vard College. Dr. Schwarz is the composer of a work com missioned by the Brevard music department entitled “Abraham and Isaac.”