THE CLARION THE VOICE Of BREVARD COLLEGE CAMPUS Volume 39 Brevard College, Brevard, N. C., March 10, 1972 Li l Abner Number 18 Musical comedy to be presented in mid-April On April 13, 14, and 15 our campus will be invaded—er— Visited — by all of those lov able Dogpatch people known to all through the artistic genius of A1 Capp. You win have a chance to meet in person the handsome Twelve named to National Who's Who Twelve students from Bre vard College have been nomi nated to Who’s Who Among Sudents in American Junior Colleges. This is a high honor awarded on the basis of aca demic achievement and lead ership. These students have made a positive contribution to the school and demonstrate po tential and ability above the , ordinary. They will be includ ed in a 1972 edition of the di rectory for Who’s Who Among Students in American Junior Colleges. Besides being an honor, this nominaion is also quite an as set. From now on the founda tion will provide employment recommendations for those se lected to Who’s Who. This is very helpful because it gives these students top priority in job considerations. This ap plies to full-time as well as summer work. C’hosen from among the stud ents at Brevard College for this honor are Steve Misenheimer, James (Jabo) Jacobs, Ray Rhine- hart, Susan Decken, Margaret Dees, Celia Tolar, Roger Rog ers, Linda Quinn, Joe Amiot, Ann Rogers, Marcia Husbands, and Ellen Holt. They were notified of this honor and sent m biographical information for inclusion in this year’s direc tory. Sketches shown in l^unham Music Bldg. Currently on exhibit in the Dunham Music Building are various sketches freshmen art students, works are examples of lab ^ studies in their art hero Li’l Abner Yokum* (Eddie Gash), as well as his parents, the rather domineering Pansy Yokum (Kathy Ctelbach) and the mischievous but totally lov able Pappy Yokum (Keith Mc Ginnis). You will also meet the delightfully scintillating Daisy Mae Scragg (Jane Hodge). In fact all of Dogpatch will be here: Earthquake McGoon (Brian McGuire), Moonbeam McSwine (Jayne Sams), Hair less Joe (Tom Rutledge), Mar rying’ Sam (Harvey Miller), Sen ator Jack S. Phogbound (Mike Henderson), Lonesome Polecat (Harley Smith), The Scragg Brothers (Jay Roskam, Dennis Brown, and John Williams), Available Jones (Lee Hendrick son), and all the others, too numerous to mention. In addition you wiU meet the typical Washington, D. C. bil lionaire General Bullmoose (Hal Easter) and his “Confi dential Secretary” Appassionata (Barbara Allen). And the su per-secret scientist in charge of the government’s super-secret, super-sonic laboratory, Dr. Ras mussen T. Finsdale (Steven Graves) will also be here. The entire group wiU be brought to our campus through the efforts of the Fine Arts Di vision and through the direction of Sam Cope. Plan now to meet this de lightful, lovable and intellect ually stimulating group of dig nitaries in the Dunham Audi torium on April 13, 14, and 15. Brevard College music curriculum one of the best There’s music in the air here — everything from mus ical comedy to opera to class ical, light and heavy, t,o John Philip Sousa’s m.arching tunes to moaern, experimental pieces that some call “more sound than music.” Brevard College is well- known for its music courses which have been stressed since the beginning of the two- year. United Methodist - sponsored school. The broad range and depth of music education at Brevard today is mostly attributable to Dr. Nelson Adams, chair man of the college’s division of fine arts, professor of mu sic, director of the college choir and chamber singers, teachers of harmony and pri vate organ lessons, minister of music at First United Methodist Church here which is involved in the physical facilities of the music section of the division, organist and director of the church’s three choirs, and dean of the WNC chapter of American Guild of Organists, among other activities. works on dis- ninn a variety of t:ech- ^ques and practices. Some are Wncil sketches while others shn«, sketches funHo practice in the basic ing of shading, catch- tinum^^• quicklyi, con- Sdv n/'?" drawings, and the ®wiy of basic forms. ®^tches should be of throimi! ough the music buDding. Working with Adams in the private instruction area and with the three vocal ensembles and band are a number of oth er talented instructors. M. Thomas Cousins of Char lotte, former conductor of the N. C. Symphony Orches tra and a well - known com poser, teaches part time in brass; and, a part time in structor in strings and full time public relations impesa- rio is John Eversman, who founded the Brevard High School Band and was its di rector until his retirement in 1971. Other instructors are Irene Brychcin, in charge of the in strumental program this year while Joan Moser is on leave; Georgia A. Henson, who teaches es woodwinds, piano and voice and is also on the faculty of Warren Wilson College; Jolerd Gentile, part time instructor in percussion who is a private in structor in Asheville and well- known as a clinician in percus sion throughout the South. Carolyn G. Cox teaches theory, private voice and piano, and keyboard in the electronic piano laboraory; Louise P. Miller, faculty emer itus, is part time instructor in piano; Marilyn Reiser, mu sical consultant for tjie WNC diocese of the Episcopal Church and a concert organ ist, teaches organ part time; Adelaide Hart Miller teaches local students in the prepara tory program and gives pri vate piano lessons; Martha Poole Owen teaches piano to pre-college area students and is secretary of the Fine Arts Division, Samuel L. Cope instructs in piano, theory and musical thea ter; and, Harvey H. Miller teaches voice, piano and directs the Glee Club. Also on leave this year are Virginia Tillot- son and Larry Whaitley. The music offerings range from student recitals to con certs by visiting artists, land includes tours by the various ensembles throughout the i'- Ji • "-‘-L i'lgr/t ■'4a - PRACTICE FOR LPL ABNER, which will be presented in April, has long- been underway. Graft exhibit now on dlisplay in library The James Addison Jones Li brary now has on display crafts created by various persons con- ,nected with our college. It is an exhibit of many kinds of hand crafted objects. On display are a few pottery pieces by Art Professor Tim Murray with hand puppets by his wife, Mary Murray. Hannah Southeastern states. A combi nation ensemble will sing at the Quadrennial World Con ference of the legislaltive branch of the United Metho dist Church in Atlanta in April. A musical comedy, offered every year, is also to be pre sented in April and this year will be “Li’l Abner,” under the direction of Cope; ana, March nth brings a first — a band clinic for Wesitern North Caro lina concert bands. The college is one of few er than 12 two - year institu tions in the country accredit ed by the National Associa tion of Schools of Music of which it is an associate mem ber and is eligible this year for a fuU membership. To achieve accreditation, the college began in the early-six- —Turn to Page Three Poe, wife of Art Professor Bob Poe, has macrame’ and ceramic sculpture on display. There are delightful wood carvings by Emogene Eaker, Alumni Secretary, and Ruth Martin, wife of Coach “Chick” Martin is displaying some of her decoupage works. Robert Campbell, the husband of our librarian, has a beautiful dis play of cut and polished gems. Known to all who patronize the bookstore is Roma ChUders who is displaying a small por tion of her collection of West ern Carolina Stones. A display of delicate and lovely decorat ed egg shells was created by Mabel Alderman. Dot Pace, bookkeeper in the Business Office, has contributed some decoupaged pictures. Claire Copa, secretary to the Science Division, has on display a lovely hooked rug, and Sam Cope, Professor of Music, has on display some of his macrame* wood carvings and cone crafts. Several works of various styles were contributed by Mr. and Mrs. Leon Lee including candles and macrame’. Priscilla Miller of the library staff has an embroidery work shown. The Campus Ladies Society has contributed a crazy quilt. It has been made by the com bined efforts of various mem bers of the society.