THE CLARION THE VOICE Of BREVARD COLLEGE CAMPUS Volume 39 Brevard College, Brevard, N. C„ March 3, 1972 Number 17 Encounter Week Reverend Stockton to discuss The Future-What Will It Hold? ELLEN SCOTT ANNE TUTTLE Sophomore recital features Scott, Smart, and Tuttle The Music Department at Brevard College announces that there will be a sophomore for mal recital on March 3rd at 8 p. m. in the Dunham Music Center Auditorium on the col lege campus. Ellen Scott, clarinetist, will be performing CLARINET CON CERTO NO. 3 by Karl Stamitz, which consists of three move ments: Allegro moderate, Ro- manze, Bondo. She is a pupil of Miss Irene Brychcin of the col lege music faculty, and will be accompanied by Suzon Franzke Camping class introduces new hobby “Ouch! I cut my finger— again!” This is only one of the re marks coming from the mem bers of the Outdoor Education Class at Brevard College. After having learned the relatively safe art of tying knots, they are presently engaged in learning to carve. Under the direction w Miss Gail Anderson and Mr. H. L. Barton, rabbits, mice, turtles, dogs, weasles, and owls are being slowly but surely created by the determined stud ents. Useful objects, as well as dec orative items can be made from wood. Skyhooks, useful for hanging light articles on, are simple to make. Salad forks and spoons are being carved by sev eral students. Jewelry and key Chains are fairly easy to carve. As the class goes on to learn Dout building fires, lashing, nd setting up tents, some of the ounded students will put ^heir knives enthusiastical- 3- Some, however, have struck aM iteresting and profit- le hobby which they will prac- many years after leav e's Brevard. at the piano. Miss Scott will be attending the University of South Carolina next fall con tinuing in the music field. She is the daughter of Mr. and-Mrs. Joel Scott of Belmont Drive, Fountain, S. C. Anne Tuttle will be perform ing on the trumpet, accompanied by Elaine Henderson at the pi ano. Anne is a pupil of M. Cousins, of the music staff, and she will be performing two se lections; TRUMPET CONCER TO by Joseph Franz Haydn, and TRUMPET CONCERTO by Jo hann Nepomuk Hummell. Ann is presently a member of the Asheville Symphony, and plans to continue her music at Mars Hill College next fall. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Tuttle of 609 W. Academy Street, Madison, N. C. The public is cordially invit ed to attend. Also featured in a formal re cital on Sunday, March 5, at 3:30 p. m., wiU be Pat Smart. Pat was scheduled to appear on February 18, but due to an un timely hand injury, her recital was postponed. This organ re cital will be presented in the sanctuary of ithe First United Methodist Church, and the pub lic is urged to attend. The days from March 6 through March 8 are going to be busy ones on the Brevard Col lege campus. Encounter Week, an annual event, is scheduled to begin then. It has formerly been known as Plyler Religious Emphasis Week and was started in 1959 by Mrs. M. T. Plyler as a memorial to her deceased husband. He served in the Western North United Metho dist Church. Encounter Week is sponsored by the Christian Council. It is financed by the Plyer Fund, but Christian Council plans and organizes it as w^ell as other meaningful programs. The principal speaken. for Encounter Week is the Rever end Thomas B. Stockton. A na tive of Winston - Salem, North Carolina, he studied at David son College, Duke University, and Cambridge Universty. He is presently the minister at Central Methodist Church in Asheville. He has presented sev eral programs on this campus and is a popular speaker. The theme for Encounter Week is “The Future—What Will it Hold?” On Monday night Rev. Stockton will speak on the subject: “The Future: World— Utopia or Oblivion.” This Con vocation will begin at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday morning at 11:00 a. m. Rev. Stockton will lecture on “The Future: Individuals— Utopia or Hell.” There vdll al so be a lecture held Wednesday morning about “The Future: The Center of the Process.” Both lectures will be held in Dunham Auditorium. Rev. Stockton will be available later for counseling and group dis cussions. Tuesday evening, March 7, at 7:30 p. m. Danny Taylor will present a program in the Student Union. It will be a Folk Music presentation. He is a professional entertain er from Freeville, New York and has an interesting life story. Formerly, he was drummer for a rock group in Hollywood that had a record contract with a major label. He was even in terested in drugs until a bust broke up the group. A friend who later became his wife show ed him a deeper meaning to life! He began studying his Bible while playing in clubs. He also make several television appearances. In addition to these other ac tivities, there will be a coffee house. Expression ’72, on Wed nesday evening at 7:00 p. m. It win be held in ithe ping pong room in the Student Union. Thad Hamilton from Mars Hill College is the featured per former. He is 21 years old and plans to graduate this May. He played the saxaphone and drums in a rock group in Virginia. Al so he was in the Touring Choir and has played the jazz piano. He sings, composes, and ar ranges. Following Expression ’72 The Lord’s Supper will be held in the lobby of the McLarty-Good- son Building. This will con clude the activities for Encount er Week. Faculty recital to be held in Dunham The Music Division of Bre vard College announces that there will be a Faculty Recital at the Dunham Music Center next Tuesday afternoon, March 7th, at 4:30 p. m. Featured will be Mrs. Carolyn Cox, Mrs. Louise Miller and Mr. Harvey H. Miller. This is the second year at Brevard College as Instructor in piano, voice, and music the ory for Mrs. Carolyn Cox. She holds degrees from Wesleyan College, the B.A. Magna cum laude from Converse College, and the B.Mus., and M Music degrees from Converse College. She had additional study at Northwestern University, Uni versity of South Carolina, and Appalachian State University. She studied voice with Vladimir Zorin and Jane Rolandi; piano with Henry Janiec, John Erick son and Virginia Gore. She is active in Spartanburg Little Theater, playing the role of Anna in “The King and I.” In 1965 she was named as Out standing Young Wcraan of America. Mrs. Cox’s prc^gram will include works by Pergolesi, Gluck, Faure, Bizet, Schubert, Bach and Carpenter. She will be accompanied by Mrs. Louise Miller. Mrs. Louise Miller, a member of the Brevard College Music faculty since 1945, is present ly emeriti, and she teaches pi ano. She did undergraduate work at Huntington College, graduate work from Columbia THOMAS B, STOCKTON MRS. LOUISE MILLER MRS. CAROLYN COX HARVEY MILLER University and Florida State. She received a diploma from Fontainbeleu, France. She was a member of the Findlay String Trio and taught at Sullins Col lege, Virginia before coming to Brevard. She will be accomp anist for both Mrs. Cox and Mr. Miller. Harvey H. Miller has been with Brevard College since 1960 as Associate Professor of Mu sic. He holds the A.B. and B.Mus. degrees; also the M.A. degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and has done'graduate study at Indiana University, and was a voice pupil of Carl Van Buskirk at Indiana University. Mr. Mil ler is also a composer and has had his compositions performed at Southeastern Composer’s Forum at the University of South Florida. He will perform works by Monteverdie, Haydn, Brahms, Wolf, Schubert, Bar ber, Vaughan and Williams. The public is cordially invited to attend.