THE CLARION Volume 41 Brevard College, Brward, N. C., September 21, 1973 THE VOICE Of BREVARD COLLEGE CAMPUS Number 1 Brevard College Opens 1973-74 With Increased Enrollment Sitting: Derry Koob; Mrs. Marion Whatley; Miss Jane Wrigh; Peter Burger. Standing; Dr. Robert Davis; A. Larry Evans; John Meyer- hoff; Dr. Jlian Little; Alfred Ruer; Dean Lovely. Brevard College began the 1973-74 academic year with the arrival of over 300 fresh man Sunday, August 26 to be gin orientation. Sophomores; re turned on Tuesday, August 28 with registration h^ld on Wed nesday. August 29 at 8:00 a. m, “We are especially pleased with a substantial increase in cur enrollment for this year”, stated Brevard President, Dr. Robert A. Davis, “our fresh man class is well prepared and comes from some 20 states and several foreign countries. The prospects are bright for a very good year at Brevard College.” The College began its 39th year on the local campus with the physical plant virtually completed. For the first time in several years the sounds of a construction project underway did not greet the new student body. Most recently completed was a major renovation of the Dunham Music Building which serves the Music program for the Division of Fine Arts. nasium on Thursday night at 7:30 o’clock with President Robert A Davis giving the prin cipal address. Friday night featured a dance in Dunham Auditorium from 8:00 p. m. until 12 midnight. On Saturday a “Tube” race down the French Broad River and a tour of Cherokee Indian Reservation including atten dance to the outdoor drama “Unto These Hills”. Brevard College is owned and operated under the aus pices of the Western North Carolina Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church. Brevard College offers a quali ty education to each of its stud ents built on a sound purpose program and physical facili ties. Christian Council People who are always put ting dov.'n college clubs should have been at the first Chris- Grant Received From Charles E. Merrill Trust firm with helping promising young had been appointed for the current year and they are: Dr. Derry B. Koob, Biology; Mrs. ; firm with helpmg promismg youns jy^gj-ian Whatley, Music; Miss Merrill people through college During ^ Wright, Librarian; Pe- tiidi evci j „ c +1, his lifetime, Mr. Merrill was a Rnreer History Albert Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, than fifty jX ^yer- Dr. Davis announced that Council meeting on Sep several new faculty members Member 11. They would save seen and felt all the love that the sponsor, Mr. Ed Roy, the President, Anne Ralls, and the members of Christian Council put into the club. The main objective of the Dr. Robert A. Davis, Presi- ed the stock brokerage dent of Brevard College, an- that eventually became nounced this week a gift in Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, b;;eTactor’of‘more than fifty fjX"w’ objectWe of the the amount of $20,000 from The j ^ated. He was also one educational and research insti- Christian Council is to spread Charles E. Merrill Trust. The ^ ^oUeec and universi- Basketball ana ^'nysicai through- gift will be made a part of the ® founders o rpiiPinus institutions and Education, Dr. J«han L t- ^^t the community and Bre- Brevard College Endowment way Stores and of FAMILY ^ the’bene- tie. Chemistry; and Alfred Ruer, yard Campus. Some of the high- Fund, the income to be used CIRCLE magazine. - - - - German. Phr-ic+iar, rminpn for scholarships for students to attend Brevard College ficiaries of the Charles E. Mer- religious institutions In ^coHe^e Staff and students ^hat night at 4:45 as President particularly concerned ^^avis stated Brevard CoHege held in Boshamer Gym- scripture. Christian Sims Center Of Activity Philanthropic activities play- rill Trust which was establish ed a great part in Mr. Merrill’s ed in 1956. The Charles E. Merrill Trust life. He aided many education- erant Dr was created by the late Charles al and religious mstitutions In announcmg the grant. Dr. E. Merrill, who in 1914 found- and was particulai*, honored to receive this gift from The Charles E. Merrill Trust. Our emphasis upon academic excellence and the development of sound lead ership and character among Sims Student Union operat- sofas, and no posting on the students is very ™^ch in ing since January of 1971, ex- windows. keeping with tends to Brevard students a va- Maintained by Mr Jim Alder- the founde of this g riety of services and activities man, “Mr. A”, (business man throughout the week. The post ager) and Coach David ^amp- office and book store run on a bell (student activities a v regular basis of 8-5, Monday- er), the Student Unin Friday and 8-12, Saturday, a good information center an There is only one mail call a is always open for sugge day; however, the mail boxes or questions. are open 7-12 everyday. (Mail is usually put out between 10 and 12). The campus book store stock ed with school, s'ai^oney, art and gym supjjlli.'s, also offers a selcctiun sun'.'r Ere honoi'cfi -.iiil (u lights of the Christian Council are the Thanksgiving Banquet n November 20, the Christmas . . Banquet on December 6 and the The opening Convocation for ughting of the Christmas Tree uTirl ctiirlonts . . ? ^ Formal Thursday o’clock classes began on morning at 8:00 Brevard College will present William Windom in “THURBER” Thursday, October 4, Dunham Auditorium, ;:15 P. M. Davis reads scripture. Christian Council also sponsors the En counter Week and the Easter Sunrise Service. So, support your Christian Council because if you need a friend you will always find one in them. Always remember to SMILE cause GOD LOVES YA!!! The SUL Report Student Union Legislature, an organization which becanie s. rhccks , ,, a reason- able amounts) will i)c cashed established in , , Monday through Friday ur.til 19™. designed to be a clec»r 5 P. m. As for missing cafe- iBg house” for student ideas teria meals, the Tornado Room and opinions and to be fists, serving food and drink encial m between the hours of 8 and 11 and opinions a reality. Monday - Friday, 11 and 11 Although the success o Saturday, and 3 to 11 Sunday. S.UL.. has been limbed, ns The upstairs lounge and game efforts, in the past ^av rooms run the same hours as the foundation for a ju the Tornado Room and provide within the system in e ping - pong and pool tables, ture. board games, television and Student leaders are optimisuc study areas. that long-term goals will The Student Union was creat- achieved with the help o op ed for the student’s conven- minded concern fjom f . , lence; and should therefore, be ents. faculty and administra treated with respect. Certain tion alike. . , ^ guidelines set up are: no food Much of this hope^s pl^ the lounges, no feet on the ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ m ^ A' Opening Day for Freshmen began with the awesome task of moving in.